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Everything posted by sp1989

  1. Your Saturn V was the first Mod I downloaded nearly a year ago, I have not looked back since. I am really glad to see you are back. Welcome back. If you need any help testing things just let me know.
  2. Nearly all of the contractors for the Monkey vehicles and parts have TAC support. Now obviously Monkey systems exceed the operating length and design specs, however they still support TAC without requiring it. So I would talk to Thunder Aerospace and the other contractors about integrating life support, because they seem to have done it pretty successfully.
  3. I must be honest I have not idea about the intricacies of TAC. I will say it is definitely a nice option to consider because it adds a whole new depth to the game very similar to DR. You cant just send a ship to Duna. You need to make sure you have enough Life Support to get there and you need to plan accordingly resupply missions. Maybe you could also consider for the future adding habitats like MKS into the monkey pipeline to generate life support. But I think just having the option of TAC makes this pack much more fun. Even for the various space stations, like a monkey resupply vehicle to keep the stations filled with snacks and oxygen. Im sure its probably difficult to integrate TAC or maybe it isn't however it really is something you should do because it rounds everything out and it adds a level of difficulty that alot of players look for.
  4. Just FYI Space Factory Vostok looks great on your rockets. It def doesn't look right on Bobcats. Maybe talk to Mrthebull and combine efforts because your rockets def look better and bobcat isn't coming back anytime soon.
  5. I can't seem to decompress the vostok files? Am I the only one having this problem?
  6. Thats good news! Also you said a Mod like this already exists. Where is there one?
  7. Is this an ATM bug. It seems to only happen when I have ATM installed.
  8. The engines effects on the Explorer are a little big now no?
  9. Hey Frizz I know I mentioned it before and I don't know if anyone else has noticed it but the Saturn V is really fast now. It takes off actually unbelievably fast. It doesn't do anything to the rocket. Nothing is actually wrong its just that (I might be the only one) I really liked the slow take off, the engines spooling up, and the progressive acceleration. Even the NOVA takes off really fast extremely fast. Raidernick said that he had to tune down his rockets because they seemed overpowered with the .25 update.
  10. I think its because of .25. I mentioned this Frizz about the Saturn V being over powered. His Saturn V seems to just leap off of the launchpad now instead of slowly like I did before .25. So I think it might be a .25 thing. Also i love the new textures as well.
  11. I am using the FASA launch clamps. The nova and apollo craft files both have clamps, and they still cause the launch pad to explode.
  12. So I find this funny and IDK if anyone else is experiencing it but the Saturn V and NOVA are so heavy it destroys the launch pad by just sitting there. Did you get rid of the spool up for the F-1s because the Saturn V and NOVA just take off really fast now, almost unrealistically. At least it seems this way to me. Also did you change the sound of the F-1's because I remember them sounding a lot more awesome at launch in previous versions? Is anyone else experiencing the launch pad blowing up under the weight of the Saturn V?
  13. I have been playing this game heavily modded for more than a year now. Thanks to ATM I have been able to do this. I don't know why but with the few mods I have loaded it still hits the limit.
  14. X64 for is for people who are running the 64 bit version of the game. X86 is for everyone else.
  15. I also have to report that I am running out of memory even with very few mods, even with the new update. Here is my log and I hope it helps. https://www.dropbox.com/s/j9pm1i59c04ycoi/Player.log?dl=0
  16. AHH ok sounds good. I would like to see your version of this however. It would be nice to have a collection of mods from one modder instead of 5. I mean I like the R7 but to have 3 versions in my gamedata folder seems unnecessary. However I totally understand. Keep up the amazing work. Also where are those launch clamps you made I can't seem to find them anywhere.
  17. Whats the status on this? Because its the only thing missing.
  18. artwhaley posted a little less than a week ago! If he hasn't posted in a month or two then ask if the thread is dead. But come on it almost a week since he updated.
  19. Dude somone posted yesterday?! Unless you are being sarcastic.
  20. That's a lot if rocket for a re supply module. Awesome!!!'
  21. Thats perfectly fine. An official update is what makes me excited. I assume tech tree integration and proper pricing will be part of the update, thats honestly what getting me excited, that and it will be nice to have an official update. Also I am glad to see you semi excited about working in KSP again.
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