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Everything posted by Alewx

  1. Ok just the way it has to be to work properly Really nice Base and Station, included some cool partmods close to 32bit limitations?
  2. Hi Larkvi, thanks for sharing your crafts, looks intressting. Are the IR parts also welded?
  3. it should, but some parts will not be available in career or science mode, due to changed tech nodes in the game.
  4. Ubioweldingtool is currently not compatible with the current gameversion 0.9, but we are working on an update. Edit: added link.
  5. But that does make the coding easier or any faster.
  6. I just started once with x64 and that was for seeing that the unity version is not properly able to handle non native resolutions with SLI sourrund systems in fullscreen. But I'm really curious about your reports with some heavy modded games in x64.
  7. The Link for the 24.x version is quite easy, but I believe that is the version you are already using. If you are willing to try, you can make a Github fork and see what you can do.
  8. Well ok, that is a true point compared to the size they are really thin, there is space for additional wings. I would love to see Porkjet fix the existing wings, where the wings with the sharpest angle are even thinner, which looks strange.
  9. I made a ship with 73 Ion Engines from Stock Expansion, but it had only 0.3 TWR, but the deltaV was awesome. If just the performance with 1000+ parts would not be so bad
  10. Maybe I can make an proper welding option for wings into a future version of welding, but the way King Arthur made them it looks pretty cool and not really tiny. Otherwise B9 offers some nice wings, but for stock, well maybe if you really really nice ask porkjet. he might maybe add some more wings. My problem is more the jet engines, none of them has really enough power for lifing these parts, without looking ridicules currently, but I have to admit, that I'm a bit catched with the stuttle style when I build my planes.
  11. I have more the problem that the two angular wings have problems to attach the controlsurfaces correct. But too small I would not say, but the parts are indeed pretty heavy.
  12. Awesome:) I think these parts are even better than the mk3, as you are able to lift them into the air.
  13. Awesome, and good to see you again, haven't been around for quite some time.
  14. Yep Girka2k is totally right. 0.24.x is no longer supported, and supporting 0.25 and 0.9 looks fairly unrealistic. I already begun changes for a working 0.9 version but there are things changed, that leave big gabs behind.
  15. Thanks Snjo for investing so much time for all this. It is really a helper for building great stuff.
  16. Beta than ever, is currently not able to run properly in fullscreen on a SLI system where the sourund option is enabled, but I know that it is more a problem of unity than of KSP. To make it clear, no mods, 32bit and 64bit in dx9 and dx11.
  17. Yeah the mousewheel scrolling is somthing that is so utterly missing in the stock partlist, please don't give the mod up. Also sorting the parts is much nicer and more customizable than the stock version.
  18. Dump question before I install it again as it is one of my default mods for the game; is the spinning at reentry still in? And my respect for updating the mod just one day after the release, some nice work.
  19. Does this mean you are playing 0.24.2? Is there a particular reason, why you are playing the old version? We changed, fixed and improved a lot of stuff in the 0.25 build. It might be that the problem is already solved but in another version. Now as 0.9 is out we will begin to get the tool ready for that version.
  20. What the hell, how many parts does it have? what is your fps?
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