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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Kinda uncool. As noted, what you brought back was configs not planet factory. And that is one heck of a misleading tagline.
  2. If you use CRP with Regolith, out of the box planets will have stuff. If you want to customize that (down to the biome level) just add new configs. If you want a new resource to appear on both your own and stock planets, add a new config. It's incredibly tolerant of multiple mods doing stuff All we ask is to not modify the CRP configs since that causes sadness. But add all you want (also, and by design, you can't 'turn off' a Regolith config - it's permissive by default and makes sure we don't have mod wars with people trying to break other people's stuff).
  3. FYI - RCS and Engines mixed in large form factors is a bit sketchy right now, as I've experienced myself.
  4. Thanks for the info - going over it, and some bits I have already worked. FYI - do you have KJR? That apparently is what causes droptank wierdness. Nose cone is being separated into a few bits. An aerodynamic bit, the probe core itself, and the parachute. That should help, and also lets me upgrade the probe core later on (since I have some plans for 0.35m parts)
  5. ORS-X is deprecated as of 0.90 (for a variety of reasons). Regolith is what's pretty much current, and CRP uses Regolith now (that was another of the big 0.90 changes). I can't speak to KSPI or KSPI-L since neither used ORS-X, and the KSPI-L CRP was VERY out of date. @Boris - not from me, but again - if costs are off, I'd rather get them sorted.
  6. Sure, just copy the config somewhere and give it a different name and just change the part name and the storage info.
  7. Looks like Wave is still around - so I'd say get with him. I really have no prob tweaking any of those as needed so that you need no MM files. Wave's been pretty reasonable to deal with, but give him a ping and let me know. Ideally, the dust settles with KSPI (it's kinda been a zoo since 0.24.2). My counter question to you will be what your intent is once Fractal_UK comes back, since I strongly doubt he'd roll in a Regolith conversion or a CRP dependency.
  8. You do not need Karbonite for this. Given that the only things Karbonite has are the same plugins FTT has, my guess is that you had a bad install.
  9. Only a 20% chance of stuff being there now, so the solar Karborundum may no longer be present. The whole atmo+10% bit is long gone, it's now a chance of there being an interplanetary band within the SOI.
  10. Hey funk, there is no method for returning the altitude - that's something you could do with a subclass, etc. Side note... doing some reworking, and here's a hint:
  11. If someone wants to toss me some relevant pull requests I'll add these in.
  12. Custom and placed asteroids yes, FASA no idea, probably not.
  13. FYI - added an inline parachute for you folks that and the weather balloon/blimp will be in the next official release.
  14. By devs that would be me And I'm not sure what you are asking for specifically. Oh... and I am testing a Christmas surprise for you folks...
  15. Yep AMT is Advanced Mining Tech - it's where the Regolith preview bits went
  16. @Horus - thanks for the back handed compliment. Merry Christmas.
  17. I expect you're not on the latest release. This was fixed last night.
  18. Awesome! And yep, if you can post a link that would be cool - looking forward to giving it a spin.
  19. Berserker - Only effect would be if I changed the presence chance to go lower. The effect on current bases with this latest patch is they may have less Karbonite, but it would still be there. - - - Updated - - - Also - no idea how to do this stuff with TweakScale - better to ask in that thread.
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