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Angelo Kerman

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Everything posted by Angelo Kerman

  1. No worries, many mods make use of OSE Workshop and I’d hate to see it wither away. I would like to see someone pick up the torch once I finish the refit as my plate is pretty full but for now I can keep things going. Question: There are three versions of the workshop, Workshop, AI Workshop, and Chemical Workshop, and they appear to be just cosmetically different. I don’t normally use these parts, so I’m unsure about how they’re used. Does MKS do anything special with the different workshops? If not I was thinking that the AI Workshop could operate without a crew but do so at a higher ElectricCharge cost and slower production rate while the Chemical Workshop could have some other benefit. Any ideas?
  2. In @Aelfhe1m's absence I'm resuming caretaker status of OSE Workshop and am working on some quality of life improvements. Here's a teaser:
  3. Just to let people know, development is slowed due to all the bug stomping and real life stuff going on, but I haven’t forgotten about the mothership. Most recently I did some plugin work on the OmniStorage and OmniConverter for quality of life improvements, and that directly applies to the mothership. I still need to create the basic look, but the template parts are ready for texturing...
  4. MM is vital in order to Pathfinder and many other of my mods. My suggestion is to clean the MM caches before installing Pathfinder, and make sure to copy all files in the zip over to their corresponding locations in the GameData folder. If you are using CRP, follow the directions on the OP to change the Play Mode. Pathfinder defaults to Classic Stock.
  5. They are from Pathfinder. Chech my sig for the link.
  6. With the Lesser Flats Refinery almost done, I started expanding Minmus Station into the Minmus Orbital Shipyard: Currently, kerbals are restricted to no more than 200 days on orbit in zero gee, or up to a year on the ground, so the centrifuge is an experiment to see if it can enable kerbals to stay in space longer. It's also the backbone of the shipyard itself.
  7. Correct, and I have repeatedly verified that the mod’s resource chains are working. I use them in my own game.
  8. Should be ok, but make a backup just in case. I still recommend switching play modes away and back to normalize everything
  9. No worries. When I reproduced the problem on my pc, and wrote the fix, I had to change the play mode from CRP to Classic Stock, restart the game, and switch back from Classic Stock to CRP and restart again. The problem is that Pristine Mode wasn’t being hidden properly, but the steps I took in addition to the fix in the latest release fixed it for me. Then I promptly went back to Classic Stock mode, but that’s not a requirement in the least.
  10. Did you install the latest Pathfinder, deleting the old folders? Did you select a play mode other than CRP, and then restart the game? Did you re select CRP mode and restart the game? If yest to all the above, I will need to see logs.
  11. Hm, ok, good to know, thanks! Maybe an API for penalties is possible? I could then play with making additional options and have better integration with the mods I make. Thanks again.
  12. @garwel I was thinking of making a habitation mod called Stress, and then recently discovered your Kerbal Health mod. KH does what I was thinking of, kudos to you for making a great mod! I am away from my pc this weekend, but plan on downloading it once I return. I do have some functionality questions: Can you restore health while in flight? I have a large domed part in Pathfinder that has a mini park designed to reduce stress and I’m wondering if I can do something similar with your mod. I think this is Recouperation from the OP.. Similarly, if a kerbal is injured, is there some kind of medical bay part module to restore health? Recouperation applies here too? Can your ships generate a mini-magnetospheric plasma shield to protect against radiation? Say, consume xenon gas and electric charge to generate the shield? Finally, I see that kerbals will turn into tourists under certain conditions. That mechanic is not for me personally, so in Snacks I wrote a fainting penalty for when you skip too many meals. I was wondering if Kerbal Health could have fainting as an option instead of turning kerbals into tourists. If you’re curious I based fainting on what happens when a kerbal passes out from excessive g forces. Here is the code: https://github.com/Angel-125/Snacks/blob/master/Snacks/Penalties/FaintPenalty.cs Other penalties if you’re curious: https://github.com/Angel-125/Snacks/tree/master/Snacks/Penalties Thanks again for making a great mod, I look forward to playing with it.
