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Angelo Kerman

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Everything posted by Angelo Kerman

  1. Kudos to @peteletroll for making such a great mod. I'm currently using the last 1.3.1 version and it aligned my docking ports perfectly.
  2. I fixed a bunch of bugs today in my plugins, continued my refit for the new KAS/KIS, and then took a break and launched the drydock component of my Minmus Station expansion project: Minmus Station has one more expansion module awaiting construction, then I'll have to fly crew up to the station to finish setting it up and expanding it.
  3. My refit of Pathfinder continues. The changes to KAS have really thrown a wrench into things, and I've removed several built-in KAS ports as a result. The only thing I can't figure out is how to set up the Mineshaft's crew tube with the new system. I'm hoping @IgorZ can help there. I'd rather keep using KASModuleStrut (which is the old way to connect craft together and do resource transfer), but if I can get the part straightened out with the new system, it should be ok. I'll probably have to punt on that for now. Meanwhile, I've been crunching several bugs, including issues with the Rangeland buckling when you build a large rocket on top of it, and issues related to deploying large parts like the Hogan: Some quality of life improvements include upper mounting racks on the crew tubes and a new radially attached part that's used to mount the Gaslight, Sombrero, and Telegraph. That should make it easier to attach these accessories, as I've found that ground attaching them is problematic.
  4. @IgorZ Can you show me the Unity mesh hierarchy for your KAS/Models/CommonConnector/Connector.mu? I need that to create the mesh needed for the hose (in my case crew tube) in the new KAS pipe connector system.
  5. Snacks 1.11.0 is now available: - Updated for KSP 1.5.X - The Snack Processor and Soil Recycler will now automatically shut down if the vessel's ElectricCharge reserves drop below 5%.
  6. The good news is that I have squashed a few bugs. The only thing left is integration with the latest KAS and KIS. Once that is done I can finally kick out the KSP 1.5 release...
  7. Very cool to read the origin story of the Kraken! To hear that the war ended above Kerbin.. makes me wonder if there are landmines and unexploded shells that the kerbals have to deal with, much like people have had ro contend with decades after WW II..
  8. If you use Kerbal Konstructs there is also the Buffalo Bulldozer for exactly that purpose.
  9. @Bombaatu The bug you reported appears to be a KSP issue. It seems that when you launch your craft, KSP saves the vessel but the game also appears to cache the part. The next time it loads the part, it uses its cache. Because of that, you're seeing the issue you reported. Not sure if I can create a workaround.
  10. You know? I could say something really snarky here too but I won't. Instead, I will point out that the game comes with a KSPedia, and leave it at that. Wow, this is really strange! I'm able to reproduce it though, great steps, thanks! Now that I've got experiment manifests working properly when you revert flights, I can tackle this one..
  11. Yes, I'm maintaining all the parts in that screenshot. Is there a special mesh I need to make that I need to make? Why is pipes from nowhere not a good idea in the new KAS? Thank you for answering my questions as I try to understand what changes I need to make to support the latest version.
  12. Ok, for the first case of pipe connectors between parts, I see what to do. But for the second case, as you say, pipe connectors cannot be of any diameter any more. How do I make a part with the correct diameter?
  13. I don’t plan on making a new thread. I hope whomever takes over will do so.
  14. Sure thing. Here is what I typically do with the legacy modules. This first image is a connection between my base and a launchpad. The launchpad is a 20m in diameter part, so I drop it on the ground, attach the pipe, and use the pipe to feed the resources it needs to assemble from a box into the pad. Once built, the pipe also serves to transfer the resources needed to build new spacecraft via Extraplanetary Launchpads. This is a typical use case, I have several parts in Pathfinder that use a pipe to get resources. Here's another case. Here I have two rovers connected together through the legacy pipe system. In this case, the crew transfer tube is just one big pipe. As above, the crew tube also transfers resources between the rovers. Hope that helps.
  15. @IgorZ Question for you as I upgrade Pathfinder: The old KAS had KASModulePort and KASModuleStrut, both of which I used for pipelines and the Mineshaft crew tube. Do I understand correctly that I now need KASLinkResourceConnector, KASRendererPipe, and KASJointCableBase? Thanks again for all your hard work! Pathfinder has benefited greatly because of your efforts.
  16. Just a heads up that this week I'm working on getting Pathfinder and my other mods working with KSP 1.5.X. I've got a few things to do including some refactoring work, KAS 1.0 integration, and the like.
  17. OSE Workshop 1.3 is now available: - Updated for KSP 1.5.X - Printing processes now supports "catch up" mechanics. This means that you can, for instance, start a print job, go to the Space Center, wait a few hours, and come back to find your print job nearly completed. - Recycle processes now supports "catch up" mechanics as well. - Fixed time estimates listed when you mouse over a part. - Fixed integration with Extraplanetary Launchpads. - Adjusted ModuleManager patches to make it easier to customize recipes- CRP is still very much supported! - Reduced production rates on the OSE Workshop parts to more realistic values. - The Workshop AI Core no longer requires crew to operate, but it requires more ElectricCharge than a regular workshop and takes twice as long to print items. It's also been moved to Field Science. - The Chemical Workshop can now produce MaterialKits from Ore. - Enable Recipes Option: You can now enable/disables recipes, which require more than one resource to print the part. When disabled, only the default MaterialKits resource is required (unless overriden by another mod). You can set this option from KSP's Settings screen. It is on by default. - Require Funds Option: You can now enable/disable the Funds requirement for printing parts. You can set this option from KSP's Settings screen. It is on by default. - Create KAC Alarms Option: You can now enable/disable integration with Kerbal Alarm Clock. When enabled, any print job that takes an hour or more will add a KAC alarm. You can set this option from KSP's Settings screen. It is on by default. KNOWN ISSUE: Setting a KAC alarm doesn't percisely tell you when your print jobs will be done, but it's pretty close. Work is ongoing to improve accuracy. - Removed OseModuleCategoryAddon and associated classes. - You can now specify production categories from within the OseModuleWorkshop config node by adding CATEGORY nodes. You'll get the full list of categories if you don't specify any CATEGORY nodes. Example config: MODULE { name = OseModuleWorkshop //module stuff goes here... CATEGORY { name = Science iconPath = Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/R&D_node_icon_advsciencetech } } As mentioned, I'm doing some caretaker duties for a bit on OSE Workshop but my plate is full. If somebody wants to take over, just PM me.
  18. That’s actually not a bug. I’ve had too many problems with bases overheating for no good reason after leaving them for a few days, so I got rid of the heating mechanic. Nowadays I use BARIS to simulate wear and tear instead.
  19. After putting the finishing touches on my OSE Workshop refit (release for KSP 1.5 coming this weekend), I finished assembly of Skybase: The space station is fully equipped to serve as a transportation hub for KSC's space missions. Team Kelbin has done a fine job of building the station, but it's time to send them home. The next station crew will be building DSEV-03 Nautilus. Team Kelbin will get a rest before their next mission.
  20. I expect changes with the new KAS. My guess is that old KAS won’t be compatible with new KAS, and with legacy KAS going away, you better de-link any parts attached with pipes or the Mineshaft before updating.
  21. Yay for KAS 1.0! This weekend I will have to update Pathfinder and Buffalo to use the new version..
  22. Almost done with the refit. here's another teaser: Still fiddling with the time display. KSP has a timestamp utility which helps but I can't figure out how to include units. It needs to be a bit more descriptive...
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