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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Also adding in - @FreeThinker is correct in that we use a standard of 1 liter units for all CRP resources (with relatively few exceptions, that are discussed here).
  2. From a CRP standpoint, compressed air is KSPI curated. And if that crp def is going to change (or not) discuss it here and get consensus since we really try to not change CRP definitions after the fact without warning people and agreeing to a timetable.
  3. Not without a lot of work, and not really worth it tbh. If you can throw a supply container in KIS then it means you had a container you should have properly strapped to your ship or in a service bay.
  4. Normally, no support for older versions. But make sure you actually turned the modules on post launch. And sorry, you totally CAN be on the wrong version, because CKAN is sketchy as hell. Especially with out of date versions, and exponentially sketchy with out of date versions and dependencies (which USI-LS has). This is correct - USI-LS has no awareness of stuff shoved into KIS inventories. If your problem is hab, add more pods. If your problem is supplies... add supply containers. Or recyclers. Make sure you turn hab and recyclers on.
  5. If someone can check this in the pre-release that would be good May be one of the stock issues we fixed
  6. The cargo bay and airlock labels are pretty much flavor text (though I may add dynamic hatches). The decal labels on the dome will be based on function.
  7. Oh! For that local logistics window to work, you need a Kerbal on both vessels. Scavenging (as needed) does not require a Kerbal's presence
  8. Did you enable warehousing on the container and is it a USI container?
  9. Fabricated in place. Difference being that most of their mass will be from 3d printed forms fabricated from local regolith vs. requiring a ton of matkits. Similar to the idea of using lunar regolith to 3d print bases the ESA is talking about. So they will be fairly easy to get out there in a DIY Kit, attach to the surface so no hopping bases, and just need some established infrastructure to set up the concrete manufacturing. These will be at the tail end of CTT Colonization track, and require an established presence on the body (i.e. high kolonization stats) before construction as a balance lever.
  10. huh, not really Things have been (intentionally) very stable. And yep, wiki is the place to go.
  11. To add - find an IVA you like from another six man capsule, and just copy/paste the IVA settings from the config (or add in via MM) if you are so inclined. I don't use a stock one as there are no stock six-man IVAs.
  12. Or to be more specific, anything that leverages more than the most basic options in stock does not play nice with Kerbalism background processing i.e. this is not something I can change on my end, because I leverage the stock code. Unrelated - cooking up some stuff, and initial experiments are very positive. Looks like base surface stability may be officially licked.
  13. Yes and maybe. You can have it without the new types, but there are still some changes to the GUI though you can remove Kerbal customization and cost customization (you just don't get the random selection to pick from). All of the settings are available via the stock settings menu.
  14. FYI for the record, nothing in USI stops you from doing unmanned fabrication. It's just going to be really slow. And there are automated provisions for raw resource harvesting that do not suffer this penalty.
  15. The opposite That was the toy I used when I was designing the otter Unrelated - this thread is out of date as the Otter has been merged with the Exploration Pack:
  16. @Wyzard - log an issue, I'm culling through the logs over the remainder of the holiday weekend.
  17. Right click on the engine... it tells you what charge size it wants. Make sure you have the right NPU size on the vessel.
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