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Angelo Kerman

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Everything posted by Angelo Kerman

  1. Hi all, I've been researching ways to prevent click-through, a situation where, when you're doing a GUILayout and the user clicks the mouse button, and there is a context menu open beneath the window, then the context menu also receives the click event. So far I haven't had much luck stopping that from happening. For context, here is an image of what I'm talking about. Notice how the context menu has a button right underneath the Coolant button. If I click the Coolant button, the context menu button also gets pressed. In this case, the button opens a KIS inventory, but imagine if it was something like a Decouple button.. Anyway, So far, I've found a few approaches: Disabling the UIPartActionWindow: I tried this and get NREs, so I'm not sure it's working in KSP 1.1. Input lock: This will lock the game controls (landing gear, lights, editor buttons), but won't stop the event from propagating to the context menu. Event.Use(): The context menu doesn't appear to respect this. I suspect that it has to do with the fact that KSP is using the newer canvas-based UI in Unity. Short of converting all my GUI code over to the newer canvas-based system, which might not solve the problem, is there another method that I'm not seeing?
  2. Actually, I don't drink (except the occasional starbucks heh), but I appreciate the gesture. Annnd I figured out the tank symmetry thing. Naturally right after kicking the latest out the door. As is right and proper. Oh well, next updates will have that fixed properly. Now the question is: should all symmetrical tanks be reconfigured when in flight, or just in the editor?
  3. Not your fault, was my choice to fix bugs. Just got very frustrating to hear endless complaints this weekend, with few exceptions (your stories being one of them), that's what I hear about: complaints. It got to me this weekend.
  4. 0.9.35 - Fixed an issue with the editor locking up when using the M1-A1 Mountain Goat. - The M1-A1 can now self-destruct in addition to decoupling (both when surface attached and node attached). - Reduced the ejection force used when the M1-A1 is decoupled. - The Buffalo Command Cab window lighting now toggles on/off with the headlights. - If fuel tanks are arrayed symmetrically, you'll no longer be able to reconfigure them. It's either that or let the game explode (ie nothing I can do about it except prevent players from changing symmetrical tanks).
  5. 1.2.1 - If fuel tanks are arrayed symmetrically, you'll no longer be able to reconfigure them. It's either that or let the game explode (ie nothing I can do about it except prevent players from changing symmetrical tanks).
  6. 0.4.2 - Fixed an issue with the editor locking up when using the M1-A1 Mountain Goat. - The M1-A1 can now self-destruct in addition to decoupling (both when surface attached and node attached). - Reduced the ejection force used when the M1-A1 is decoupled. - The Buffalo Command Cab window lighting now toggles on/off with the headlights. - If fuel tanks are arrayed symmetrically, you'll no longer be able to reconfigure them. It's either that or let the game explode (ie nothing I can do about it except prevent players from changing symmetrical tanks).
  7. Well, I just wasted my whole f-ing weekend chasing bugs instead of, oh, I dunno, making cool stuff. 1) Can't find a way to avoid the click-through, so live with it. 2) don't change configurations on symmetry parts or you'll have issues. Can't figure out that one either.
  8. The fix is taking longer than expected in order to fix the click-through issue as well. Sit tight, I'm working as best as I can
  9. Good thing you caught it now, I was about to bundle up the releases. I'll try to replicate the issue and see what is going on. Thanks for the detailed report.
  10. Ok, good news! My custom decoupler works perfectly and eliminates editor hosing. Here's a picture with wheels node attached and surface attached. The new ejection force is 50 (1/3 what it was before to avoid John Denver songs): And the wheels decoupled: The wheels also have a self-destruct option. It cannot be staged, but it can be action-grouped. As a safety measure, the explosive charges are disarmed by default.
  11. Once I finish my Core Complete parts list for Pathfinder and MOLE, I'll be back on DSEV. I want to make an animated centrifuge, for instance, and the Discovery II command pod (3.75m). I also have some 2.5m ISS-esque parts I'm planning. It may take awhile, creating IVAs is the slowest damn thing to do for modding...
  12. Thanks for the info. I set the part.stagingIcon to a default icon. Unfortunately I'm still not seeing anything show up in the staging list, but I appreciate the suggestion. Maybe @Mu or @NathanKell knows how to set up a part module to make the staging icon show up?
  13. @Geschosskopf Found the problems right away, thank you much for your detailed bug report, it really helps! The editor is hosed because of the special decoupler switcher I made for the Mountain Goats: [EXC 09:22:45.503] NullReferenceException WildBlueIndustries.WBIDecoupleSwitcher.setupDecouplers () WildBlueIndustries.WBIDecoupleSwitcher.vesselModified (.ShipConstruct data) EventData`1[ShipConstruct].Fire (.ShipConstruct data) UIPartActionResourceEditor.OnSliderChanged (Single obj) UIPartActionResourceEditor.Setup (.UIPartActionWindow window, .Part part, UI_Scene scene, .UI_Control control, .PartResource resource) UIPartActionWindow.AddResourceEditorControl (.PartResource r) UIPartActionWindow.SetupResourceControls (.PartResource r, Boolean clearFirst, UI_Scene scene, System.Int32& controlIndex) UIPartActionWindow.CreatePartList (Boolean clearFirst) UIPartActionWindow.UpdateWindow () UIPartActionController.UpdateActiveWindows () UIPartActionController.UpdateEditor () UIPartActionController.Update () I'm going to redesign the decoupler switcher and create a custom decoupler to get around this issue, and to make it so that no matter if you are node-attached or surface-attached, it will decouple. It'll also have the option to detonate the wheels. The Power Pack is actually working fine, it's just configured incorrectly. In your current configuration, the power pack is using LiquidFuel & Oxidizer: To use LiquidFuel and IntakeAir, you need to toggle through the flex fuel options until you get it like so: Once you do that, the generator will kick in whenever you need extra power: I should have the decoupler issue fixed later today. If you want to get started right away, simply delete the following from M1A1OmniWheel.cfg: MODULE { name = ModuleDecouple ejectionForce = 150 explosiveNodeID = srf stagingEnabled = false } MODULE { name = WBIDecoupleSwitcher } This will get you un stuck.
