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Everything posted by Alewx

  1. Heya Chris, I know it might be a bit far too early to ask, but would the new B9 version have compatibility with FAR?
  2. I asked Farram about the strange lifting behaviour and was told that it is related to the collider of the part.
  3. Hello Ferram, sorry for the misunderstanding, there is no need for you to create a config. The information you gave is all that I wanted, Thank you.
  4. Hi Ferram4, i hope you find some time to take a look at something i noticed in the current FAR version, I know you are a busy man so sorry for interrupting I really like FAR and for providing a far better drag model. But I encountered a few problems with parts of other mods, which support/not support FAR, by name they are KSOS and Space Plane Plus. KSOS does not Support FAR, but PS+ does. KSOS parts are in my opinon massivly overpowered in liftingcoef or controlsurfaces, but that can be adapted by an MM file. but as FAR is active with it, when you use the KSOS parts and some other parts as wings, it is like only the KSOS parts are generating lift. Do you have any idea on that, or is it just waiting till KSO supports FAR? With SP+ the case is different. the bicoupler creates a messed CoL if wings or winglets are attached. As soon as FAR is removed , KSOS parts behave normal and SP+ CoL with the bi-coupler is fine. I would be really thankful if you could take a look at it, because flying without FAR is, well boring.
  5. Also here I want to apologize for blaming SP+ for having a broken part. It was my fault, as I didn't test enough. Currently the lifting of wings attached to the bi-coupler works completly fine, but FAR is making something strange. So Gre8, you were right it is something in FAR.
  6. And again Helldiver, sorry for blaming your mod, but KSO also does not mess up the CoL with the rudders as wings, there is something within FAR wrong as it looks. I know KSO is not supporting FAR, but I feel that I had to make clear I didn't test enough before blaming KSO, so I'm truly sorry.
  7. It is always better to test with x86 and x64. I suffer from complete instability of x64 version with a bunch of mods, but it is a crash of the unity player, and not the fault of a mod. Currently I play only in 32bit because I can't even enter the launchpad. Maybe you can also see the same CoL problem with the bicoupler within your 32bit test.
  8. Hi Damaske, I have KSOS and SP+ and also ATM but running with 32 bit and that loads flawless. Did you try to run KSP in 32bit just to be sure?
  9. I'm using FAR, do you do the same? I removed and reattached the wings but that didn't changed the CoL and it is really just limited to the bicoupler, the mk2 tanks work fine.
  10. @Helldover, sorry for blaming KSO rudders beeing the Problem with my Lifting. but as it turned you you were right and it is just displaying the direction wrong. But I have a question quite similar. If I attach the rudders at the side like wings, what is the reason that no other lift is calculated into the gizmo? If you move these rudders attached to the plane it is like you have all the lift in the hand. I already reduced dragCoeff and deflectionLiftCoeff but nothing changed this behaviour.
  11. Sorry If it was already said in the 73 pages before. During my intention to create a KSO replica of the one that was created by sharpspoonful, I encountered a Problem. First I was blaming KSO mod for the problem but then I tested it more, and got a totally strange result. Has anyone else encountered this? What I mean is the center of lift that is out of centre, with a completly symmetrical plane.
  12. Sounds like a task for the weekend Which 3d software did you use to create the mesh?
  13. Did it have anything to do with the stuff I mentioned?
  14. Currently it is not only a display bug for me, because I made this test setup because my plane is having trouble will yaw, as it tends to yaw always in the direction that the test setup is showing.
  15. Hey there, I'm constructing a shuttle like spaceplane with parts of KSO, SPP, B9, KAX and at least some stock parts, for flying with FAR. KSO contains the most real shaped tail rudders for Shuttles, so my Intention is to use them for this purpose too, but currently I'm getting a strange drag behaviour from them. Is this known, or can I fix it myself with any MM file, or is this a problem of the rudder itself? I would really appreciate some help with this.
  16. Yes works flawless. Was testing and flying the whole weekend with this pack. Is Porkjet in the holidays?
  17. For the tech tree, my nerdy suggestion: can you get the all the nodes and their positions in the tiers, recursiv? Then add the part to the highest tech in that tier, or a random tech if there are some with the same highest tier. Just my idea, but i'm not enough into KSP code for something cleverer.
  18. I just downloaded the fresh firespitter version, and it looks like that it had changes so that the km gimbal settings are no longer tweakables in the VAB. Ok are they complete Independent of each other?
  19. The Speciel Pack contains the multiadaptron which is already in the SSE Pack and causes PartCatalog error. The Cool Rockets Packand the Asteroid Pack contains a lot of empty Folders will confuse ppl. But ignoring these, everything seems to work fine, in the first minutes.
  20. That is impressive, but what about a FAR testflight? Still stiff, and able to fly tight manuevers?
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