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Bit Fiddler

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Everything posted by Bit Fiddler

  1. probably FAR then. is there a way to tweak FAR to not be as sticky about this? after all modern fighter planes pull off far more demanding maneuvers than my plane was doing. EDIT: On a side note does your signature ribbon thing read your Final Frontier mod's data files ad create the signature for you automatically?
  2. Dropbox still uploading video... and yes I am using FAR. but the flight of the aircraft (in my opinion) was not out of the norm. I would not think a plane should fall apart that easily.
  3. I build this beautiful space plane. It is easily capable of SSTO, it only uses around 25% of the fuel to reach 100KM orbit. it flies like a dream as long as you keep it fairly straight. However, as soon as you climb or turn faster than some unknown factor, the plane turns into a party popper. Is this due to g-force, aerodynamic stress, Kraken Spittle, or just odd game mechanics?
  4. I am trying to add the scale function to the "pod" that is the docking ring with flight computer and RCS built in. I would like to scale it to fit any size stack. however I use module manager to add the tweakscale module, or the goodspeedtweakscale module, but neither of them seem to work. I get no scale sliders in the vehicle assembly area. any ideas? S Never mind I just realized scaling it will not help. it is a docking port Sr. and just scaling it to normal docking port size graphically will not allow it to connect. the game code has internal "size" values and the rescaled part will still be telling KSP it is the larger size.
  5. You just place the folder in your GameData directory. so you have something like this.... \Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ActiveTextureManagement \Kerbal Space Program\GameData\BoulderCo If I recall these are the only 2 directories involved. but if there are others in the zip file just do the same. After you copy the folders just run the game, you do not need to do anything else. You will not see any indicators it is running other than your memory use will go down dramatically. Once you get the hang of what is going on you can tweak the settings if you want, but this is not necessary. the mod does very well all on its own.
  6. would it be possible to make this mod have some sort of an ingame menu where I could have a ship selected either in construction bay or in flight and somehow click a button to add the line to the .cfg file to ignore the textures used for the ship or to again process textures for the ship. and of course a button to remove all said "ignore" blocks from the cfg. The idea being I have the aggressive mod running so all textures look sort of crappy. but if I wanted to make a screen shot involving a specific vehicle I have made, I could easily click the button to ignore the textures used on the ship, then reload the textures and take a screen shot. if this would need a restart in between or something that would be fine as well. basically I would just like an easy ay to ensure the textures used on the target vehicle get left at full size for the photo session.
  7. I am trying to get the helicopter propellers to snap to a "stack" node. I would like the propeller to do this as well as remain radial connectable if possible. but if not, just snapping to a stack only, I can then just make a new part that is the stack version. I have tried editing the .cfg file for the node setup but I can't seem to get it to work correctly. can you set one up for me?
  8. Ok giving up on the + version for now. I am going to install the basic version to see if I can get it to work. is it possible to have both installed at the same time, or will they conflict? and if they do conflict, you may want to make it so they do not, so it is possible to have both installed.
  9. I cant get this Download Link to work. Is it working for anybody or is it broken?
  10. Ok... thanks for the info. It has solved a few of my desires. I will continue to dig into the plugin and its options; see what I can do to customize my pod as I was imagining.
  11. I am trying to make all 3 of them. I am not sure on the monopropellant yet, but specifically I have yet to get it to make liquid fuel. if you have a small craft file that is using only your parts from the + pack and stock KSP parts please upload it so I can download and try it on my system. I am convinced it is a problem on my system specifically and not the mod, as many people seem to have had success in making it work.
  12. but I did not want "easy" I wanted "realistic" thus the more complex package was the one I chose to use.
  13. on the custom buttons for AG1 to AG0. Is it possible to get the label text to automatically center justify either by default, or with some ctrl code we type in the vehicle description box along with the label text for the button e.g. (AG1= &c SOME TEXT)? And is it possible to change the button types from the current "latch on" to a "momentary on"? Such that the light around the button will light as I push it, then go out after I let go rather than latching in the "on" state. Again by using a ctrl code on the text line e.g. (AG1= &C SOME TEXT &T) will center justify the text and latch it on as a toggle, while (AG1= &R SOME TEXT &M) will right justify the text and make the button a momentary contact switch. And as a further bonus maybe change the text field based on the state of a button e.g. (AG1= &C SOME TEXT &/ &L SOME OTHER TEXT &T) will center justify the text in the default state then after you toggle it the label would change to a left justified alternate text label. and as a multi state button you could possibly set the label to rotate through a list and have the light color cycle through several colors to follow the state. e.g. (AG1= &c TEXT1 &/ &c TEXT2 &/ &c TEXT3 &/ &c TEXT4 &/ &c TEXT5) would cycle the text labels each time I push the button from text 1 to text 5 and then wrap back to text 1. and each of these states may have a configurable color for the light to go with it.
