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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Show me a picture of your rover, because I can't replicate your issue (it works fine on my 1.1.1 install). That's from RPM, tho I'll be moving to the JSI transparent windows thingie in time See above. Screenshot please.
  2. That's because it does. There are conflicts with the Food and Oxygen resources (not sure if there are others - those are the ones I know of) - tho I understand that @ShotgunNinja is sorting that. Once it's sorted, I'll remove the 'Conflicts' flag.
  3. Correct - tho the bleeding in/out of heat is pretty minimal in stock parts.
  4. Part refers to the host part. There is configurable bleed off between core and internal temp. Core's main purpose is to allow performance based on some very large thermal qualities (nuclear reactors, arc furnaces, etc.) Without exploding the host part
  5. I need to go through the parts, see what I can do from a model and config standpoint to take advantage of some of the newer stock features. Wheels of course need a full redo...
  6. @Nils277 - ping me if you have questions, or if you need exact dimensions for adapter plates, etc.
  7. @Tandoori - glad you had fun The way your mission played out is the reason I made this mod (i.e. there's always an 'out').
  8. Add Community Resource Pack - link in my sig.
  9. The FireSpitter DLL was updated for 1.1 on day zero
  10. Yep Today, you start getting resource harvesting bonuses, habitation bonuses, and farming (life support) bonuses. You also get rewarded with funds, rep, and science. The capstone bits have most of the models done, just need to tweak a few things and wrap up the code, but they will be released sooner rather than later. After that there will be a new series of NASA inspired base parts that dovetail in as well.
  11. My very biased opinion If you are looking to put something on a planet that looks like a base, there are a ton of part mods out there (you mentioned a few already). If you're looking for gameplay mechanics, that's been kinda my thing for years now. There's of course UKS (which has been trimmed/consolidated over the years) which is pure gameplay but happens to have a bunch of parts (and works with EL). MKS-Lite is the simpler cousin to it - a lot of the fun bits, but a lot fewer parts and simpler resource processing. Some folks start there, then migrate to UKS (or just stick with MKS-Lite). Side note - usually folks that get overwhelmed with UKS are overwhelmed because they are trying to do every single thing at once and use all of the parts... which is bad. As a gameplay mod, it's more of a marathon and not a sprint. And the new updates which give bonuses and rewards as you grow your colonies is there to encourage slow steady colonization, not 'launch it all in one go and poof - here's a colony!'. Me, I have fun doing the supply drops and multi-mission launches ala 'The Martian'. Plus you have the capstone pieces coming out (they are near the end of development) that after you've proven you can manage a colony, reward you by letting you essentially turn your new colony into a mini-Kerbin, at which point lots of mechanics are extracted away, and your colony becomes a resource generator without all of the management. So it becomes a meta-game of building multiple bases. The use case being that you learn on Minmus or Mun, and once that base becomes a full fledged colony, you no longer have to manage it (it just spits out finished resources and handles all life support automatically), so you can leap frog to, say, Duna - without having to worry about managing your Minmus shipyard.
  12. Usual deal, start with just USI stuff, add in mods till it breaks. It's how we find incompatibilities
  13. Dunno, given that DMagic also uses ScienceDefs.cfg I'd take a peek there and see what's different.
  14. This is probably a discussion that's better for the MKS/UKS thread. But the very short version is that those constraints - i.e. complex parts (and some of them quite large) are by design. Shrinking it down and bypassing those processes makes the mods incompatible. It's why I default that switch to OFF... unless you're using UKS, at which point you're opting into the entire gameplay experience (including complex resource chains and the logistical challenge of setting up off-world colonies). It's kinda the whole point of the mod So if those constraints are not for you, then I'd recommend using MKS-Lite (in USI land) or just go with a parts pack like KPBS. (edit) It would be like installing FAR, then asking modders who make plane packs to make their planes behave like stock... under FAR. Or RemoteTech, but asking a modder to change their antennas to behave like stock. (double edit) Your note RE how parts hook up... you do realize that one of the main bits of UKS has always been disconnected bases? The 3.75/2.5 series bits are generally not physically connected (unless you want to via a flex o tube). So your issue may be a base design one.
  15. Actually, I'd recommend just leaving wear off by default (this is how USI-LS comes out of the box). If someone is using this mod plus MKS, they should really be using the MKS production chains that are already there (and fully supported) - and it's MKS that flips the 'wear' flag. There's really no need to add extra parts to this mod for an alternate chain, since adding a simpler chain fundamentally breaks MKS and messes with compatibility, and we'd end up module-managing eachother to death Yeah... something like this would be pretty much incompatible with UKS - so I would not recommend it (tho it would be compatible with MKS-Lite - it's pretty much the MKS-Lite production chain to MaterialKits).
  16. @CobaltWolf - Given that it's what Squad uses and also what a couple of my own mods use, that does not seem to be the issue.
  17. Good deal. Hopefully this helps out other folks who come looking for this issue, tho ideally @CobaltWolf can fix his mod so it does not break mine
  18. Thanks @nightingale for the clarification! @rakol- start on a clean install with just USI mods, work your way out.
  19. It now defaults as off, but can be flipped back on via a configuration change.
  20. Sounds like.. no idea why @nightingale is doing that tho... Try removing it, see if it fixes the issue.
  21. Unrelated. A couple of new things are being worked. First - a unified settings menu and a single settings file. Second. A new (and separate) parts pack that builds a set of generic parts to work with USI-LS - Fertilizer generators, habitats, and a new greenhouse model or two. The idea is that this will be a pack that can be used stand-alone, or dovetail right into MKS-Lite or UKS
  22. Yep, you can turn it on in the config file.
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