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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. Oh that's fantastic! I'd love to see more kitbashed recreations like this, there's a lot of stuff that we've never made dedicated parts for.
  2. That's how it was on the real thing. Though it does seem like there's a way to shift the rover forward on it? You could try using the extender thingy from the LRV
  3. Looks like you placed the ramp too high up on the side of the descent stage. The triangular struts that mount it to the stage shouldn't be sticking up like that. With that said, you could probably decouple the rover and it will be fine... I hope... quicksave first..
  4. Yeah they require some tweaking, there wasn't a way to make it work automatically with every configuration of docking port etc that players might use.
  5. BDB + Kerbalism has always been handled by the Kerbalism team. But I don't think that would fix the contracts anyways. No, I think that is the DECQ Saturn.
  6. You want to use the RO parts mods, ROEngines, ROCapsules, etc. They use their own version of the BDB models.
  7. Oh, rest assured, the Viking lander is coming hecc or high water. I actually just got my hands on Akron's lander model, and it is as GORGEOUS as I remember. But since that is still a far way off... I was thinking I might get the orbiter parts in game when they are ready. Yeah the team has only been talking about it for 3 or 4 years now. Glad it's finally happening. Hey bro I heard you like staging events
  8. How are you attaching the LM? The bottom node on the descent stage is actually two identical nodes - one should have the engine attached to it, one should attach to the SLA. Do you mean the SIM bay on the Service Module? It should be something you decouple. I think. If I remember. I thought the Atlas 2 omitted the LR-101s and that’s why it had the roll thruster module.
  9. There were studies back in the day for SRBs that could be shut down (and reignited!) using an extinguisher system. I don't think it made it very far, I think it was mostly a result of experts trying to push the capabilities of SRBs past what was needed.
  10. Most SRBs don't have them in real life. You either adjust the amount of propellant or shape your orbit differently to use a set amount of delta V. The shutdown on the BDB solids is a gameplay consideration to make them more useful, since I don't expect players to spend weeks/months planning a mission and shaping the trajectories haha. I won't give an ETA, since work hasn't even begun on texturing the lander or getting it in game. I'd say before Christmas though. (Also, I am still looking for more people to sign up to the patreon) Here's an update on the orbiter, though:
  11. I believe it has something to do with igniting the SRB - though I thought usually the ignitor was at the top. A lot of the STAR motors have them.
  12. More Viking development stream! Working on the propulsion section today! https://www.twitch.tv/cobaltwolfy
  13. Hey, so I lied. Whoops. Taking care of bed bugs is a lot of work, it turns out. You should share pictures! I could see us doing MEM at some point, it's just things take time so me saying "I'd like to do it" means it might take a couple more years once I commit to it haha. We've looked into it before, but the document doesn't seem to be available, sadly. I'd probably say nah to the LLRV, just not enough practical uses for it vs making actual lander variants. I was thinking the one from Space 1999 You'll have to ask Invader, but I think there are some Voyager variants planned. Probably not the Grumman LSS, but I have had my ear turned a bit to making a MOLAB-type rover at some point. The problem is there's a lot of different designs for it, and I'd want to kind of pick one and stick with it. Wait, is Engine Ignitor itself included in the download? I thought it was just compatibility cfgs. Yeah that's how you have to do it, never really thought that hard about it. I still use Imgur to upload my pics for the thread. It has an IVA??? Pretty much... there's only one MM detector on the bottom, and the photometers go in 3x symmetry. I explained on the stream, there were some compromises I had to make for those experiments.
  14. Thank you Foxx, and everyone else, for the well wishes on this landmark (?) achievement. I'm so glad to know how much joy this project has brought people, so many of whom I've never even met. This September will mark 8 years of working on BDB - more than 1/4 of my life. It's honestly been worth every moment, and we have no plans of stopping any time soon. Now, I was planning on having some really cool Viking Orbiter previews by now, but I didn't get as far as I'd wanted. Work has been pretty crazy lately and taken a lot out of me. Then back in May my car got totaled, and last week my phone got bricked, and now as of yesterday we have bed bugs in our apartment. That's not even half of it the stuff that's been going on the last few months, and things have been taking a lot of energy, time, and money I don't really have. Sooooo... I guess now is as good a time as any to do my annual plug of the BDB donation pages! You can do one-time donations through my Paypal donation link, and recurring donations can be made through the BDB Patreon (I don't have time to do Patreon-exclusive content, it's just if you want to help support the me). There are some expenses I associate with BDB - mainly software and subscriptions - and keeping those numbers up helps make sure I'm not paying for the time I spend on this. And if people are extra generous, maybe it will help keep me and my wife on track with saving for our honeymoon. I can see there has been a lot of discussion since my last post (4 pages?), I will have to come back later today and reply to as many specific posts as I can. In the meantime, here's the current progress on Viking. I was hoping to have the solar panels, antennas, and core at least fully textured. There's still a lot of wiring to be added to all these parts.
  15. There is no proper version of that motor, no. It's a lot more work than it looks, you never wind up being able to reuse as much as you'd like from the existing model. Not only that, but the stock wheel system doesn't support tracks like that. In any case, there's still a ton of work to do for the flown Viking parts, so let's not get ahead of ourselves. That will take up my entire summer, if not more - even small requests are time consuming and require me to sustain interest for several weeks or months. By the time I get to that point I'll likely be ready to work on something different.
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