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Everything posted by BudgetHedgehog

  1. Curse, but has it fine. Definitely weird. As you were! Sorry for the inconvenience.
  2. RPM broke in 0.90, so you need to install MOARdv's recompiles over it for it to work (forum post here).
  3. From previous experience, that could be due to targeting ModuleEnginesFX instead of ModuleEngines or vice versa. Could be wrong, but that seems to what breaks HotRockets occasionally.
  4. Of course you're free to modify and use KerbinSide assets for your personal use. There's no way to stop you or even to know. The problem comes when you distribute them as the KerbinSide licence says you need to obtain permission. Saying this is the internet and everything is free and all that is fine, I have no problem with that. But aren't we, as a community, better than that? Are we going to disregard polite requests (not just licenses) just because we can? Personally, I think that's just a wee bit rude (then, there's the issue of disregarding the license granted to you when you downloaded KerbinSide. You're basically saying "yeah, you asked me to not do this, but I'm doing it because screw you". That, I take issue with especially. No idea what Ash thinks, but that's what I think). If you're planning on using your own models for the assets, why not just wait until that's possible? Your english is understandable, don't worry.
  5. They're all correct, providing you put it in and run it from your KSP install folder, NOT the Gamedata folder.
  6. Turn off angle snap to get near infinite control of a parts position with no 'grid-snapping'
  7. Nope, I'm pretty content with it as it is (though, how would I create a cfg for a resource and how would I go about deciding on numbers?)
  8. As ever, part mods that don't require plugins are extremely resilient to KSP version changes (don't quote me on this, but I'd surprised if an update broke them from now until final release). The last KSP version to break parts was, I think, 0.15. Unless Squad change the way parts are made and loaded etc, any part mod is likely to never need an update. TL;DR - green light on 0.90.
  9. Not a major issue at all, but the ReadMe in the download hasn't been changed since
  10. If forcing OpenGL, you need to force AA through your graphics card options and override application settings, I think is the term used (at least on my AMD, it is).
  11. While sarbian is obviously the ultimate authority, the latest update doesn't apply a mods patches if the mod disables itself on Winx64 KSP. For example, installing FAR with the previous MM would break the control surfaces as MM replaces the stock ones with FARs non-working ones. Now, as FAR disables itself, MM doesn't apply the patches meaning the control surfaces retain their stock functionality. Another example would be RealChute and (not) adding its patches to stock parachutes.
  12. As much as using a third party plugin for animation might be good (Firespitter/USI?AdvancedAnimation etc), the fact remains that the stock animation will always exist and work..
  13. It is, but it also has procedural interstages (similar to what the Lunar Module was housed in for Apollo) and a thrust plate adapter which is a plate with any number of nodes on the bottom to attach engine clusters to, with user defined spacing, too. There's a central node as well to attach the interstage to so you end up with exactly what you're after. Now we just wait for it to be made stock (hey, a guy can dream, can't he?).
  14. DebRefund?! Man, that broke in 0.25, certainly not working in 0.90... 20 quid says that's your problem, mate. EDIT: If DebRefund is removed and the problem is still there, I'd go for SmartStage - I have the others and haven't experienced your problem
  15. FloatNode - Procedural Engine Housing? No updates for almost a year though.. I'd just use procedural fairings interstages - the thrustplate multi adapter does pretty much the same thing.
  16. While you may not agree with someones opinion of the game (and personally, I don't agree with OP on a lot of issues), they have as much right to express their disappointment in the game as we do with our enjoyment of it (I'm sure that makes sense.. I can't brain today).
  17. I mainly use WSAD simply because it's habit. Combined with the fact that a lot of the time, rotation with those keys is pretty intuitive (compared to the old way) and, for me, faster. I abuse the heck out of the translation gizmo, but for normal building, I just rotate the old way. Then, when I get fed up or the thing's attached and I change my mind, I switch to the gizmo. Always by clicking the button, mind you - occasionally, I think 'oh hey, the hotkey would be quicker to do this' and by the time I've processed that and how much time it would save me, not to mention looking down to check I'm on the right key, it's already way slower than clicking. That said, when I do use the gizmos, I'm blown away. Being able to rotate parts while they're still attached?! That's witchcraft, as far as I'm concerned. Being a FAR addict, it's amazing to be able to have complete control over a wings rotation while it's still attached. Need a bit more dihedral? Done. Sweep them back a smidge more? Done. I love it. And of course, the elevons. I don't even bother with WSAD with them, I just plonk them anywhere and get the gizmos to help put them in the right place because trying to get them right in a timely manner is an exercise in madness. "Q, no wait, E.. W? Which way did that turn? .. What did I press, was it D? Nope, now how can I get back, A? *presses Q by accident* well, I thought that would work, so D?" and so on...