  14. I'm really stumped on this one, does anybody know how to get the staging icon to appear/vanish in the VAB/SPH? I know that PartModule now has fields and methods related to staging such as: public bool overrideStagingIconIfBlank; [KSPField] public string stagingDisableText; [KSPField(isPersistant = true)] public bool stagingEnabled; [KSPField] public string stagingEnableText; [KSPField] public bool stagingToggleEnabledEditor; [KSPField] public bool stagingToggleEnabledFlight; public virtual string GetStagingDisableText(); public virtual string GetStagingEnableText(); public virtual bool IsStageable(); public virtual void SetStaging(bool newValue); public virtual bool StagingEnabled(); public virtual bool StagingToggleEnabledEditor(); public virtual bool StagingToggleEnabledFlight(); [KSPEvent(guiActiveEditor = false, guiActive = false, guiName = "Disable Staging")] public void ToggleStaging(); public virtual void UpdateStagingToggle(); My custom part module has the fields set up like so: MODULE { name = MyPartModule stagingEnableText = Staging ON stagingDisableText = Staging OFF stagingEnabled = true stagingToggleEnabledEditor = true stagingToggleEnabledFlight = true overrideStagingIconIfBlank = true } In the VAB/SPH, I can toggle the staging button. But unlike, say, ModuleDecoupler, no icon shows up. Is there something extra I need to do to get an icon in the staging list? One of the default icons is just fine.
  15. Definitely can detonate the wheels: Pretty much as simple as: [KSPEvent(guiActive = true)] public void Detonate() { this.part.decouple(10.0f); this.part.explode(); }
  16. The blocked Grizzly wheels is due to their design. KSP 1.2 will apparently fix that. For the other issue, please send me your logs and what craft you built. I can't reproduce it; I was able to revert the flight with a buffalo craft and didn't have editor issues.
  17. Don't know. It sounds like a mismatch. If you use CKAN, that would cause it.
  18. I'm picturing John Denver's "Fly Away" playing in the background as the wheels get air time. Hm. Well, not staging simultaneously might be an artifact of the workaround. I had to use two decouplers to make it work. I tried setting the wheels to action groups to decouple them, and that worked just fine. The other option is to simply destroy the wheels. I can see it working by having a demo charge built in that can be triggered through staging (which is turned off by default). When manually turned on, you'll get a decoupler icon and the ability to trigger the demo charges through staging.
  19. Now here's something I just thought of: WIth the latest Pathfinder, you have to be landed to distribute resources. But since all my fuel tanks can now participate in resource distribution, and since resource distribution is not just between vessels but between parts in the same vessel, I've got the makings of a fuel balancer with just a few tweaks!
  20. Might be something in your install, I just checked, the trusses have all their options intact.
  21. Yup, updated the consumption rate. Made sense, the LF+IntakeAir has limited use.
  22. @Geschosskopf It occurs to me that the LiquidFuel & IntakeAir configuration might burn liquid fuel a bit too quickly. It needs some playtesting/balancing... I'm thinking cut the consumption rate of liquid fuel in half. Edit: Done.
  23. And here is 0.9.34 Flex Fuel Power Pack - Flex Fuel Power Pack can now run on LiquidFuel & IntakeAir. It produces as much ElectricCharge as LiquidFuel/Oxidizer. Thanks for the suggestion, @Geschosskopf! - Added exhaust effects. Buffalo Crew Cabin - Added a node on the top to help facilitate mounting the Flex Fuel Power Pack. M1-A1 - you can now decouple the OmniWheel when it is surface attached as well as when node mounted. Rendering Performance - Improved performance and reduced memory footprint for resource distribution. - Improved rendering performancs of the Operations Manager.
  24. Get 0.4.0 here! Flex Fuel Power Pack - Flex Fuel Power Pack can now run on LiquidFuel & IntakeAir. It produces as much ElectricCharge as LiquidFuel/Oxidizer. Thanks for the suggestion, @Geschosskopf! - Added exhaust effects. Buffalo Crew Cabin - Added a node on the top to help facilitate mounting the Flex Fuel Power Pack. M1-A1 - you can now decouple the OmniWheel when it is surface attached as well as when node mounted. Rendering Performance - Improved performance and reduced memory footprint for resource distribution. - Improved rendering performancs of the Operations Manager.
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