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Everything posted by klgraham1013

  1. No problem. Really, I just want a way to define classes and have them gain perks with progression. Points aren't completely needed for that. If the implementation is getting crazy, I'd have no problem with you dropping the points.
  2. If it's not to much trouble, I think perk points should stay. Allowing for player choice is always a good thing. I only have vague aspirations of what I'd like to do with this system. So if it is to much trouble, I could do without. Basically, I'm going to attempt to build my vision of KXP. More of an RPG like system (which was so aggressively opposed by the community). I still think there's some merit to such a system.
  3. One of my favorite things about PC gaming is control customization.
  4. I don't think ScanSat will make it into stock. That being said, I think it should be unlocked through the tracking station upgrades.
  5. This thread reminds me how smart this community is. I love it. On topic: I play with NEAR and DRE and think re-entry heat is vital for all but the easiest difficulty settings. I still believe KSP should be a space flight simulation and planning for re-entry is a vital piece to that puzzle.
  6. Pecan, in your example, I'd worry about the text being to small when put into practical use. I do like the AP and PE being displayed, though.
  7. Apparently, the devs think having to manage EVA fuel isn't fun. It's ok if you have to manage all your other resources, just not EVA fuel. There was a mod for 24.2, not sure if it works in 25 or will work in 90. Here it is.
  8. I'm really glad I got over my "stock only" phase. At the time, I believed Squad would be adding all the mods that made the game great. Seems that's not happening. I can't even recommend KSP to people these days without handing them a zip file. "Here put this in your GameData folder before playing." Here I was, oh so long ago, a gleam in my eye, and what sat before me was a game with designs at being the Flight Simulator of space sims. Years later, and we still don't even have a Mass readout in the VAB.
  9. It has to be Mission Overview Generator, right? I mean...I just want to say "Mog" in general conversation. Maybe that's just me.
  10. I came in here to post about TAC-LS, RemoteTech, DRE, and all that jazz. That's my iron man mode.
  11. RoverDude is actually a conglomeration of modders, right? One person can not do this much! Thanks for more awesome!
  12. Squad need to pay Porkjet to overhaul the rocket parts next. His parts are to good.
  13. I like this idea. Also, a ground based platform would be great. I love KSP modders. They make this game so awesome.
  14. As much as I'd love the advantages of RemoteTech being integrated, I get the impression that Squad are leaning farther and farther from the realism I want. We're not even getting heat damage with the re-entry effects they were oh so proud of. Let alone life support or working communications.
  15. Honestly, I can't believe this thread is still going when the question was answered on the first page.
  16. I've done the same, as the science archive is a great way to track your achievements. In fact, I'd love a similar archive in sandbox without the science hooks.
  17. I support this endeavor. Looking forward to seeing what comes of it.
  18. Anyone remember multiplayer by email? This would be interesting for friends looking to pass saves around. Each having a turn to launch their own rocket. Yet, still having the game knowledge that two space programs exist.
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