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Everything posted by dtoxic

  1. Getting this error at the start, no matter if i got rover science part or not (sandbox or career) and no matter what part i use, nothing breaks,game is still playable (it;s written in orange letters, my guess it;s harmless ) maybe you wanna have a look at it @Aelfhe1m just to bring it to your attention , when you have the time
  2. hey there, it;s the wrong log you need to provide the one that is the root of your install named (KSP.log) Start the game, let it crash and then share that log
  3. can someone tel me what's going on? i checked if there was a stray plugin for boiloff, but every time i pick a fuel tank (no matter witch) i get this i even disabled Boiloff in the settings to no effect, anything else i can do? P.S i tried adding cryo tanks as it has simpleboiloff plugin thinking that;s causing the problem, but nope same problem as far as i can tell i have all the latest versions for 1.3.1
  4. hey linux, a question Is it possible to implement into code or mm patch a feature so when you edit docking port ranges,force etc, that the settings would persist so there would be no need to do that again when building a new rocket.
  5. Hi there, first you need to provide *.logs and/or screenshots (if applicable) second, just saying it crashes is not a lot of information to go on what are you doing that makes ksp crash? do you get to the main menu, or it crashes while loading? did you install all the dependencies (modulemanager.dll,usi tools etc.) these are all the details you should include when asking for help if you cant solve the prob by your self
  6. hi i wanted to ask is the science return tied with the in-game setting? if i set the game to give me less science will this mod play nice with that? btw thx for continuing this cool mod!
  7. hey btw, is there a possibility to disable those esthetic parts (first node) with MM patch?
  8. IKU-02,IKU-01,IKU-03 (Kerbal Safety Bubble), i remember it was also a problem back in ksp 1.2.2 (dont know witch version was Ven's back then) something to do with animation or something, i would remember, but i see a lot of files got rearranged since then directory structure etc, maybe that's causing a problem? I tried an old copy from my 1.2.2 and it works, i just cant figure it out why on this new one it doesn't.
  9. yeah, also just noticed that the small inflatable hubs wont inflate? are you too experiencing this?
  10. can confirm it works ok, but also there is an old bug with engines if you attach it with the first node (it add's an extra part esthetic only) that part disappears if you do a scene change and then come back to the orbiting vessel
  11. seems to work fine in 1.3.1 (without extensive testing that is )
  12. ok cool, thought so, just so you know toadicustools continued dll is not in the subfolder "plugins" so someone can install both by mistake and that would i think cause problems
  13. It;s working in 1.3.1 if anyone want's to know
  14. hey linux, does the toadicustools dll need to be in sub-folder when there is toadicustools continued dll as a separate download? because if not it would end up with 2 same dll's or do we need to download both? tweakable Everything and Toadicus tools continued
  15. so it;s confirmed then? maintaining gazillion mods + 1 mistake you must be a robot
  16. right on! thx and sorry to keep finding trivial mistakes hahaha now on to other plugins you messed up (just kidding)
  17. ahhh ok, i didn't check it in game, i just assumed it's an error, ok then sorry for my mistake!
  18. damn you are fast and here i am still scratching my head trying to figure out the MM anyway can confirm the engines now have the option sensiblepumps, but so do boosters hahahaha guess i have a nack for finding tiny faults https://imgur.com/a/8Oqoj
  19. hmmm wierd...will do some more testing then... let me know if you find something
  20. np man, anyway just a thought, Boosters also use ModuleEnginesFX sooo....if you plan on adding that we need a way to exclude boosters...
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