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Everything posted by Starstrider42

  1. AFAIK RSS is no longer supporting Custom Asteroids , but you can find an unfinished RSS config at https://github.com/Starstrider42/RealSolarSystem/blob/master/GameData/RealSolarSystem/Compatibility/CustomAsteroids.cfg. As for Saturn's rings, I believe Outer Planets Mod has some configs for ring moonlets.
  2. Thanks for the report. I'd heard of Asteroid Day but didn't realize it had its own spawner. *Sigh* I guess this will make the eventual problem of getting all these mods to play well together even harder...
  3. Correct. The existence of five size classes, A-E, appears to be hardcoded into KSP. I do plan to make the fraction of asteroids of each size customizable at a later date, but my original plans to have F or larger sizes are pretty much dead. You can sort of fiddle with mass by setting ModuleAsteroid.minRadiusMultiplier (default 0.75) and ModuleAsteroid.maxRadiusMultiplier (default 1.25), as Asteroid Recycling Technologies does. I chose not to do this for any of the CA asteroid types because that would mean the actual asteroid sizes no longer matched what the tracking station description said.
  4. Sorry for the delayed reply. I'll fix it, but I thought I'd taken care of that sort of thing already. If you still have it, could you send me the config that caused the error? That would make it easier to hunt down...
  5. Standard Setup contains recommended configs for stock games; a few users asked for them to be separated from the rest of the mod. The contents of Standard Setup/ should go into GameData/CustomAsteroids. You can find more detailed instructions in the INSTALL.txt file at the root of the zip.
  6. Oops! Sorry for the lag; I'll make that patch more efficient. As for what it's doing, it's ensuring that MetallicOre and MetalOre are treated identically in installs that have both. It has no effect on any part that doesn't have ModuleAsteroidResource, so the only problem is during MM compilation.
  7. Could you maybe explain what you mean by "near-stock"? From your example, I take it that having two mods installed is already too far from stock... I think doing any kind of interplanetary gravity assist in pure stock is difficult, if not impossible, because the timing of the launch window can be pretty unintuitive. If I wanted to run a mission like this, I'd use Trajectory Optimization Tool (a standalone program, not a mod) to plan it. I'm not aware of any other orbit aids that have support for gravity assists.
  8. They "don't interact" in the sense that Kopernicus does its own thing, and Custom Asteroids does its own thing. So if you have all three mods installed, you will get lots of asteroids appearing near Kerbin (from Kopernicus), plus a small number of asteroids throughout the solar system (from Custom Asteroids/OPM). Well, as of KSP 1.1.3, there are no "bland all grey" asteroids: the new textures really look quite nice IMO. I haven't had the time to look into it too much, but it looks like the Magic Boulder state is randomly assigned by ModuleAsteroid, which means that the other asteroid types will also have a slight chance of getting MB'd. I don't see a way to control the color, though.
  9. They're already included in CustomAsteroids/config/Stockalike.cfg. Did you mean you want more of them to show up? Then try creating a .cfg file elsewhere in GameData (e.g., a personal directory) that looks something like: @AsteroidSets:FINAL { @INTERCEPT[armAsteroids] { @spawnRate = 0.1 } } That would up the discovery rate from 1/25 Earth days to 1/10 Earth days.
  10. Hi @sarbian, I just noticed that you asked for MM to be removed from CKAN (https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/pull/4289). Is this a permanent change? I ask because this breaks CKAN support for every mod that lists ModuleManager as a dependency, including mine, so I need to know whether to remove said dependency.
  11. Good luck with your mod, and I'm flattered that you'd include a Custom Asteroids config. You should know, however, that the config that ships with RSS is no longer supported by the RSS team and had quite a few issues (e.g., it has different effects depending on how the player installed Custom Asteroids). I started work on an updated config for RSS before I realized that CA support was getting pulled; feel free to modify it for half size RSS. The spawn rates in the linked config are in serious need of rebalancing, but otherwise it's mostly finished.
