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Everything posted by Alewx

  1. That is true, watching your videos is really fun.
  2. The debugmenu offers/offered an option to reload the database, but as you use mods that is not really an option it would break a lot of stuff. That looks like B9 parts, right? They were made in 024.2 and rescaling changed in 0.25 that is something the weldingtool in the current version is not able to handle correctly. I'm sorry to say that for a fix of that you will have to wait for update of B9 and/or Weldingtool. You could try to correct it manually in the part.cfg but that will not be a nice job.
  3. Only partially, Editor Extension with "unlimited" symmetry is not going to happen, only more partorganisation and unified editorscenes, but that will not mean that the SPH gets removed, only that the internal mechanic now uses only one scene instead of two different. but better editor gizmos will be a real present, the current ones can drive me crazy sometimes.
  4. I know how you feel. But we get new biomes, so some more planets should also be possible for 0.27
  5. Depends on the resolution of the textures. If he uses some super high res 2048*2048 that will be extremely costly, but I don't know what it currently is in his revamp.
  6. Argh I see 32bit reaching its limits But that would be really really nice looking parts.
  7. That is really nice, but keep track that you don't get a burnout, that would be a real loss.
  8. That makes it indeed quite difficult, but with SP+ they had to make a kind of firespitter plugin otherwise the cargobays would not work.
  9. Maybe not one of Astronomers packs but the mod that is essential for it, EVE?
  10. Well one way that is an honor for the mod creators, on the other side it is cheaper than creating it all from scratch. So it has not really something to do with laziness.
  11. My personal hope would be something like Remotetech, but somehow I doubt that it would be something that would increase the games difficulty.
  12. Do we have a relative popular mod where the mod creator didn't say much in last time, say last two months? Where did that happen? EDIT: ah read every post and saw it.
  13. I use it because for me it feels like the most advanced tool that is around here. 64bit is not really an option to windows users with the current build so that is why I don't use that, but before I even used your tool with 64bit because it is a performance saver. ATM is something that should by my mind be part of the stock game, like MM to be really modding friendly by default. LoD brings high res textures only to the parts that are important and keep the others small and that through out the whole game, it works perfectly, to me it really is a piece of art.
  14. If there could be more tests from different ppl with different hardware gathered, it would be nice, because with that it sounds like the instability is caused by the renderer.
  15. Does that mean the "custom assetloader" squad gave to the community is indeed a way for the extra clever guys to improve the game?
  16. @Lego_8bit: Please notice that welding engines can create massive bugs currently. And the way your current part looks I would suggest that you reduce at first the duplicate modules. And the amount of thrust you get from the engine will be depending on these values: minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 1 ... atmosphereCurve { key = 0 360 key = 1 320 } Unless Girka2k is back online earlier than me, I will take a look at your part, as soon as I get back from office. EDIT: just like I already wrote, you would have to increase the atmosphereCurve to make it more efficient and you need to increase the maxThrust to give it more power. Remember that If you use FAR it will scale down the jetengines thrust. Also the FX effect will possibly be broken as it is trying to find a dedicated transform in the object, but the welded part will have it multiple times.
  17. NOOOOO KlockheedMartian is one of the best, coolest mods out there.
  18. Your work is of great quality, and we will notice the animation.
  19. It is really sad that it got so far, but your work is still great and really a must for me. Wish you all the best for the next time.
  20. I would love if it would be a decoupler with ejection force with animation that can be used for staging.
  21. It looks so incredible simple like someone just overlooked it.
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