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Everything posted by SelectHalfling0

  1. Here's a pokeball. Waiter! The Mudkip's cape is in my soup!
  2. Yes, its that one (2 posts above). All of my first stages use solid fuel radial boosters. The bug affects radial decouplers at low altitudes going below sub-orbital speeds. When I eject my solid fuel boosters, they do not get propelled off to the side and collide with the rocket.
  3. I haven't been able to do much. The decoupler bug still has not been fixed, and I'm too lazy to do any of the manual fixes or add seperatrons.
  4. Granted. You have an IQ a bit higher than the #1 Dentist Recommended Leading Brand of Toothpaste. I wish for a non-destructive Kerbal.
  5. Granted. It is now the only word in the English language. I wish for Sun to only use mud gifs/pics entirely related to ksp (like jebediah kerman landing in mud). MWHAHAHAHA!
  6. Giorgio thinks mud is aliens. And I think it needs to stop.
  7. We would get to see the dark side. What if I was an actual rocket engineer?
  8. I live in America, and luckily, I live in a town known for its education (we have remarkably smart kids here). But I have been to other, middle of nowhere places in america, where they believe exactly this, mostly because of a lack of or no care for education.
  9. Granted. It is a comfortable 70 degrees Fahrenheit as an f5 tornado destroys your house and everything for the next few miles. I wish for an epic, loyal, friendly, non-shedding puppy.
  10. We would die. What if there was no more mud in the world?
  11. 1/10 Loving Kerbals, but not that broken image.
  12. Granted. The forums explode because they cant handle the immense pressure of thousands of people constantly posting every second. (#hypetrain) I wish they would fix the decoupler bug in 24.2
  13. Try the custom biomes mod by trueborn (updated for 24.2!). It adds biomes to every planet/moon that doesn't have them. Link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66256
  14. The thing is there is so much to do (hey I went to jool! now lets go to EACH of its moons!) and it realistically takes a long time to do said things. Also, the modding community always has something new to try (alternate kerbol systems). I have logged almost 300 hours
  15. Granted. You now have -1 iron crowns. (Better find one to pay it back)! I wish for a safe spaceship.
  16. What I do when I "finish" a career save is use it like a sandbox save. With money, contracts, and rep, it is now slightly more interesting (I cant just launch a multi-billion dollar rocket to strand 100+ kerbals on eve).
  17. I have way too much time to test parts "around mun" or "in kerbin orbit". Make it so that you have a reasonably small deadline. (3 days to get to mun and back, 4 day contract.)
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