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Everything posted by BudgetHedgehog

  1. Hmm.. best to post the entire log over on the release thread. More chance of help
  2. You need to add it as a launch option - what I've done is make a shortcut to the KSP exe and made the target "H:\Games and software\Kerbal Space Program 090\KSP.exe" -popupwindow -force-opengl Obviously, your KSP location will change and there's a way to do it via Steam as well, but I don't use Steam for KSP. RAM crashes are caused by whatever brings you over the RAM limit - it's not one specific part, it's the fact there's lots of parts (but with 0.90 and the Mk3 parts.. I'd say they're not helping, for sure).
  3. x86 systems are going to really struggle with 0.90 as even just the stock game brings it nearly to the edge of RAM usage allocation. You're almost certainly running out of memory - try launching it using OpenGL (if your graphics card supports that) or installing ActiveTextureManagement, see if those stop the crashes.
  4. I was just about to say don't worry as it's working now, but I realised that it does work for when I only have one notification. Or maybe dismissing it just exits the box? Dunno, but now I have 2 and I can't dismiss things I'll try on my parents laptop, hold please Ooh, I can dismiss them when I click on a link in them - for instance, going to the dev blog or seeing all craft stats. Does that help? Anyway, I'll go check, will PM you results.
  5. FAR is hard, but it's rewarding. Then it's easy. People complain about the ÃŽâ€V requirement being lower, but forget that ÃŽâ€V to LEO is about 9.5 km/s and about 7.8 of that is horizontal. LKO orbital velocity is 2.4 km/s so it makes sense that the total requirement is about 3.4km/s. You shouldn't need to spend half your ÃŽâ€V fighting through soup... I love FAR, I really do. It makes KSP make sense to me.
  6. Try the updated (released) version. EDIT: Also, remove ModStatistics. That was last updated for 0.24, having an incompatible mod around can't help things. And update SCANsat. Actually, you know what, just update all your mods. A large majority of them are old and are built for a different version of KSP than 0.90.
  7. It's already compatible for x64 - Linux. Failing that, as I told you last time you asked this, learn to recompile it yourself without the x64 check. All this is pretty much moot anyway as if Squad can't make the Windows x64 version more stable themselves, it'll likely get pulled from the next release (I should point out that it's questions like this that made Squad decide that).
  8. I'll be honest, that sounds promising. Harvs wacky asymmetrical Mk2 plane was actually pretty well balanced, even in FAR. Wing and intake spam sound either less feasible or downright impossible (this is a good thing, in my opinion) and yeah.. to me, sounds better than what Harv was saying.. Thanks for the pic.
  9. How have you unlocked RAPIERs (or indeed, any need for action groups) before upgrading the SPH to at least level 2? You can't even build something over 30 parts/18 tons before this so your first level tech spaceplanes must be either pretty specialised or just basically rockets. Also, what's so wrong about mapping whatever AG needed to the RCS/Abort/Lights/Stage? There's 4 AGs you're rarely be using for planes anyway and if you can afford the tech to make a spaceplane (by upgrading the R&D), you can certainly afford to upgrade the SPH pretty soon after, if not long before.
  10. Ok, what's happening here is that the game is trying to load a part that contains or uses a resource that doesn't exist. The only way those resources wouldn't exist is if they're being removed somehow - the biggest culprit of this is RealFuels or ModularFuelTanks, as those remove the problem resources and add their own. Also, this is a long standing problem that has been posted about before - simply searching HL_Aero_Cockpit brings up a long list of people posting your exact problem. Just saying, sometimes, it's worth doing some searching rather than waiting for someone to solve your problem for you
  11. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at TarsierSpaceTech.TSTProgressTracker.OnLoad (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioModule.Load (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioRunner.AddModule (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ProtoScenarioModule.Load (.ScenarioRunner host) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioRunner+ .MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Looks similar to the problem I had a few weeks ago: The Scenario module loading is being broken by TST so yeah, pretty confident that removing it will fix things. Shame, it's a good mod, but causes a lot of problems for a lot of other mods a lot of the time :/
  12. It's a replacement texture for the sun, included as a sharedassets file in KSP_Data. No mod can touch it, you have to put it in manually (don't know if the download is up to date on that one though).
  13. Something like this abandoned mod, but stock? Yes please, all of my yes.
  14. It's not. Squad removed that vertical snap from the settings (that's all EE ever did, toggle that option on and off).
  15. You only need one copy of SmokeScreen, you know.. If you already have it, don't copy it across (unless you're installing a newer version, in which case you should remove the old completely and put in the new).
  16. Just saying - Max said that if stability doesn't improve and they can't fix it, the x64 build may be pulled from the next update as it's not worth the extra stress and it's especially harrowing for modders.
  17. Drop backwards compatibility. As I said on the blog post, crafts can change, the aero is here to stay - do it once and do it right.
