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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. Well, obviously we'll have to wait and see how things shake out. But we're moving forward on the assumption that the 'clean slate' will lead to a much better game in a year or two's time. Ha, I've definitely thought about Pegasus/Taurus, but I wouldn't hold your breath this time around. Some day, I'm sure... Thank you! I'm certainly excited and we have some ideas for the new systems (colony parts based on old moon base proposals, anyone?)
  2. Minotaur 1, basically the first two stages from a decommissioned Minuteman, then the upper stages of a Pegasus XL. The later rockets in the family, IV and V, are already in the mod. (Minotaur II and III are suborbital target vehicles for ABM testing) I got sniped by @DaveyJ576
  3. Weird to think that this will be the last set of parts for BDB1 ...or not, I don't know, depends on how modding for KSP2 shakes out this year...
  4. That's correct - the Orbiter's core has some pretty significant differences (the fuel tanks are nearly double in size, for one). I am... somewhat notoriously lazy when I get parts in game. I did actually put in the effort to change the default names, but the real names/descriptions were definitely not updated. Yeah, I have no idea what that thing is... The one I added is mostly just me removing the lander-specific equipment, like the radars, and pieces that would have clipped with the solar panels. The fuel tanks are longer and the structure is slightly different, but other than that it's really just a hypothetical configuration.
  5. Surveyor "B" Orbiter parts have been added. Not a lot of info for it, I'm curious what sort of builds people can come up with for greebling it. The types of experiments it'd include are mentioned in the image below.
  6. Apropos of nothing, yes, I do believe a history on how Minuteman and Peacekeeper became Minotaur would be interesting. Currently, no. It's definitely a detail that would be included in the Atlas revamp, but that's on indefinite hold at the moment - might not come until KSP2.
  7. Hmm, I don't know if that would cause drag? Nodes used to affect it years ago but I think they fixed that in like... 1.0.4 or something? And yeah, there's no separate file that defines the docking port types, their nodeType strings just have to match.
  8. Oh, you're right. The nodes were set to size 0, which is for 0.625m parts. I just set them to size 2, which is used for 2.5m parts and should be much stronger. I just uploaded a fix to the Github, but in the meantime you can fix the part in your local install by just changing these two 0's to 2 in the part cfg you already found. One thing though - I'm not sure this will take affect on crafts already in orbit. You could try either editing your save file, or relaunching the parts of the station you've sent so far.
  9. I just looked at the history of the cfg for that part, seems like @Invaderchaos added those tags because the part is reused in the RAE Explorer probe? Somewhere in the middle, if I remember. It does actually move the CoM of the weights away from the craft before jettisoning them. I don't think you have nearly as much control and precision as you would in real life, though.
  10. That's ice on the tank I believe, we've always left it out since we've never come up with a good texture for it.
  11. Surveyor is in game, still needs a lot of cfg work (you'll note that these parts are allegedly from Coatl Aerospace at the moment...) Thanks to @Pioneer_Steve for the pics
  12. Me neither. What do you mean? A lot of the parts don't have real IVAs, just the void. We don't maintain any of the compatibility stuff, we just keep them with the mod so they're available and people can submit updates for them (cough). The team doesn't use a lot of mods in our test installs, so we wouldn't be good judges of balance for mod resources like that anyways. Most of the stuff from the last year or two probably hasn't been added to those configs. It looks like @Marcelo Silveira submitted the last update for those configs, if he understands why there's duplicates? Does CommunityResourcePack include those extra resources you're seeing?
  13. Yeah with the announcement that it will be Early Access and not a full release next month, I don't really think modding support will be a priority. I think it will come and be everything we dreamed, but probably not a priority when they are focusing on implementing the basic game features they promised still. So I don't anticipate being able to start right away.
  14. Yeah, can't offer even a vague estimate without knowing how long it will take to get access to whatever modding tools are needed. I assume it would take years to fully port the content we've developed for KSP1, and that's without accounting for issues with dependencies (I don't think Blowfish intends on making an equivalent of B9PS for KSP2, for example)
  15. We were aiming for a release in time for the holidays, but it didn't happen due to IRL stuff happening for all the devs. Incidentally, Surveyor is getting close to done, but I'm moving into a new apartment this week - so still no ETA on when it will start becoming available. In the meantime, enjoy this teaser? I suppose?
  16. Just wanted to say thank you - I appreciated this message (and the other well wishes) a lot! Sorry for the delay in replying, my wife and I both came down with some sort of horrific disease that's lasted over a week at this point. Thankfully finally on antibiotics and starting to feel better. By the way, I've seen you on the NSF forums, right? I don't ever post there but I recall seeing yours.
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