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Angelo Kerman

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Everything posted by Angelo Kerman

  1. You will need to install EL. Pathfinder supports EL by tying into its production chain and offering its own version of the EL Survey Station, known as the Spyglass. The Wiki page shows how to install and use the Spyglass, but essentially, EL's survey stakes are designed to work with KIS. You take a bunch of stakes and the mallet and send an engineer to his/her doom drive the stakes into a vampire the ground to set up the perimeter of the launchpad. Without a pilot in the Spyglass/EL Survey Station, the max range for the stakes is 20 meters. It's I think 200 meters with a pilot staffing the module. There is a way to establish the orientation of the completed vehicle, but I'm not sure how to do that, but perhaps @taniwha can shed light on that (or point you to the right EL post, it's a common question). Pathfinder complements EL's production chain by offering the ability to smelt MetalOre into Metal, and manufacturing RocketParts through the IronWorks. The IronWorks has several converters in it (and makes me think that the more are active, the less efficient they all are, but that's a story for another time). It's the same production chain as in standard EL, so if you want to use the EL workshop and smelters and storage containers alongside Pathfinder's parts, you're good to go. Lastly, you can modify the stock drill-o-matic and Pathfinder's Gold Digger and Claimjumper to drill for MetalOre, or use the Pathfinder Geology Lab to sift through Ore to procure MetalOre (as long as the biome has MetalOre in it). It takes an Engineer and 50 RocketParts to modify a drill. Hope that helps.
  2. I'll definitely keep that in mind. Meanwhile, I fixed a long-standing issue with the Spyglass animation! Now if you leave the light on and spinning, and then leave the scene and come back, then the light will continue spinning and the mast will be extended (previously the mast would be retracted, leaving the light hanging in mid-air).
  3. I just downloaded Keridian Dynamics and tried reconfiguring the Conestoga. From what I saw, the template worked properly. I did make some minor adjustments to the EL MM patch but I don't know if that is what fixed things. Anyway, unless there are other bugs I can button up the latest and post it. :)
  4. Nice to see your base up and running in more ways than one. A bit of trivia: The claw in the Hacienda was originally part of "The Foot," A part from Multipurpose Colony Modules (Pathfinder's predecessor) that grabbed onto asteroids.
  5. Ok, I played with the configuration of the Conestoga a bit and decided that driving backwards with the steering keys reversed was a bit too much for me. Normally I just reverse the wheel direction. But I split the difference and added lights all around the part: That way people can drive how they like. Tip: The side with the most camera lenses is the "top" of the module for VTOL purposes.
  6. Sounds like I need to recompile the DSEV plugin. That'll take a bit, but expect a bug fix soon (TM)
  7. Ok, cool. That means the Conestoga is doing what stock does. What that tells me though is that the Conestoga probably needs a redesign. It is currently set up so that the Conestoga orients like the Mk1 command pod. That orientation works great for VTOL operations, but not so much for driving around. Maybe what it needs is to be split into two parts: a ground base with the orientation that it has now, and a command cab that sits on top but is oriented more like the Buffalo command cab is. That way, you can control from the ground base to VTOL, then control from the cab to drive.
  8. Good deal. If you create a rover from stock parts like I did, do you get the same behavior?
  9. @Geschosskopf Ok, I did some assessments. Here is a stock craft using a command pod oriented like the Conestoga. The rover is turning right, and the door faces the "back" of the craft. When I push W, the rover goes forward like I'd expect, but the door of the pod is facing the back. On the other hand, in horizontal flight where the pod is on the nose, pushing W will drop the nose while S raises it. The Conestoga is set up the same way. Those lights and cameras are akin to the door on the Mk1 pod, so you know how the flight controls are oriented. As with stock pods, pressing W will have the behavior you observed. What I'd do is reverse the direction on the wheels, just like you'd have to do with stock wheels to get the rover to drive so that the door on the Mk1 pod faces forward. The only other thing for me to do would be to redesign the Conestoga so that when you spawn the part in the VAB/SPH, it is oriented just like the Buffalo Command Cab is. Also, thus far I cannot reproduce the MetalOre issue you described. This is what I see: I've double-checked and the templates are updated properly for Pathfinder, so not sure why you're seeing what you're seeing.
  10. Thanks, I'll take a look. I knew about the template issue with Konkrete, hadn't seen the problem with MetalOre though. That one comes from when Extraplanetary Launchpads is installed, do you have EL installed? I had a feeling that the Conestoga was a bit off, I'll flip the light locations and that should fix it.