  12. Hi all, A quick update: real life is once again rearing it's ugly head, and I expect to be too busy to do much KSP modding for the next few months. I'll continue to provide support via this thread, and I'll recompile Custom Asteroids for new KSP versions as necessary, but I probably won't be able to work on any improvements until this fall.
  13. I think that was fixed long ago. SCANsat now always works, including when you're not in flight.
  14. Well, I probably need to revamp the documentation for Custom Asteroids... the min/max patch didn't work because by default inclinations are drawn from a Rayleigh distribution, which only uses avg. So, two options to get things to work: Include dist = Uniform in your existing patch, then constrain the ascending node so that the planes line up. This is how RSS did things, and the only option before Custom Asteroids 1.3. Define a CustomAsteroidPlane representing the Urlum system (you can define it using angles or vectors, whichever meshes better with how OPMTilt declares things), then add refPlane = UrlumEquator to the node for the Urlum ring (and non-ring moonlets). Let me know if you have any more questions. Is support for OPMTilt something @CaptRobau plans to add to the included config, or will this just be for personal use?
  15. As far as I know, the asteroid mass is always calculated based on the density and a rough estimate of the asteroid volume*. I don't think the resource content is taken into account. I have not (yet) seen the always-150-tons bug myself; in my tests asteroids always had generated-looking masses. * I should add an extra comment based on the bug report linked from the OP: the asteroid mass is calculated when the asteroid first enters physics range. Unloaded asteroids will always mass 150 tons, because the asteroid's shape hasn't been generated yet. Hope this clarifies the "is it/isn't it a bug" questions.
  16. Ok, if the changes are going to be that big then I I'm better off waiting. Thanks for the info!
  17. Could you elaborate? You've clearly had no problem with planetary PQSMods; what makes the asteroid ones different?
  18. Unfortunately, none of the Texture2Ds appear to be "the" asteroid texture (though rock00 almost looks like part of a PotatoRoid). The asteroid may use a mix of textures for different parts of the surface. Also, to clarify, I'd prefer not to have to edit the asteroid every time it loads in physics range -- the stability of the modern Custom Asteroids is a welcome change from how it worked in the prerelease days. So my ideal solution would be to create a KSP asset bundle, then set moduleAsteroid.prefabBaseURL to point to the bundle instead of the stock assets. No on-the-fly hacks required, but I'd need to imitate the structure and format of the stock assets for it to work -- and all I know right now is that there's a folder for every size class.
  19. *Sigh* I'm going to feel like an idiot once I learn the answer, but... Exactly how does one read a .assets file? I have Unity 5.2.4 with PartTools, but it doesn't seem to recognize the file type. (Yes, I'm finally ready to tackle asteroid textures. Or try to, anyway...)
  20. Newbie question: while it's obviously moot for engines, do other failure modes (e.g., fuel leaks) happen only while the vessel is loaded, or can they happen in the background?
  21. I think you mean nitrogen? I'm not aware of any real or theoretical atmosphere where NO2 is a major constituent.
  22. Quick question about the new models Porkjet is working on: if I install 0.41 (sans centrifuge) and then upgrade to the upcoming release, will that break existing crafts?
  23. Never mind; given that both of the people who can't download it are in Europe, it might be the CDN being slow to update. Just my luck that I try to download OPM a few hours after a new release... EDIT: whatever the problem was, it's gone now. The download works fine.
  24. Congratulations on the new release! Unfortunately, SpaceDock doesn't seem to like it; I get a 404 error when trying to download.
  25. Custom Asteroids 1.3.1 is out. I'm creating two downloads for this one because you need different ModuleManagers if you're playing KSP 1.1.2 or an earlier version. Both are available from GitHub; KerbalStuff and Curseforge only let me provide one download, so they get the KSP 1.1.2 bundle. Fixes: CustomAsteroidPlanes blocks now work the same in all save games. Asteroids will now spawn if Custom Barn Kit is installed. The MetalOre resource from Extraplanetary Launchpads is now handled consistently. General rebalancing of asteroid resource amounts to make the types more distinct from each other. Substrate and Karborundum have been completely reworked.
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