  18. Veering ever so slightly off topic - there is (or at least, was) issues with CKAN fully downloading required dependencies (ref. KAX and its Firespitter resources), mods not being installed to their correct place (KerbalAlarmClock instead of TriggerTech\KerbalAlarmClock), conflicting versions present on it (Landing Aid vs Horizontal Landing Aid).. that and pretty much every response to a new mod is 'CKAN?'. It's the new 'can I have a non-Curse mirror?'. That's my issues with it and it's enough to make me not want to bother. Can't beat manual installation (checking every file that goes in should go in) and keeping an eye on the thread for unofficial updates. But that's just me. As for Mihara, I have no idea. Haven't heard from him since the last update to RPM (although last online 3 January, last post was in October) :/ It'd be sad if he has as Hyomoto has basically stopped with his MFDs (the only way I can use RPM).. so yeah, I hope not. Time will tell.
  19. What bases mod? To my knowledge, the only bases mods are the ones you mention. Do you mean the various levels of KSC? Because yeah, while KSC has been around since forever, the various levels are new. And the only grinding is done to get to what players are used to in previous versions. Yeah, they've made the game grindy (especially with regards to upgrading the R&D) and the difficulty settings are more of 'select grinding level', so there's room for improvement there, I agree. But upgrading KSC isn't the main goal of KSP. It's not even the main goal of career. It's the means to the end. What is the end? As I said, whatever you want it to be. Don't want to grind? There's sandbox for that. Because Unity is a terrible engine for the type of toy/game/whatever KSP is and KSPs asset loader needs serious rework. Next question? I present my opinions as opinions and have been critical of Squad. This makes no sense. No other game has a development team of like, 10 guys either. Get a group of friends and tell them to build a solar system within a year. That's basically what you're asking of Squad, except you're also asking that they make no mistakes and hurry it up already. Ah ok, well I guess this is all moot then. Cheerio, chap!
  20. Every version of what? KSP? The best practice is to make backups of your saves and ships elsewhere, wipe the KSP install, install the new one and put your ships and saves back in. Bad ThingsTM can happen if you just drag and drop the new version of KSP over the old one. Putting your saves elsewhere is good because you then have backups if things mess up. Actually, I tell a lie, best practice is to make a duplicate of every KSP install where it can't be touched by updates (so you can carry on playing while the mods settle down/hotfixes are made). Savegames are not guaranteed to be compatible across KSP versions, though they usually are (I think savefiles from 0.21? are still valid for 0.90. Earlier ones may have trouble) so be careful (another reason to have backups of savefiles and of KSP). As for updating mods, it's best to wait for them to be updated and downloading them fresh rather than copying them across from old Gamedata folders (unless given the ok by the mod author. Follow their advice, basically. Some don't need updating, some are ok, but recompile to be safe, others break completely). If no update occurs, it's up to you if you want to install outdated software (it sounds more ominous than it is - if things go wrong, you quickly notice and if you have backups, no harms has been done).
  21. Probably. I don't know what CKAN installed for you (one of the reasons I don't particularly care for it - I can no longer assume people are installing what they should be installing). AFAIK, no-ones put MOARdv's dlls on there so what you have is likely the default dlls you get from the OP which are outdated. And my point still stands - AVC is reading what the .version file says and neither CKAN nor updating the dlls change that file. You mean apart from this time, right? And all the other times it's failed? [/minorCKANrant] EDIT: Hmm.. now I think of it, this is probably because https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mihara/RasterPropMonitor/master/GameData/JSI/RasterPropMonitor/RasterPropMonitor.version (i.e. the remote url than AVC checks against for updates) still reads 0.25 and only Mihara can change that. Changing the .version file only changes what version it supports which is different to saying there's an update available. My mistake, I didn't realise RPMs .version file was that robust.
  22. I've had SurfaceNodes installed for so long, I keep forgetting you guys can't radially attach batteries and reaction wheels. Completely agree - make this stock.
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