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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. It's an edge case I am ok with, as nobody can escape the global timer Side note... I have been up to my eyeballs in the new balance guidelines (which cover MKS, USI-LS, as well as retrofit stock) and it has been.... entertaining. Part of this is I need to rebalance everything so that as you swap between recyclers, hab multipliers, and converters, the mass/etc. all remain pretty balanced. So yeah... good times
  2. I'm pretty happy with the mechanic as is, and really see no reason to change it at this time (other than dealing with a better way of 'curing' homesickness, but that change is already being written).
  3. A kerbal that has been out of supplies does not grab any extras once they are available. Any vessel past the Mun has to account for supplies and/or recyclers as it is. the buffer is just that... a buffer to allow for initial missions and a bit of 'oops!' leeway. You should not be taking it for granted in your general life support calculations (i.e. it is not included in the VAB previews either). So based on that, I don't see a need to encourage the use of this buffer as part of mission planning. If stuff is there, Kerbals are going to use it. Asking then not to is like sending your five year old with an open bag of marshmallows to school and telling them not to eat any of them, and to just hand the bag over to their kindergarten class.
  4. ...The volume of 1L of noms is.... 1L. The volume of 1L of mulch is also... (wait for it) 1L. If you are referring to the density, then that is 1kg/L (And for clarity, all CRP resources are 1L units.. vs. the 5L of most stock bits).
  5. Interesting idea And there's even a node there already.
  6. It's about half of the 32kg a human uses - 90% of that is water (including hygeine, etc.) with zero recycling. Baseline tech is Gemini style, no recyclers are assumed until you add them in. Yes, Kerbal time is also scaled back, but so are distances, etc.
  7. Feel free to log a github issue, tho it will be pretty low on the list. Also, refresh of the nom o matics (with a stock cupola for comparison) The nifty bit: All three versions will be able to be configured as multipliers, converters, or recyclers. Assumption is that biological filters are used when in recycle mode, and when in multiplier mode they are just nice pretty places to hang out with plants and look at the stars.
  8. The correct course in that case is to just do a perform maintenance action via EVA.
  9. FYI - the stock ModuleJettison fully supports what this mod does (i.e. per-resource jettison, etc.) (Source: I coded it)
  10. That's not the actual ISP, it's just a placeholder to cover the wearing out of the engine and to enable the throttle.
  11. Not sure what the ALT equivalant is on the mac - as for what direction, not sure off the top of my head - but this is just the standard KSP rotation controls, nothing special. And the 'T' is for KAS/KIS - I assumed the OP was referring to the VAB?
  12. Just rotate... use your ALT key... node attach. Once for each wheel. Done.
  13. Ahh.. let me see why it's doing that. Thanks!
  14. Yup, given I wrote both, they had better work together
  15. Yeah that's pretty much UKS + USI-LS in a nutshell
  16. There used to be an EVA carry mod floating about that this could be used for.
  17. Usual caveat for the USI mods (and I've been coding the colonization stuff for over two years now) is that I view it as an entirely new game - i.e. it would stand on its own with nothing but white cylinders for parts. This is very different than other mods that are essentially parts packs. If you want a ship landed on a planet that looks like a colony, there are tons of choices to mix and match from. If you want something that adds colonization as an expansion to gameplay, then the USI mods above may be what you want
  18. That will absolutely be doable. Just working out the precise mechanics. There will also be mechanics for extending hab time without having to just add more space or hab multipliers. The angle I am working on currently makes the assumption that supplies are your bare essentials. Sure, you can survive with a sponge bath and scraping algae off of the walls... but if you make things a bit more comfy (similar to how the U.S. Navy ensures submariners have some of the best food out there, and some private companies take similar measures for remote employees), you're going to be a bit more tolerant of the living conditions. This has also been discussed in relation to space travel, with the idea of supporting limited amounts of things like fish, etc. - that despite being not as space efficient as scraping off algae, can have a dramatic impact on morale for a crew on a long journey.
  19. Also at this time the only way to resuscitate a Kerbal is to send them home. Though UKS will soon have a few ways to fix that.
  20. The community has not reacted well to modpacks in the past
  21. You don't, not without breaking stuff. tbh I am surprised the cost is still that far off - it's down to 2.5 funds per liter (or about 40 funds per kerbal per day). You might want to consider recyclers, as that's going to drop your payload mass and of course reduce your costs.
  22. As noted, by @goldenpsp, CRP really does not update that often (usually only when there are new KSP versions, or if there are a decent set of changed a modder needs, like the ones @FreeThinker just added (which will of course result in an out of band release). It's very purpose is to be a dependency - one most of us bundle. And yes, if someone is messing with the CRP folder... this is a really. really. really. bad idea - given that the entire point of CRP is stability. We all may not use all of the stuff in it, but by participating, you are agreeing not to break it (intentionally or not) either
  23. Good deal, I'll be doing a version bump anyway so I shall sort that - thanks again!
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