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Angelo Kerman

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Everything posted by Angelo Kerman

  1. Thanks! Oh yes, version dependency is a classic problem, fortunately one I'm definitively familiar with. During development I link to KIS directly, but as I get closer to the final version I'll switch over to using reflection. I already have some KIS reflection, so it won't be too difficult. Thanks again for your help! :)
  2. So um, I can "print" parts: @IgorZ was kind enough to point me in the right direction to using KIS. This is the first step on the road to printing habitats. As I learn more about using KIS, I'll be able to slowly refine the process.
  3. Nice to see the CactEye being revived. It is in capable hands.
  4. I keep trying.. Right now I'm poking around to figure out how to 3D print parts- actually, figure out how to spawn parts during flight. My goal for the next release of Pathfinder (currently working on it) is to complete the Doc IVA, and do some more experimentation on part "printing"
  5. Pathfinder 0.9.27 Get the latest here! This release brings Pathfinder closer to its 1.0 release. It introduces the new Local Operations Manager, a screen that lets you control the functionality of all vessels within physics range. It also makes some tweaks to the life support systems, and offers a new way to process resources in order to fix an issue where you could produce RareMetals and ExoticMinerals in biomes/asteroids that didn't have RareMetals and ExoticMinerals. This new method also gives a way to squeeze more resources out of asteroids, and provides a key component to the future making of Konkrete. Local Operations Manager - Added the Local Operations Manager (LOM) to the Pathfinder window. You can access it in the Flight app toolbar (the covered wagon icon). With the LOM, you can control the operations of various parts on every vessel within physics range. You can control the functionality of: configurations, converters, lights, cooling towers, drills (including stock drills), and more! Life Support - Dirt is no longer a requirement for the greenhouse. Instead, it depends upon your life support mod: TAC-LS, Snacks, Kerbalism (100 Fertilizer); USI-LS (100 Mulch) - Removed Cultivator since Dirt is no longer required. - For TAC-LS, moved the Carbon Extractor from the Ponderosa to the Pigpen. Resources - Added the Slag resource and associated storage template. - Added the Konkrete resource and associated storage template. Geology Lab - The Prospector can now process Ore into resources found in the current biome. Most of what it produces is Slag. Homestead - The Rockhound can now process Rock and/or Ore into resources found in the designated asteroid attached to the vessel. Most of what it produces is Slag.
  6. This is good. If she'd poked it with a stick, she might've run into this:
  7. Definitely de-listing my mods, I get support issues where for whatever reason WBT is suddenly set to an old version when it should be the latest. I never have installation issues when people use the tried and true cut and paste method. If I have to dust off my Windows installer script skills to provide an install script for my mods then that's what I'll do.
  8. This is more for MOLE than Pathfinder, but the Homestead does have a Rockhound template. I basically needed so solve three problems: 1) I want Slag as a component to making Konkrete, the resource needed to 3D print those end-game modules. 2) I wanted to maximize the use of an asteroid. 3) The current Rockhound converter (and now that I think about it, the Prospector in the geology lab) can produce RareMetals and ExoticMinerals from Dirt, in a biome/asteroid that doesn't have RareMetals and/or ExoticMinerals, and it didn't make sense. Now I have a way around that.
  9. Yup, another goof on my part. It's up to date, just patch the version file to 1.1.3.
  10. That's part of my frustration. I'm paying the consequences for faulty installation software and incorrect metadata files that are beyond my control. My solution is to change my licensing and discontinue support for CKAN users. That to me is the best use of my limited time. I also vaguely recall a Curse Client from my days of playing WoW, and am wondering if that client is still around and works for KSP. That might be another solution, though when it comes to hosting mods on Curse, I'm a total noob.
