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Everything posted by Alewx

  1. Interstellar Extended in an career game, wow that is even more impressive. How do you hit the KSC without trajectories? My landings are just somewhere on Kerbin. Number 2 Because procedural parts are created at runtime without any model file behind them. I might have an idea for the fuel/modelswitched parts but a flu is currently breaking my efforts.
  2. Great to see you back and an awesome trailer for the mod I miss your station parts.
  3. The same way as I do it. But welding welded parts should be possible, girka2k made an extra CoM fix for such cases some time ago.
  4. That should already be possible but it will create a chain of dependencies within the welded parts. The way this works is that it is something within the unity prefab so that it is really evil hardcore to work something for this out. Yes weldments with a lot of attachpoints are a problem but a setting for removing every node should be possible, I will note that. A slider for selective nodes, well have no idea currently how to make such a thing happen.
  5. @K.yeon your parts are of high quality, waiting this little extra time is worth it.
  6. So far with the changes of 1.0 Ubiowelding will not work. We already made the first steps towards a running Version.
  7. Hi, is the app down? Google Play does no longer seem to list it.
  8. Thanks for the log and info, I will look at it, when my broken GPU is replaced.
  9. A log please, then I can tell you my idea, otherwise it is blind guessing.
  10. Hmm ok nice that you found the problem. The patch should more be to check for the same type at installed module and module that shall get merged. Ah that will take time. Argh I see work coming towards me.
  11. Looks like it is somehow connected to the BBModule, which mod does contain that?
  12. Could you please enable the advanced debug for the welding and then post us a log of it.
  13. What nothingSpecial says sounds reasonable, but I will take a look at it, just to be sure. Welding docking ports is not gamebreaking but can cause problems, I never include them into my weldments.
  14. Cool Creations, WuphonsReach has pointed out the risky things.
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