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Everything posted by BudgetHedgehog

  1. Better Atmospheres? Astronomer: Oblivion looks like this: And BA looks like this (skip to 16 minutes):
  2. Cool cool, I hadn't seen it mentioned anywhere so I thought I'd post. Easy enough to avoid if you can't fix it though, no worries
  3. Reverting to VAB/returning to space center while focused on Kerbin in map view leaves the icons hanging around. Just an FYI
  4. I could be wrong, but wouldn't that just leave.. nothing? Stock already has batteries, fuel tanks, engines, RCS, nosecones, SRBs etc... What would be left if you do "not include any of the parts that are supplied by an unmodified game"? Apart from fairings and 5m parts I mean.
  5. Quick question: Are you planning on updating KSC++ to take advantage of KerbalKonstructs refuelling feature?
  6. I have just created a pull request that corrects the .sh file renaming problem (I felt it was partly my fault). Let me know if something's wrong, but I don't think it is..
  7. Replace the spaces in the part names with "?" (e.g "EVA?handrail?type?1").
  8. Holy moly.. FRAPS just registered 350+ FPS I'll be honest, ATM, DDSlaoder and this have made KSP so much more enjoyable for me - before, it would take like 10 minutes to load. I'd alt tab out, browse reddit or get distracted and then just kinda not bother with KSP. But now, I barely have time to get something to drink and I come back and it's loaded.. It's astounding. Thank you so much for this!
  9. Anything that needs firespitter will be impossible due to the editor changes.
  10. Ah, I've found out by personal experience that people don't like being told they're wrong, even when presented with evidence. The guy's been given 3 examples of stock FAR rockets (and one modded) with no fins on the tail (something he said was impossible) and he's still saying it can't be done. Best to just shake your head, get a drink and leave it.
  11. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Clouds.Clouds.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Very old, very known, error. Should be harmless (though it does need fixing).
  12. Speechless.. Don't know why I hadn't subbed, but a problem with CFX on the stock wheels reminded me about upgrading and oh my gosh..
  13. What kind of different stats? Thrust, Isp, mass, gimbal range etc haven't been changed. These are stock parts (aside from the launch clamp) - you can load it up into a stock game with no problems. Besides, your original argument was that real life rockets are easier to control thanks to higher gimbal range and that KSP rockets are hard to control. How much fuel I take, or how my efficient my engines are is besides the point - the only control I had was engine gimbal and what little torque the small reaction wheel has. And I got it into orbit fairly easily. I did what you challenged so, like I said, I accept gold stars via email, cheque and Bitcoin.
  14. OK, you got me - the launch clamp is FASA, but it's hardly used in flight.. Otherwise, completely stock parts, just using Vens Revamp (still the normal Oscar B tanks for the probe even). I can upload the craft file for anyone to verify. My mod setup is a mix of Raredens skybox, KSPRC Kerbin, Astronomer: Oblivion clouds and Interstellar solar flare, lightning and other gubbins. Waiting for KSPRC to update fully then I'm going for that completely.
  15. I'd like to offer this as refutation - with 0.90 and the introduction of Engineer class kerbals, is it possible to limit such in-flight tweaking to those? Similar to how only those can mend wheels or fix solar panels etc in stock, or display KER info for.. KER... have a kerbal on EVA be able to tweak reaction wheel strength or decrease docking port decoupling strength or whatever.
  16. I accept gold stars by email, cheque or Bitcoin, thank you. You miss stage separation because it was just pretty much more of the same - follow the prograde vector down until nearly horizontal, wait for AP to reach desired height, then decouple and wait for AP. FAR is not hard. It's just different.
  17. FAR drag is based on the mesh (complicated stuff involving raycasts, unused attach nodes, basic assumptions about shapes and other things), not config-designated drag values. A nose cone can be of any size you want, it'll still reduce drag, but obviously, the bigger the nosecone, the bigger the change in cross section which means higher drag. Basically, forget everything about stock drag because none of it applies to FAR - pretty much nothing in the config is used to calculate drag (attach nodes aside, and only if they're unused). Pretty much anything works - as long as it looks aerodynamic, it'll be aerodynamic. Skinny pointy things are more aerodynamic than fat blunt things. I'm not sure what examples to put as that's basically it. One thing FAR doesn't do though is skip calculating drag/lift on parts that have been offset so they're hiding inside another part (say, radial MP tanks). The only way to shield something from drag is put it in a cargo bay or fairing.
  18. I don't know what version you have, but try this post: Download the x86 version as I'm assuming you're running the x86 version of KSP). If that doesn't work, you may need to revert back to version 4-2 instead.
  19. You can temporarily disable autoscaling by holding left shift when you attach parts, or completely disable it by pressing Ctrl+L. Congrats on the job, B
  20. Remove some of the parts and let ATM churn away at them - it still needs to load them in order to compress them. So yeah, remove, say.. the Mk1, SPP and Mk3 parts, load up KSP and let ATM convert the remaining ones. KSP should fully load then. Exit out of it, put all those parts back in, and ATM will convert those and load its already converted textures from the previous run. There may be a problem with x86 systems with the latest ATM - if you get dynamic heap allocation warnings or something, post in the ATM thread and someone should point out a fix or link the version of ATM you should use (I can't remember the specifics). Hope this helps.
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