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Everything posted by Alewx

  1. Whaaaaaaaat, you don't have the authority to tell the date? Who does?
  2. Strange, my current Network is based on commutron 32 antennas and works quite well. Also I didn't encounter any Problems like yours with relays that work with antennas and dishes. Someone from the Devteam has to answer that. EDIT: Cool what was the root of the trouble?
  3. Oh didn't know that, sounded quite different at other points in the forum. Would be really nice if you report back if this works out for you and linux as well.
  4. Did you watch for the correct ranges of the antennas and dishes? Maybe you show screenshot of the sattelite?
  5. Sorry but these 22% gamebraking rrrors, are made from just <30 users, so it might look high but for real measure by far not enough testers. Also this is more lika a hack than a real release from squad, that might change the numbers. And yes Unity and 64bit is pretty broken. But as linux user you are not having the problem with RAM and mods, you can just play, and that is how many percent of the Players?
  6. If you give me an Pre016Version with your own tweakables I would test it, even at this late time.
  7. I definitely go with you own tweakables, having a tweakable tweakable is awesome, and defining the stepIncrease in the tweakable itself is by far better than the KSPAE Version. Go for it
  8. Damn, , I just watched the ranges of the antennas and dishes and completly overlooked the "can get broken during launch" note.
  9. The only thing in multithreading that was done in unity was to block ist api from native mutlithreading. The need of MT and 64 in Unity als is there for years already, and nothing happend, I don't except them to deliver it really with 5, as they really just talk about the 64bit Editor. And for Linux it is already 64bit so noone can say that it would not support it, the normal Windows user ist just tricked. But it would be really an huge step forward for the engine.
  10. Try the omnidirectional antenna with 500km range, that is active by default, and does not get broken by FAR, like the commutron 16.
  11. Even without texture, they look extremly nice. Like a lot of steel and aluminium.
  12. Would it Event be possible to have the physics getting calculated multithreaded?
  13. I don't see that in closer future, unity 5 has no release date and 4.5 has still no Change in 64bit Support. Also unity5 is featuring a 64bit editor, that does not mean it will have support for 64bit applications in the end.
  14. My List of mods so we can compare and find components we both use to sort out possible memory leaks.
  15. Nope, I would write mine by hand or make a tiny script for getting all the different mods into a list, that should not be so dramatic. Edit: well the screenshot works the same way
  16. I think not as it sounds like Fraak wrote it do directly interact with the DX compnents to do his magic. So it's win-exclusive currently, maybe in a distant future it might be possible. But that is just me, damn win 7 user
  17. That is exactly my question. We should share Mod lists. But I doubt that there will be too much difference. With the latest Universal Storage update, now I have 1015 textures in LoD.
  18. The opening in the middle giving optimal view at the contained stuff.
  19. Might already been asked, but is there a plan to upgrade the old core modules with double doors?
  20. I avoid the database reload after welding the parts by killing the KPS process, otherwise parts might get relocked in Research and some crafts in the savegame could get lost.
  21. My average memory useage with VAB entering from fresh gamestart is 2.8GB and then going to launchpad it is 3.1GB, it only gets changed a little depending on the complexity of the craft. But as I have only half the number of textures from you, I assume that the memory is used by something else and not by textures otherwise my numbers would have to be much lower than yours.
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