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Everything posted by Alewx

  1. // giving every part that contains a commandmodule the engenieer Redux @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[FlightEngineerModule]]:NEEDS[KerbalEngineer]:Final { MODULE { name = FlightEngineerModule } } that is what i currently have in my myMod.cfg It works with MM 2.2.0 and is for the Kerbal Engineer Also I didn't know the new one works without parts in the VAB, that is nice.
  2. You can make it partless with a custom MM file. I have one that I could share, if Cybutek has nothing against it.
  3. Nice, but how does the parts behave in tight manuevers? I tend to rip of the wings of my constructions, even with struts.
  4. Man you also need some weekend, not just updaing the mod. The sperry ball was from the models reworks, or are you working on a seperate project?
  5. OK forget about my complain that the icons in the toolbar would not show up, I just reinstalled PartCatalog and wonder now it works. I believe I didn't had the RC5 before.
  6. Although we didn't had the best start, the new engineer version is really nice, I like the ability to configure the windows to my needs.
  7. Nice wheels, so plane like, looks good and realistic. Have you any idea for the problem of the height differences when mounting them under the planes?
  8. I take a coke The Toolbar seems to work somehow even if not updated, so yeah patience is everything.
  9. @Porkjet: Will you stay exclusively with mk2 parts?
  10. @e-dog: From the 0.24.1 changelog, isn't that exactly what would be needed for procedural costs?
  11. OMG just realized that the new 5m engine is having somekind of delay module. If I cut the engine with key "X" it just slows down slowly, Kickasstyle, Winston you cheaters
  12. That sounds good because I have it with the exact same mods, that makes it a systematic bug. Faark are you still there, please donn't abandon us, you do so awesome work.
  13. His work, his life, and his function as Forum mod won't make that easy. But it is such a cool tool, might be I'm a little bit depending on it
  14. Thanks I will download them this evening. BTW did someone already use Fuztek parts in 0.24?
  15. Thanks for the update, its awesome. Is there a chance you update the op? with these links, so in the discussion they are a little bit hidden.
  16. I just did the same. But te decouplers worked fine from the first moment i installed this fix. Just again Sarbian the ulimate mod writer.
  17. Yeah I noticed that the new parts are made more in a complete design line. Just a little bit Apollo style? Not so Attention driven, hmm ok, but currently they are just a ring, to me they lack a bit of shape or optical mass, but the do indeed fit into the style. But that is just me, you made it andyou like it, that Counts
  18. Awesome 5m parts, they make life really a lot easier Is the 5m Radial SAS design still open for changes? It looks a bit boring compared to the 2m and 3m version.
  19. Well with all the stuff you spread here and the tone you do it; let me ask you what great development, mod or code or anything productive can you show us, just as a basis for the expectations you are having. You want to revolt, fine than do this at the unity forums they deserve it! Unity is known for bad Memory Management for a Long time, strange that you don't know that with all your expectations. If you want this debate than do it please in a seperate threat. Back on Topic: just switched to 32bit for a clean errorfree launch of a bunch of KSO parts; with a totally massive overbuild KW rocket, and worked fine. I couldn't see any problems so far in that short time. I like the internals but the shuttle is not really my taste, but the parts will find a good use Oh and it was a 3.10 launch.
  20. Hmm strange what mod did you have the black textures in 23.5?
  21. Maybe I'm colorblind but for mee the screenshot looks like pink/missing textures but not black Well if it is not related to x64, than it is Faarks most loved extermal TGA code.
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