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Everything posted by Alewx

  1. I have faith in the TR Team, but Interstellar, hope there will be a 0.24 version also B9, they somehow belong together for me. Both great mods, but ist just one day after release...
  2. Did anyone already test it with 0.24? Love this awesome piece of code giving me great times of big ship constructions.
  3. I would not abandon LoD as it will still be an boost to performance because of the textures loading in the VAB and SPH.
  4. Not if your plugin is able to enhance and improve the usability of the stock toolbar
  5. I really have faith in the modders, they made many awesome and impressing things for the game. Currently all the videos had rescue missions in orbits around Kerbin/Mun, so maybe the stranded kerbonauts will be in capsules when they are at destinations that are further away. What really worries me is the funds. I only get them from contracts, meaning I have to do contracts over and over again just to raise my funds, while i just want to have sattelites for communication or building a station. Upkeep costs and revenues for having installed stations/stattelites would be quite good. like selling frequencies of the sattelite communication for regular funds income.
  6. First question: what is exactly meant with [added] Support for parts with multiple docking ports (Thanks taniwha!)?
  7. Checked, and yep you are right, at moons and planets it works correct, but if pointed at other sattelites or any other kind of craft there is just nothing. And it feels somehow broken having no feedback about the connection or possible connection. But that is just my opinion.
  8. @Starstrider42: Is it wanted that the dishes only show the connection cone, if the craft is focused? I can imagine that it is something for performance to draw not everything, and to not annoy players with all the lines of the different things. If it is not intended, then I will have to sign up to gitup and create the issue.
  9. Nice thing, just added it to my list for the 0.24 update.
  10. Try KoS or Mechjeb, they can be used to have an Autopilot.
  11. We should commit a bug report in the github. Sadly, for me it is to late for a proper correct reproduction description that can be understood. Will you, otherwise I do it tomorrow?
  12. I believe yes, my third sat is on its way up, maybe after another game restart it changes again.
  13. Let me guess you got 1.2, because ******* course is in need to verify the "integrity" of the file, which can take, hours or days....
  14. Did anyone else get a strange problem that dish connections are only shown in map view when focused? just noticed it as I got my second new com sat into Kerbin orbit, and had to link them together with dishes. The main buttons in the right bottom only showed the dish connection when i focus the craft or the celestrial object that is targeted. The problem only occured as I got my second sat into orbit, with only one it was ok. I mean the connection cones that were shown in 1.3.3 for all dishes at the same time.
  15. Thanks, never mind 42 pages, was mistaken with another thread. Sorry EDIT: @dtobi: Is the heatshield from Deadly Reentry?
  16. Sorry if the question was already asked before in the 42 pages, but why is the Worldcup Mod from Squad required?
  17. I believe that some mods are having bugs in the 64bit version, specificly because it is used with ducttape, and not a "native" executable build. As I updated my RemoteTech2 yesterday I got the same crash reports from both installs, 64 & 32 bit with an Access Violation. Also in question to the poll, how many ppl realy tried the 64bit hack with a clean install and not did the same like me, just take the heavy modded game and paste the dll and exe files?
  18. Currently my 64bit game setup didn't like RT2 1.4:( aside of that it is working fine.
  19. Sorry but I disagree. The game is Alpha/Beta and Early Access. I know that and I bought it in this state. But for me having an unstable 64bit Version that crashes from time to time, and mostly based on the mods, is better than having a 32bit that is stable but only can take a single launch until it crashes or I have to restart. As there is already mentioned an 64bit beta Steam download is not so problematic, as steam supports such an alternate download. For public testing, it should be enough.
  20. I dont want it from steam, I want the freaking big Hiigara Mothership model!
  21. The collectors Edition is currently only avaiable on Amazon.com and not in other countries, that sucks.
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