  13. Ok, the 1.30.1 patch fixes the duplicate Hogan issue. At least it should...
  14. There should be a deprecated folder where the older Hogan goes. I specifically remember moving the older version there to avoid the Pathfinder tab.
  15. Two Hogan parts should not be there. The one with the port should be deprecated. The Buckboards were verified working as well with the new version. It sounds like some install issues of some sort. The hogan with 6.5 tons of snacks... is that in the editor? The Old Faithful is a heat radiator. Water isn’t strictly required but it will cool your parts faster. You can select open cycle cooling for even faster cooling, much like sweating does. But open cycle consumes Water in the process.
  16. No worries. I did have to fix things in the play mode switcher and that does require switching play mode away from CRP and back. The problem is that patches from Pristine mode are colliding with other modes. Worse case is manually renaming files, which is what the switcher does for you
  17. Did you select a play mode, restart, then select say CRP and restart? I verified that last night
  18. No problem I have no issues with people who want to post patches for CRP. Legacy users will be happy too. Given my limited time, my focus is on Classic Stock. That and hitting feature complete for Pathfinder. Sandcastle will be Pathfinder’s last major parts update.
  19. The Omni Storage system will store any resource identified by KSP. The Omni Storage template only exists for Classic Stock. No Omni Storage template exists for CRP. No Omni Converter templates exist for CRP. At this point, CRP is considered legacy, which means I'm not making any further developments to the CRP templates, future mods won't even include CRP support, and I'm only ensuring that they continue to work properly in my existing mods. Speaking of which: Pathfinder is now available. GitHub URL: https://github.com/Angel-125/Pathfinder/releases/tag/v1.30.0.0 Changes Last release for KSP 1.4.5! Classic Stock - Added new Greenhouse OmniCoverter template. It's only available if Snacks is installed. It will produce Snacks after 180 hours. There's a chance that the yield will be higher than normal, lower than normal, or fail completely. It also runs in the background (runs even when the vessel isn't in physics range). - The Haber Process, Composter, Snack Grinder, and Organic Chips Omni Converters will all now convert their resources even when the vessel is unloaded and out of physics range. Bug Fixes & Enhancements - Fixed issue where switching Play Modes would cause some files to not be renamed and cause all kinds of "fun" for players... NOTE: For the changes to take effect, you'll need to switch your Play Mode to some mode other than the current one, then switch it to the desired mode. Be sure to restart your game when you switch modes.
  20. Might need to adjust the contract values when I do the 1.5 release. In the meantime... Mark One Laboratory Extensions is now available. GitHub URL: https://github.com/Angel-125/MOLE/releases/tag/v1.16.1.0 Changes Last release for KSP 1.4.5! Bug Fixes & Enhancements - Fixed issue where switching Play Modes would cause some files to not be renamed and cause all kinds of fun for players... NOTE: For the changes to take effect, you'll need to switch your Play Mode to some mode other than the current one, then switch it to the desired mode.
  21. Kerbal Flying Saucers 0.3.12 is now available. GitHub URL: https://github.com/Angel-125/FlyingSaucers/releases/tag/v0.3.12 Changes Last release for KSP 1.4.5! Bug Fixes & Enhancements - Fixed issue where switching Play Modes would cause some files to not be renamed and cause all kinds of fun for players... NOTE: For the changes to take effect, you'll need to switch your Play Mode to some mode other than the current one, then switch it to the desired mode.
  22. Deep Space Exploration Vessels is now available. GitHub URL: https://github.com/Angel-125/DSEV/releases/tag/v3.1.11.0 Changes Last release for KSP 1.4.5! Bug Fixes & Enhancements - Fixed issue where switching Play Modes would cause some files to not be renamed and cause all kinds of fun for players... NOTE: For the changes to take effect, you'll need to switch your Play Mode to some mode other than the current one, then switch it to the desired mode.
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