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Everything posted by Alewx

  1. Yeah, give us windows users just more headaches... I'm using x86 version and so far no problems.
  2. Hmm the grabbing hook is quite my taste and I think it fits well with the other remodel parts. But the quad leg, hmm well, Do you remember the landinglegs of the USS Voyager from Star Trek? I always imagined that they were far too small and short for their purpose as the ship was sooooo heavy. The quadlegs somehow remind me of that, maybe if they get like a second pair to toes on the end of the first, so it becomes more of a grabber? Only my 2 cents.
  3. Wow almost 100 pages, there must be knowledge. Does maybe anyone know if/how it is possible to get the current scaling of an active Part as a vector3 or float? The transform.localScale is giving me just [1,1,1].
  4. Nice nice, I like it. Feels more fitting than the quad legs/grabbers you showed. BTW, any plans on remodeling the station core parts? I use them and think they sould be included in the regular pack.
  5. Awesome, I meet bug #1 but thought it was related to the simulation time.
  6. Ok, I will try that. Does that really make such a big difference? System.IO.path.combine is quite essential. EDIT: changed the .net Framework from 4.5 to 3.5 and now it works. I was using an override that was not part of 3.5 so he could not find it. Thanks The_Duck
  7. I know it has been asked before but why the hell is System.IO.Path.Combine giving me problems with a MissingMethodException. I have the using directive set correct, and as it was said on page 26 it is nolonger a forbidden namespace. Debug.LogError(string.Format("{0}| system.io.combine configfile = {1}", Constants.logPrefix, System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), Constants.settingFilePath, Constants.settingFileName))); Gives me always the Report "MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'System.IO.Path.Combine'." How can that be? what do I miss?
  8. Right, the symetrymode, I almost forgot that. Thanks for the info.
  9. I didn't notice this bug at all, sounds more like a savefile from the VAB was moved into the folder of the SPH. Unless you edit the savefile of the craft, it will revert to the origin scene where the save was created.
  10. For me (IE11) it is broken, only the first picture, then only white. Also after pic 7 in the explain link, nothing is not working for me.
  11. Hmm strange, I use, the same mods, except the new B9 which crashes my memory Normally I have a similar result with some rockets, but that is related to FAR and a TWR of more than 3, so they just go booom. but that was nothing bond to the welded parts. You could try for testing purpose to increase the breakingForce and breakingTorque to some ridiculess high amounts, and test if that changes the result with the same rockets.
  12. Hey, what is going on? I didn't jugde anyone, or anything. all I did was noticing that it this is what is sounds like to me from what you said. I just swtiched over to KSPI Lite this weekend as the singlepart was not possible with the old KSPI. Acutually I do not play that much as there is not so much time for it. So NO I DID NOT SAY that I do not enjoy it. I can tell what my opinion is on that after i played it, but that will take time. But it is my generall opinion that removing complexity and upgrades is reduction of gameplay, and mid/long time goals for a player. In my last saves I was so busy with the small things of KSPI in the early techs, that I didn't even reached the further ones. I just was busy playing and enjoying it, and that is the nice thing about KSPI it keeps you busy, but I don't know how that is in KSPIL as I didn't play it. So I'm not judging it, it is just my opinion on the things that were said. Also still I think that single part reactor-generator combo will be a great thing, the later it is in the game the more the ppl will run into the same performance problems that we all do, and than it might be a small helper. If you don't like it, that is totally ok, because Lite is your version of it, and everything is in your hands, I won't argue about that because I'm fine with that. It is still just nothing more than a suggestion from me for you. I'm really thankful for you repository as it includes the complete project with the csproj files that FractalUKs is lacking, and I'm highly respectful for the work you did already with KSPIL. I'm not working against anyone.
  13. Sounds like a whole lot of gameplay was removed, hmm maybe I should keep my singleprat upgrade for me.
  14. So far I had no problems with 2.3.4 but I have about 1000 patches it applies to the game, so I'm not sure that I noticed an performance increase. In 2.2.2 I had some trouble with deleting nodes, that is something I'm going to test in the evening.
  15. Well lag is still common even with this single part beast but it is a lot better. As you get close to it in the 2,5km range or the physic simulation than you will get one massive lag like the system is frozen. After that you get smoother fps than with the 160 parts it would be without welding.
  16. Download from BitBucket was fine, and instantly crashed my game for memory reason , I think i'm going to create a seperate game repository with only B9. Awesome work, thank you guys, I love it.
  17. Sure no problem I prepare a pm for you. With the welded part and the source part that is having trouble. But really you have saved me already soooo much time with this improvement.
  18. I can't believe it, it is here, B9 is back in complete, this is so mindblowing! Already downloading.
  19. Well that is what testing is for. We can test the changes I commited and see if it might have any sideeffects in regular playing. you could create a development Version just for testing purpose, and gather reactions from other Players. If there are sideeffects bugs or any Kind of Problem that is caused by it, it can simply be reversed or changed. The regular player shouldn't even notice the changes I made as they should use the mod like before but ppl that do more crazy stuff with the game, can benefit from it. Well this is just the way I think game development should go, and a little bit we work that way in the company where I'm employeed. But really it is completly up to you, and that is why it is a pull request not a push request;)
  20. Wait let me show you what I did and why I made the codechange in Interstellar. That is why I have 16 generators on 8 reactors. and in private, it just Looks cooler This is all in one single part, as I want to use it as a reactor core for a really big ship.
  21. Ok quick Report from my first welding test with various parts from different mods. Parts from MagicSmokeIndustries or InfernalRobotics get scaled with the Default value, but that is better than any strange number and might be related to their tweakscale. Some parts from NearFutureConstruction get a wrong scaling, but I could right now not tell where the origin of the new scale in the welded part Comes from. The whole welding process is vastly faster than before, but I don't know if that is caused by MM or your improvements, aside of that, it is Close to perfection. You did really great work on that. PS: I welded some parts that were already welded they get completly obstructed in scale and rotation, but that is only something aside. Edit: Ok a little more info about the Near Future Construction parts that have strange results. The original parts have the mesh as a model integrated like a module, and there the scaling is 2, while the part rescalefactor is 1. After welding the part has a scale of 2.5f which is something I can not unterstand.
  22. I'm still preparing modules for my megaship. The heatshield contains about 1600 parts; Tankmodule is about 35 parts; Communication/Habitation module is about 40-120 parts depends on which one Ii want. Reactor module is about 60 parts. Missing are science module and landing pods.
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