  14. is it possible to limit the range of motion of a rotatron somehow? similar to the hinges where you can set min and max values. and speaking of that why not combine the 2 angles of hinges into one part and just let us select the starting angle. thus I could have one that was set for 30 - 37 degrees and have it start at 35 if I wanted. Also I have seen some mods out that have just one part and a slider to select scale. you could do the same for these parts and cut the part count to 1/3 and thus the mod size quite a bit. not to mention that we could then have more than just 3 sizes easily. just scale the part to a wider range.
  15. ok that is what I was thinking, and thus the reason I was using the + version. as the reason for using this mod in the first place was to supplement TAC in my "realistic" career mode games. idid just wipe KSP from my system and reinstall everything from scratch... I am hoping if there was some konflikt with other mods that this will resolve that. as I still have yet to get the system to produce fuel.
  16. Love this pod... and the while idea of the dynamic cockpit in general. I am looking to get my entire game interface IVA. to this end I need a few mods to be supported. I am happy to work on the support process myself if possible. as long as it is just .cfg editing etc. and not .dll creation I can do a lot of the work. looking for support for: Infernal robotics, alternate resource panel, kerbal alarm clock, KOS, Mechjeb "edit ascent path", TAC life support, TAC fuel balancer, TAC self Destruct, TAC Atomic clock (mostly redundant already), Final Frontier, KSP Engineer Redux, Ship Manifest, remote tech, shielded clamp-o-tron. and probably many more... some of them can be done with the action groups. and the buttons assigned to them already so that will be easy... And on the topic of the custom buttons for AG1 to AG0. Is it possible to get the label text to automatically center justify either by default, or with some ctrl code we type in the vehicle description box along with the label text for the button e.g. (AG1= &c SOME TEXT)? And is it possible to change the button types from the current "latch on" to a "momentary on"? Such that the light around the button will light as I push it, then go out after I let go rather than latching in the "on" state. Again by using a ctrl code on the text line e.g. (AG1= &C SOME TEXT &T) will center justify the text and latch it on as a toggle, while (AG1= &R SOME TEXT &M) will right justify the text and make the button a momentary contact switch. And as a further bonus maybe change the text field based on the state of a button e.g. (AG1= &C SOME TEXT &/ &L SOME OTHER TEXT &T) will center justify the text in the default state then after you toggle it the label would change to a left justified alternate text label. and as a multi state button you could possibly set the label to rotate through a list and have the light color cycle through several colors to follow the state. e.g. (AG1= &c TEXT1 &/ &c TEXT2 &/ &c TEXT3 &/ &c TEXT4 &/ &c TEXT5) would cycle the text labels each time I push the button from text 1 to text 5 and then wrap back to text 1. and each of these states may have a configurable colo for the light to go with it. I guess these questions may not be for the ALCOR pod forum but maybe for the raster prop forum instead. any help or tutorials that will get me started in making cockpit internals for a pod like this would be appreciated.
  17. so speaking of the 2 versions.... I have been using the + version... is this not the most up to date? or is that still in development and this is why my fuel reactors never seem to make fuel?
  18. ok so I DL and install this but I have a strange problem... I have installed the "stack part" and also modified a pod .cfg to include the module and both do the same thing. I get the terminal screen up, and it reports the version information but then nothing. I can type in the terminal screen, but nothing happens. I cant get any reaction from the terminal.
  19. I once saw a mod that had a Rotatron and a hinge that were no longer powered but just used as "floppy" joints. How is this done? I would like to be able to just set this as a click box in the shipbuilder setup dialog. such that any part could just be made "floppy"
  20. Movement as in soon to be ready. so we can DL.
  21. Any movement on this project? I really would love to use this. as the Service tubes are now one of my must have mods. I am assuming there will be a KAS storage box that fits in here? and just an empty container we can stick random surface attach parts like thermometer etc. in?
  22. hmm still can't get this to work... I am wondering if there is some conflict with another mod I am running... Can you post a ship file made with nothing but stock parts, and your parts, that I can DL and try. it does not need to fly just sit on the runway and make fuel is fine.
  23. i tried this but it did not want to work... I may have just had the wrong combination or possibly had the attach nodes messed up.
  24. well if all you wanted is to have the antenna extend then yes. but what I am looking for needs the balanced movement of the 2. so as one gets closer the other gets further. let me go get a picture of the actual application. I will need to rebuild it as I lost the ship file. but I will post a picture of the actual ship part a little later.
  25. Ok look at this screen shot https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/75023494/SS_03-17-2014_18-37-52.png what I would like is the body of the ship to remain "inline" while the 2 antennas move back and forth.
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