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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Depends on your definition of interesting On the one hand, it would be a serious challenge for a couple of Kerbals with a drill to deplete the resources in an area within the timescale of a KSP game. It's like one dude with a shovel clearing out a coal seam. Kethane depletes... but it's... weird. You can deplete an entire continent worth of stuff. So it's like one guy with a straw sucking up the great lakes in a few days. That being said, Regolith (the framework Karbonite runs on) has had depletion support for a while now... just nobody uses it
  2. 1.0 Discussion So it's time to discuss 1.0 - this is one of those few chances we have to do a review of the resources, and tweak as required. I'll start by noting that we will be establishing 'Lqd' as the prefix for all liquid sub-forms (i.e. Hydrogen/LqdHydrogen, Oxygen/LqdOxygen). If folks can please do a review of the resources they curate, we can start working on consolidation and trim down the list. Discuss
  3. Are you using the FireSpitter bundled with MKS? It's patched.
  4. Possible around all bodies, I think for Exospheric Kerbin has a similar rate as other planets - just that it's incredibly thin (thinner than it was in the past by a significant margin).
  5. If there's Karbonite there - it varies by save - use a detector first
  6. I've had no issue at 2000m btw. It's meant to be a total pain.
  7. FYI - when comparing texture load, also bear in mind MKS-OKS is actually two part packs in one You have completely different parts for orbital vs. ground.
  8. Yep, we clarified that a few pages back One of the OPs was mistaken in his assessment of Kethane so I checked with Taniwha.
  9. CRP is less about adding new resources that are single-mod, and more about providing some commonality for the ones we share (i.e. not all of the MKS ones are in there, but the ones that have commonality with NFT, TAC-LS, etc. are going to be there). Now if there's one that CRP has that you want to use, just bundle it and you're done For new ones, it's more a case of showing multiple mods that use them (or in some cases, if we have most of a mod's resources we'll bring along a few others for the ride).
  10. Yeah... lots of bees in this one guys. It's getting a rework, but very likely around 1.0 time unless I shake loose some time before then.
  11. Been perusing the notes above, and as Max noted in the SquadCast, this is being made to be very open and moddable, so yep, I expect there will be some really interesting stuff coming out from the modding community pretty soon after launch, which is awesome
  12. Correct - if you look at biomes in the debug window you will get the idea
  13. You're asking more of a Regolith question - but I'll answer anyway. It's biome based - so those patterns you see are based on the biome data, simple as that. And it is randomized per biome per save.
  14. Sure, and I reserve the right to call them silly for it Good thing neither of the mods in this thread are doing that
  15. Make one Gotta say, that did give me a chuckle. Conservation of mass is one of those pretty basic things. You just can't make stuff from nothing. It is one spectacular stretch to consider that it's a mutable thing. Oh.. and as noted above, Kethane does in fact respect this (which is downright sensible), just that it's super efficient. But cute troll
  16. Just install Regolith in GameData It did not move. By bundled - you may notice that right now a lot of the USI mods do include GameData\Regolith. Going forward they will not.
  17. Meaning I am not going to include a copy of Regolith in my various packages. It will still be a dependency, but you will need to download it separately. The exospheric bug related to interplanetary abundances not having correct cuttoffs/displaying correctly (so mostly a K+ issue)
  18. 0.1.6 is up! Fixed bug with exospheric resources Fixed nullReference in base converter Fixed an edge case with DeltaTime doing insta-conversions This will need to be dropped into any USI mod with a Regolith dependency, as I am deprecating the pre-bundle of Regolith.
  19. Switching gears over to general ISRU (And I think some good reading has been linked before), I'd agree that hydrogen/oxygen cracked from hydrates is what I hear about most (esp. in relation to carbonaceous (C-Type) asteroids). Some of the lunar experiments I've seen, like the NASA tests done in Hawaii are also pretty interesting: http://www.nasa.gov/exploration/multimedia/isru-hawaii.html
  20. Yeah, that was the joke Plus Max has already publicized that it will be crazy moddable.
  21. I heard a rumor that the stock resource system will be highly moddable - I would not be surprised if there were not a plethora of multi-resource chemical-reality based mods out there soon after launch
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