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Everything posted by Vince_K

  1. same thing... -settings installed, but the songs restart each time I stage. pre launch settings don't works and broke the mod... -Music stop after one or tow songs -when I make a space walk on the Mun, the song switch at each step( status landed, sub orbital,landed, sub orbital...) -the music start randomly on the loading screen good idea BTW. sorry for my english
  2. nope don't works for me...it's a time warp bug...check my video on p.77
  3. ok... I reinstalled the mod but I did not install the legacy part. for me, the only part that is still bugged is the reworks basic hinge. check your build. The other parts works well for me
  4. just to show you something... http://imgur.com/a/DyY3m french in the world....thanks squad
  5. if someone wants to continue development..why not? extruded parts and new texture would be nice
  6. It seems that no one officially take care of it. And for the thread, I think you don't read the same thing as me...Several people sudmit bug and there is no response....Work fine? Idon't think so...there is an orientation bug in the loading of physic that you can reproduce.
  7. someone can take care of infernal robotic please?
  8. This mod still has some bug.Even with the new ''update''. Please, if someone can realy mantain it, or make another one, it would be great.
  9. KSP 1.2.2 and all the stuff you have post. Don't worry, I play this game since 2014 Maybe it's because I start my carrer in 1.2.1? But I have start a new save in 1.2.2 and it's still the same
  10. Fresh install,game folder check, new desing, new test...but...nope....the part bug when they are not return to zero
  11. Yes. My install is ok and I don't use KJR. I play with this add on from the beginning. I don't understand why the rotatron reset is position and break the other after him. If someone have a idea, it would be nice, I have a 225 000$ launch in orbit waiting to land on my Mun base. And sorry for my bad english.... Ok...I have reinstall all the thing...again....and again...and some ship work well and other craft are just a big bug...what???
  12. hi, I have a weird contagious bug in time warp. Make something please! Many Kerbal lives depend on it!
  13. it would be nice if you had some pics
  14. game crash in the VAB. KSP 1.2.2 MSL 1.0.3 LOG https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j25g5eo1jyxyawx/AAB3zMk2LHiyR7LuVeD6Ft_Da?dl=0
  15. Ok thanks for your time I have to fix something elsewhere... I think I know where is it. thanks again
  16. Hi I play with TAC LS and all my US food container turn into suplies container...I don't have any USI mod...someone can heip me?
  17. I play with TAC LS. I like the oxygene,food and water concept because you can search for water and make food and oxygene with it
  18. http://imgur.com/E4J64Ux departure of the ship ''Projet Minmus''
  19. tanks for the update. Any news about US2? It's always cool to see work in progress. Even more for beautiful part
  20. i'm with tis idea at 100% I wanted to do a mod like that several times but i was stop by my poor computer skill. The idea is to make an switchable intersection with B9PartSwitch and make different length that fit with different angles. After you can weld your frame with UbioZur Welding LTD. it's realy difficult for me to explain this in english and I don't know if allt that is possible.
  21. i have only one copy and I make a fresh instal. I have this issue since your first 1.2.1 update and I install all my mod since KSP 0.19... but don't ask me to much...I am just a carpenter after all.... hehehe btw...I realy like what you do. your models are awsome. but just a smal request: could you release your textures for procedural parts? Tanks and sorry for my realy bad english
  22. I know...but my folder up to 30 ko after removing...act of god maybe?
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