  18. It's in the KER settings (in the VAB, right hand button). Press Partless instead of Career for, well, partless mode. This enables it for anything - including debris (at least, if I'm remembering it correctly, it should). If you add it to every part, it'd lag your system a lot (I found that out by accident).
  19. Not until SAS actually makes the craft not move at all. At the moment, timewarp is the only way to completely kill any rotation, which should the job of SAS/RCS.
  20. I don't wish to derail the topic and start a flamewar, but: 1, please do not judge me by my username. It's a username and nothing more. Thank you. 2, I've been to Dres and Eeloo precisely once and never landed on Moho. Neither have I returned from Eve or even landed on any of Jools moons (unless you count an uncontrolled descent into Laythes seas without establishing orbit first as 'landing'). Granted, I've taken several spaceplanes up to orbit, but I'm far from the best or most accomplished player. Truth be told, I'm actually not very good at this game. However, even before I even knew FAR existed, launching flat football fields into orbit felt so wrong. I was only a month or so into the game and I already hated the fact that the stock aero can be cheated like that. Yes, I know I'm just one person so you're free to ignore me, but, speaking as new player (who apparently has a more important opinion than me) would, FAR makes sense. It just does. With my newbie hat on, yes, I'd like to disable aerodynamic disassembly (mainly because it doesn't actually look like disassembly, more like the joint logic broke, but that's another discussion about KSPs failure mechanic), and possibly hide the numbers and graphs that FAR does, but once I learn more about the game, let me learn more about how to play it. Show the graphs, enable failures, give me the info required to make my planes as stable as possible. As a new player, yes, that information would overwhelm me (I know KERs did first time I installed it), but there's no sense to just always cater towards newbies, because after a while, they won't be newbies any more. Simple as. They'll know how to 'cheat the system' as it were, they'll get frustrated with the lack of info (which is why the majority of first mods installed are KER/MechJeb) and they'll just want more. If the game doesn't provide that, they'll turn to mods. Which is fair enough, I don't mind that, but then we're back at the original argument that 'the game isn't catered to them'. Can you see why this argument makes no sense to me? Because Squad want to cater the game towards new players, not players in general. It's ignoring how they progress and learn - having a simplistic aero model helps newbies for sure, but again, they're not newbies for long. Squad is after new blood players continuously and ignoring existing players in the process. That is why I push for FAR-esque aero - because it's more intuitive to new players (harder? Yes. Makes more sense? Also yes) and rewards older players. Just to touch on the 'Makes more sense' there - with FAR, a rocket-shaped rocket will easily get to space. A plane shaped like a plane will also fly and be stable. People draw from real world experience when they design stuff and FAR rewards that. To be brutally honest, I don't care what Squad goes with, as long as it's moddable or failing that, that it rewards realistic (/believable) rocket shapes, that gravity turns are possible, that the atmosphere is thinned out and that wings act like wings, not downward pointing engines. 3, I paid $30 to play a game and that's what I've been doing. But, seeing as I'm posting in a forum titled Suggestions and Development Discussion, I thought I'd give my suggestion for development, what with KSP being essentially a WIP. Also, I'd hardly call players who install a mod to make the atmosphere realistic 'unusual'. - - - Updated - - - Go faster than Mach 1. Sure gets soupy and draggy there, that's for sure. If you're ascending and the AP is at 80km and you're horizontal at 30km, yeah, you're not going escape the atmosphere. Reynolds Numbers, Mach effects.. the air behaves like porridge above Mach 1, as it should do. Below that though.. just look head on at a Mk2 or Mk1 plane and tell me it should have a load of drag. Air is surprisingly slippery at subsonic speeds and surprisingly sticky at supersonic.
  21. Perfect! Then the people who want it 100% up can still pull it up and the people who are used to the hidden navball will barely notice it. I mean, if you want to hide it or show it completely, you'll be clicking it anyway, it being halfway takes half the work from you. At least it being 50% tell newbies that the navball is still there.. granted, there's not many situations where a half-hidden navball will be useful, but it helps reassure new players it's not gone completely.
  22. You can upload it to Dropbox, Google Drive or Mediafire (or any similar filesharing site), then post the download link here.
  23. I haven't deserted them, I missed one due to an inconvenient schedule at home (which was mentioned as possibility when I started it). Apologies, I'll try and catch the next one. 5th Horseman did a fantastic write up of it here in my place.
  24. That's the point though - by that time, it's too late to change things. It's better that Squad knows what to do and what some players expect of them now than for them to make their own aero model and it fall short of expectations/hopes. Take KXP for instance - if they hadn't told players about that when they did, they'd have likely carried on with the original draft and released it (and gotten the same reaction) which means they'd have to change it anyway and waste the previous work. Far better to raise opinions and concerns before it's too late to listen to them, that's all. That's why I'm speaking up, anyway. Not that Squad will listen to me, but hey ho.
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