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Everything posted by Alewx

  1. Good to hear that Sirkut now has someone to cooperate with.
  2. Sorry for not seeing this earlier, yes that the current one. I think I might deploy an development version of 2.2.0 in the next time. Was tracking an major bug down all night long. UPDATEGive me a few more days now as 1.0.3 is released I need to compile against it an check some stuff.
  3. Not true, I made it a full release, just OP is not updated
  4. Good to know, in unity 3.6 (yeah that is quite a long time ago) and the one after that 65k vertices where the limit than the import stopped. At the same time (long ago) we learned that unity is better in handling less large textures than multiple small ones. But like before my knowledge could be massively outdated.
  5. My last stand at Unity was that it only supports meshes with up to 65k verticies. So I think you might want to reduce the engine slightly.
  6. Ugly in the way of programming it.
  7. Thanks for the info I was close to panic that my system was no getting into stress with the project. I7-2600k SLI980GTX 16GB RAM but lacking your SSD Hmm with 0.9 I had 1000parts and then got about 10fps not with 1.0.2 I'm down to almost 300 parts, but it really helped me to get to know that you had also problems with fully packed Medusa.
  8. Heya master of the cool creations Have a little question, I tried to make a medusa clone, but after I dock about 3 modules in orbit my fps are so low, that playing is almost impossible. So what pc specs do you have, that you can make medusa fly around?
  9. Well not really true, because I made a hack that was able to scale the buildings, it is just that it now takes a quite ugly way to do it. I also sent my example to him, but so far he was not online.
  10. Cool as long as you keep in touch with updates on the RL robots, it's still awesome.
  11. Dummy question; is there a formula for the acceleration and rotation speed for the counter hub to reduce torque required to keep the craft stable? I realized that I have 30 tons on the hub and that my counter hub is not able to take this with the same speed and acceleration.
  12. Quite strange, I use them with stock and had do modify them pretty badly. But they were made for a much older version of DRE so might be mismatching by now.
  13. The parts are by default configured for deadly reentry, so you need to modify them if you want to use them for stock. Also their attachnodes to not work properly.
  14. Uh, there it is the best to ask the KW guys, they made interstages, that worked around this problem. It is just that the part has a cylinder as a collider and that is massive.
  15. That looks like a problem in the ModulePaintable, again a float that is empty, guess will have to dive into it and make that safer. So it is having problems with Kerbalpaint, is that even actual? And thanks for posting all the information directly. Well that helps to understand the problem, but welding will not help there, as what you are looking for is an extended separator or decoupler, so a new part with changed measurements. A decoupler that is hollow. hmm you could try to use an interstage of KW and add the decoupler module to it. or you can edit the topnode of the 2m stack decoupler to be higher but that will look quite strange.
  16. It was in [E31: "Duna Network Arrival" / Project Odyssey / KSP 0.25]
  17. Sirkut, I know you are uite busy but did you forget this little nice package?
  18. That is depending on the module, not on unity, the animation module now is like a 1:1 definition of what to do and where; but with welded parts you have a 1:x problem, and that is in case of animation mostly module based(Game or mod)
  19. Don't know what you are talking about, the version 2.1.3 is already available, but Girka is currently not around to update the OP. But don't talk too much about the coming updates, I'm already scared of what there will be in technical way for us.
  20. I mean I still get a lot of lag because of all the lights and my pixel light count is set way up and the complexity of the models, but it runs at a healthy 28fps and isn't so time dilated that I can't do things by any means, which considering if it wasn't welded this would probably be in the region of about 500-600 parts by now is incredible! so really thank you for your work on this mod I'm able to enjoy building space stations again! Nice thing, and 36 parts is really impressive and massive reduction. Looks really nice and colorful, what partpacks did you include? So far I can see NFT and Fustek. As I understand it, welding would not help to solve your problem. What you need seems to be a decoupler with several attachnodes. You will need to take a deeper look into the Stack decoupler if you can change them so they work the way you need them. but Bob Fitch (Felbourn) had such a decoupler in one of his Project Oddysey videos. Maybe ask him.
  21. Deleting attachnodes never really worked for me. Everything else seems to work flawless.
  22. Normally these brackets are used for "nodes", for "keys" they are not really needed but I don't know if they will cause problems. But my last memory was that deletion of nodes and keys can be problematic no matter what, but don't know if that is still the case.
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