  11. I think I fixed the duplicate Switchback issue. Get 0.9.31 here. - Removed deprecated Switchback that is no longer deprecated. This was likely causing the duplicate Switchback issues seen in the tech tree.
  12. Glad you like the mod. I'm of the opinion that when I provide support for another mod, I play in their sandbox, not the other way around. So in the case of @taniwha's Extraplanetary Launchpads, I stick to the resource chain provided by EL, since that is what players are used to. Granted, in the Simplified Play Mode, the resources change a bit, but the default keeps to what mods like EL use. Glad to see that the approach is working.
  13. When you are in the research screen, can you grab the logs and post them (ideally at something like DropBox, but if on the forums, put them behind hidden tags)? I can't reproduce your issue. You can produce them by drilling or using the Prospector in an area that has rare and exo. Or just add an OSE Workshop to your base since it has a converter.
  14. Yay, the twins are back safe, and the pirates are pardoned! Will Kuzz and Geo get a new ship and a Letter of Marque? Will the twins be grounded? And in perfect Ahnold voice: Get to da bouldah!
  15. Get 0.9.30 here 0.9.30 - Fixed attachment node issues with the Switchback 2 - Resource distribution will now correctly ignore resources that are locked or that are required by various converters. All resources in a part will be distributed if the distributor is active and the resource isn't required by a converter, isn't on the blacklist, and the resource is unlocked. - Adjusted empty mass of the Hacienda to bring it in line with the other inflatable modules. - Fixed an issue where the geology lab GUI wasn't showing up. - Operations Managers now show the correct part name.
  16. Found the problem with the geology lab: WildBlueTools uses a different version of the .NET framework than Pathfinder. Getting those synched up...
  17. The prospector takes Ore, not dirt, so the description is wrong. I'll fix that in the next update. The ignoreList (now called resourceBlacklist) is used to prevent distribution of any resources that are on the blacklist. So for instance, USI-LS has ReplacementParts, which are used to determine the lifetime of the part. It makes no sense to distribute those resources. Similarly, the geothermal plant has GeoEnergy, which also should not be distributed. Things like Snacks, ElectricCharge, and so on should be distributed. The Conestoga is able to carry a small amount of stuff even when configured as a resource storage unit. KIS doesn't really let me change the number of slots after launch, unfortunately.
  18. Should have this sorted tomorrow once I'm back home. Meanwhile, fun to see your crew getting out for training and such.
  19. Mark One Laboratory Extensions (MOLE) has habitable parts that can be wet workshops. Currently the MOLE lab does that, and I just finished the habitat that can be converted from a fuel tank configuration. I am working on a greenhouse and a Skylab-like industrial module, both of which can be converted to fuel tanks.
  20. @Geschosskopf: Ok, I'll look into the geolab soon as I'm able. I have a family thing to do this afternoon, but here is the latest Pathfinder dll. It should updates the resource distribution as follows: If a part, such as the geothermal plant, has an active resource distributor and a resource (i.e. Water) required for a converter, then the resource will not be distributed. If a part with an active resource distributor has a resource that is locked, then the resource will not be distributed. If a part with an active resource distributor has a resource on the ignore list, then the resource will not be distributed. If a part with an active resource distributor has a resource that is not a required resource and is unlocked, then it will be distributed. How to add a resource to the ignore list: MODULE { name = WBIResourceDistributor ignoreResources = ReplacementParts;GeoEnergy } See if that helps. If it doesn't, please post your logs somewhere (if on this thread, please hide them) so I can take a look.
  21. @Geschosskopf: Ok, found the issue with the Mk2 Switchback. I had my numbers reversed (which I do sometimes..). Anyway, if you don't mind a little config surgery, go into Pathfinder/Parts/Structural/Switchback2.cfg and replace the attachment nodes with this: node_stack_mount = 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 3 node_stack_top = 0, 1.309342, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2 node_stack_right = 0.5740595, 0.7747217, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2 node_stack_left = -0.5740595, 0.7747217, 0, -1, 0, 0, 2 node_stack_back = 0, 0.7747217, 0.5740595, 0, 0, 1, 2 node_stack_front = 0, 0.7747217, -0.5740595, 0, 0, -1, 2 node_attach = 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 2 The next version of Pathfinder will have that as part of the fixes. I'm looking into the locked distribution resources next. I'm curious about the geothermal plant, water is a required resource so it shouldn't be distributed...
  22. I'll take a look today and see what I find. The Mk2 Switchback should be easy to fix. I'm a bit surprised at the resource distribution; I tested that case and it didn't distribute the locked resources.
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