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Everything posted by BudgetHedgehog

  1. That and the fact Kerbin already has an inclined moon in the shape of Minmus.
  2. Looks like a lot of Lackluster Labs parts (probably reskinned), some B9 parts, Ion Hybrid Engines.. could possibly be some Wayland Corp stuff thrown in there too.
  3. I don't think this is a simple fact of the game, I think this is a bug. I've had a similar one where a Minmus intercept simply would not show up. If I was on the edge of the SOI, it would, but bringing the PE down to a low altitude made the encounter disappear. I had to guess the right amount to burn in the end. Also, setting up my recent Duna mission, the intercept was flickering on and off like crazy which would be ok if it weren't for the fact I was making refinements with MJ and told it to refine closest approach to target to be a collision course. Also, as an aside, I certainly would not call the OP intercept 'on the edge of Tylos SoI'... look at it! Yeah, the it's near-polar so the angle isn't ideal but look at how long he's in it! That kind of time does not happen if you're only just inside the SoI. Yeah, Tylo has a big gravity well but seriously now.. going that fast and staying that long inside Tylos SoI is NOT 'just inside it'.. just inside it would not affect the trajectory that much. No, in my mind and personal experience, it's a bug. A really annoying one, too.
  4. Hmm.. The only other aeroplane parts I can think of Taverio's Pizza And Aerospace and Coffee Industries. Lackluster Labs has some good pods and a decent stock expansion too.
  5. I made a foldy-out rover for no reason other than I now can in 0.23.5
  6. I don't think Mihara has any plans to support anything other than the 'official' dll, due to either breaking SCANsatRPM for people who have the normal SCANsat or the trouble of maintaining two versions of SCANsatRPM. Don't get me wrong, if danmy says technogeeky can take it over, his will be the official build so everyone will be happy. Until then though, RPM will only support build 5 of SCANsat.
  7. Well, I mean, I didn't have Chatterer before this pack so I couldn't say whether Proot has tweaked its default sounds or not, but I do know for sure that that's where the sounds are coming from. It's normal in the sense that that's what's supposed to happen. Side note: I'd always thought Chatterer was a silly mod. It's pretty much useless and the memory could be used for other things. But since downloading this pack, I have to say.. it adds so much to the experience! I like the immersion even if it is just nonsense noises they make. It's like Final Frontier - doesn't do a lot, but what it does do adds so much to the game. From now on, I shall never have a bad thing to say about Chatterer.
  8. Presumably, that means mods with parts. Aero, there's B9, KAX, and Porkworks Mk2 plane expansion. Probably more, but I'm not a plane guy. Structural.. well, there's SPUE, RLA Stockalike.. structural parts aren't that common. Propulsion though, you have KW Rocketry and Novapunch as the go-to guys for that, with RLA Stockalike coming in first in the featherweight category (probe engines!), with runners up such as Near Future Propulsion and Ion Hybrid Engines.
  9. Just so you know, IR is pretty stable with 23.5 now. Just a few minor kinks, but overall, it appears to be working fine.
  10. Hooray! Nah, it's cool about the SCANsat thing, I can live with that for for now. But yay for MJ RPM!
  11. Keep in mind, if you lower the density of either fuel, the more of it you'll use (because it weighs less). That means that unless you mod the engines as well, you'll burn through your fuel quicker. As Taki said, you need to keep the ratio the same (but it's 9 units of fuel to every 11 units of oxidiser EDIT: Claw is a ninja) so you'd need a lot more oxidiser or a lot less fuel. In short, there's no easy way to do it. It's one of the realities of this game - that is how much it weighs, you have to take that into consideration. Want it to weigh less? You gotta use a smaller tank. No two ways about it.
  12. When you're in flight and can see the circle, pause and press Alt-N. Click advanced settings, then select the layer which has the lowest altitude (I think it's 2). Then set the fade distance to 20-50 (or however much you want until the circle's gone and you're happy), apply and save then press Alt-N to close the window.
  13. Excellent news! Ahhh, today's a great day.. Any idea when the new models from ZodiusInfuser will be implemented/finished?
  14. Sure you installed it correctly? The Gamedata folder should be 000_Toolbar, not Toolbar-X.X.X. EDIT: for clarity - KSP\Gamedata\000_Toolbar\stuffandthings
  15. Think it's this one you want: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngines],@RESOURCE[ElectricCharge]] { @RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] { %isTweakable = false %hideFlow = true } }
  16. Toolbar GUI hasn't worked right since I think 0.11. It's known, just wasn't a high priority yet. Anyway, hooray! I'm so happy that this appears to be working right and we have a tentative release! Drinks all around
  17. Wait, really? Everyh time I try and analyse, I get the normal recover/transmit like a standard experiment, but all the numbers are 0...
  18. Haha, dude.. your family is way more important than plugin for a game, ya silly sausage! I know it means a lot to you, but don't stress it out. You work on it whenever you can and want to, KSP will still be there.
  19. If you're not averse to editing cfg files, then one thing you can do is make a Module Manager config to add the relevant SCANsat part to your capsule/probe. Or edit the cfg directly to do the same. Or, if you're confident with savegame file editing, add the relevant SCANsat part to THAT CAPSULE/PROBE ONLY in the sfs. EDIT: There could be a way of editing the sfs to make action groups for scanning, but that would require more reaserch and testing as I'm not 100% sure on it. AFAIK, the science bit of it is broken in 0.23, sorry. Grats on the polar Joolian orbit though, that must've been a toughie.
  20. It's been like 13 minutes.. and it's 2.30am here so it's tea time in America.. I'd gladly help, but all I can offer is testing and encouragement, I know nothing about coding (yet another reason I should start learning...)
  21. My apologies, tone doesn't translate across text well. I misunderstood But fingers crossed, there should be no joint changes in 0.24, I think it's mainly reserved for contracts and budgets, that kinda thing.. more gameplay updates, rather than code updates because they were all in 0.23.5 (they needed to be, thanks to its nature of adding asteroids and larger parts).
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