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    Legalize Ranch
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    probably working on BDB

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  1. @CobaltWolf when will BDB be updated? Sorry if this appears to be rude - it is not, and I am just curious. :) 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Barzon


      I will  :D. Sorry for being demanding, but would it be possible for a version of BDB with just the Eyes Turned Skywards parts. 

    3. CobaltWolf


      No, sorry. We've looked into it several times and it is actually a lot of work to split the mod up and maintain separate downloads, especially because of how integrated everything is within folders. And, once you split the mod up, where do you stop? Everyone would want a separate version that has only the parts they want. Instead, we tried to make it easy to prune and separate the parts and only use the folders you want. If there is still too much stuff, you could use something like Janitor's Closet to clean your part list up further.

    4. Barzon


      Ok, thats fine

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