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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Talked to Ferram - it's the presence of a chute. Note that in the new version, said nosecone cannot be the root part. I'll also likely drop in a mini decoupler given that we already get decouplers at 5 science anyway.
  2. Refine Ore and Minerals into RareMetals and ExoticMinerals. Soon - it was out of date.
  3. Not really, consider the size of a TAC-LS small container (which has 11 days of each, most of that mass being food). Very little gear, and lots of space once the bubble is inflated to unpack your goodies. Yep! Good thing a DERP only has five units of storage hence, physically impossible to store a DERP in a DERP
  4. I am not opposed to a price review I think I did all of these right when the whole cost thing came out, so I expect it's due a balance pass. If anyone wants to volunteer, I take pull requests!
  5. By asking for it to be 'fixed' you're implying that it is a bug. Maintenance of your original velocity is part of the design.
  6. @Chyort - Looks like you found a typo on the Sun one I'll take a look and see what I can fiddle with to get it where it needs to be.
  7. I don't understand your question RE deceleration... there is no acceleration or deceleration involved in this, rather it's translation of your location. Very big difference.
  8. I'd say it is definitely not this mod, and likely an installation issue or a KSP issue. Easy test. Start with a clean install of KSP and only install Exploration Pack. See what happens. Go from there.
  9. Reverse what you asked. If you download Karbonite, you have Regolith. Regolith itself has no resources, no parts, etc. - it's just a framework (kinda like FireSpitter is used for animations and such). AMT is just one of my other mods (it's parts are ones you see in the technical demo I released a while back), only place for it right now is on dropbox or the USI catalog page.
  10. No plans on changing the animation, etc - you guys got about the limit of what I'm doing with texture animations on this one. RE the IXS - there is no compatibility patch, etc. though I expect it would be doable as the bubble is a separate model now.
  11. Karbonite will be more hand-wavey and less complex. AMT will be a deep dive into mining.
  12. @Wisq - it means you have a bad install. I'm not sure what is broke, but start with something clean and try SR by itself then re-add mods. Universal Storage is a good bet if you have the older non-Regolith version. So try re-downloading just USI_Tools from the catalog page in my sig and see if that fixes it.
  13. With or without FAR? With or without KJR? I've done most of my early career with FAR (no KJR) using sounding rockets.
  14. No real analogue for oil that I'm aware of - feel free to create a config for your pack. Procedure for stuff coming back is generally for mods to get some traction, and for folks wanting to share your stuff (SpareParts being the most recent example).
  15. CRP not CRS Anything on that list is part of CRP, but note that ORS support is no longer supported (you may want to look at the release vs dev thread). I'll have a mod close this one out to avoid confusion. Release thread is here
  16. So a general heads up. Something I am adding in is the concept of 'discovery'. i.e. stuff is only visible to scanners, etc. (including SCANSat, etc.) once you do some kind of initial analysis for that biome The intent is to drive more reasons for varied exploration.
  17. No worries - if you have a question just ping here or the Regolith thread (think of CRP as an example implementation of the Regolith resource system, with Karbonite and AMT being reference examples for planets and asteroids).
  18. The altitude ones require a manned pod. And RE the FAR UI: It's FAR I'll try to help out by breaking apart some of the multi use parts. It's not like part count is an issue with these
  19. Scroll back a bit - someone made a bunch of KSPI tanks for ART as a stand alone pack back in 0.25 and I expect they still work.
  20. Regolith is just a framework - it's up to the consuming mods to decide if they want to use depletion or not (and at what rate). Did you set it to do a resource scan? i.e. do you see scanning on the small map? And did you select a planetoid, a resource, and click the resource button, and are you on SCANSat 9.4?
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