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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. @paranoider.ninja - Nah screenshot is fine. Not seeing anything obvious. Ok. This is my suggestion. First, get me your KSP.log file in case there's something easy to spot there. While waiting for a response to that. perform the following steps: 1. Try a new sandbox save. If that fails: 2. BACKUP your current GameData folder. Then remove everything except the ModuleManager DLL, and the following folders: 000_USITools CommunityCategoryKit CommunityResourcePack Firespitter Squad SquadExpansion UmbraSpaceIndustries 3. Go back to your new sandbox game, see if it works. If it does not, let me know and we'll try more things. If it does work, then start adding your other mod folders back one by one until we find out what's causing the conflict.
  2. They are basically giant KAS pipes (That being said, folks should really take advantage of the fact that MKS works really well with lots of close, disconnected components). '
  3. Probably worth asking in the Kerbalism thread
  4. Nothing official, but a lot of discussion in this thread.
  5. If you want to mess with the images, ping me offline - a spare set of hands on that is always appreciated. And it's probably them being rotated wrong Probably related to it being made with a much older version of GC, so something I have to sort (or if someone does a PR I can just plunk it in).
  6. This really is not the appropriate thread for this. This thread is specifically for supporting this mod, and I do not want to clutter it with a conversation on how to code C#. The appropriate forum would be add-on development, so please ask your general development questions there. There are also likely several threads with tutorials and resources already posted.
  7. Umm.... I am literally playing the same one you can download in 1.9.1 - this mod currently works in 1.9.1 - so no need to wait.
  8. Again - don't take this the wrong way. But you are biting off a lot more than you can chew. Unless you have at least a basic background in software engineering, source code is going to be useless to you. I would suggest working with config files and possibly modeling as your first adventures in modding. Stock has a ton of stuff built in that you can rearrange in interesting ways as well.
  9. Glad you dig it Not sure if anyone ever put this in the wiki or KSPedia - but short version - the longer you have Kerbals around on a colony the more rewards you collect. Pilots for rep, engineers for funds, and scientists for science.
  10. tbh it's probably something I have to fix. A lot of these parts need a bit of TLC. Speaking of which - I have been spending some quality time with the Packrat Rover that's in this pack. and it is absolutely amazing stuff now Here's a sampling from the changelog: The Packrat seat now has a crew capacity so it can be loaded in the VAB. The Packrat FRONT Chassis has a new bottom attachment node that you can use to snap onto a KAS concrete block as a starting point for KIS/KAS assembly Added some additional nodes to the Packrat to ease assembly with KAS/KIS (no more having to rotate - just cycle through nodes!) Packrats got easier to... pack? You can now squeeze the Packrat into a pair of KIS SC-62 Containers. Packrat part masses have been normalized to facilitate balanced KIS packing accross two radial containers. The Packrat has had it's stability dramatically increased. Parts also have a higher mass. The Packrat built in RTG got a power boost to account for the mass increase and resource consumption. The handling is absolutely amazing (since it's a set piece with a single configuration, I have a wider array of tricks). Hugs the ground like a carpet, even at high speed - and if you can slam it enough to get it up on two wheels it almost always drops back on all fours. Catching air on the mun at the moment and it's probably the funnest thing on four wheels I have played with in KSP.
  11. No worries - unfortunately I don't have that data handy.
  12. Yep. Relative to the part origin. Best to look at other nodes and config documentation on the web.
  13. tbh, I would kill for a pull request for that No guarantee otherwise.
  14. No reason why they would not show up? I'll take a look though.
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