  11. My thoughts on this would be an app that scans your game directory for the mods you have installed manyally at least once, and then downloads updates as needed. Think AVC with the extra step of downloading and installing stuff for you. If you mod has AVC versioning files, you're good to go. To me that would be more modder friendly and require the user to manually install a mod at least once. To be modder friendly, maybe some kind of opt-in/opt-out file in the mod tells the installer to leave it alone. It would not go out and find mods for you, there are other tools for that like Curse and Spacedock. While I think CKAN in conept is a nice idea, the execution is troubling. It is not unusual for users to have problems with my mods as a result of a botched CKAN install. I respect the CKAN team for their efforts and recognize that they are volunteering ther time. But at this time I have to discontinue supporting CKAN users and change my licensing to reduce my support workload. For my own stuff, I get that the public licensing means no matter what I do, my mods will be on CKAN up to the point where I change my licensing. At that point any versions with the new licensing won't be allowed. That means I will continue receiving support requests, which is why I'm updating my threads to let CKAN users know that they're on their own. KSP would benefit from a mod installer that was rock solid and lets modders decide what can be published to the catalog and what cannot. Unfortunately in its current state, CKAN is not that solution. Should its policies and reliability improve, I would be interested revisiting my decision.
  12. Thanks. That unfortunately doesn't work in my case- the mod swaps out parts that are on a blacklist, but in my case, there are no crew slots because in the VAB/SPH, the inflatables have no crew capacity. Somehow the base building contract in progress has to be modified to recognize that an inflatable part that gains crew capacity after launch counts towards the contract. Otherwise I have to go back to the "clown car" version, and let you staff deflated modules with crew. I am hoping that @Arsonide or another Squad staff can shed some light on how to modify that contract.
  13. I'm no IP legal expert-I'll have to talk to my cousin for that, but it looks like to de-list Pathfinder I'll have to be more restrictive on my licensing. My understanding is that I can change the licensing, but previous versions are protected because, if I read things right, you can't retroactively revoke the CC-BY-NC-SA license. That would mean CKAN users would be stuck with whatever version was last made available, and whatever version CKAN decided was the latest (which apparently can change). I suppose that a restrictive license would work for future versions, but I'll also still get stuck with support requests when users get a botched CKAN install. Given how CKAN tends to suddenly decide what versions to show seemingly at random- somebody had an issue where CKAN reverted WildBlueTools for some reason- I decided to not provide any support for CKAN installs awhile ago. If you have an issue and didn't manually install the mod, you're on your own. I'll have to update the OP to reflect that.
  14. Much appreciated. That I'm sure would've been a huge nightmare for me to figure out. I'll have to ask @Arsonide about base building contracts and how I can get inflatable modules without crew capacity until inflated to be counted. Better yet, if Squad added an inflatable/expandable module akin to BEAM in KSP 1.2 that didn't have crew capacity until inflated/expanded and still counted towards contracts, that would pave the way for us modders. I can try, but I don't really have control over my CKAN listing. I've tried updating the listing in the past, only to find CKAN deciding to use an outdated version of a mod or dependency. It's pretty frustrating and a main reason I decided awhile ago to not support CKAN installs. I get what they're trying to do, but the implementation leaves little to be desired. I'm almost tempted to make a Wild Blue Mod Installer to complement AVC, but really, copy and paste works rather well when you pay attention.
  15. While Squad said @RoverDude added some kind of hooks for inflatable modules, I've yet to discover what they are (possibly the ability to spawn/despawn the IVA), and found that the game doesn't handle inflatable crew modules very well, and I've had to create some hacks to get around that. If I give the parts crew capacity, they'll get picked up by the contracts, but then you get "clown car" in the VAB/SPH where you can fill the seats even though the part is deflated. If there's a way to prevent the crew seats from being filled while deflated, it's definitely not intuitive. By not having crew seats to start, I can avoid the "clown car" issue, but have to do some hacks to get KIS to add seat inventories, I have to manually spawn/depawn the IVA, and contracts don't recognize the inflatable parts as counting towards a base. I haven't really touched contracts yet so I don't know if I can edit a contract to recognize inflated modules, but it's something I can look into.
  16. Thanks! I also got some more done. Below is the new Local Operations Manager, accessible through the Pathfinder Settings window (Flight Mode): If you look carefully, you'll see that the base in the foreground does not have a geology lab or geothermal plant, but both configuration tabs are available. That's because the "Untitled Spacecraft" at the launch pad 1.8km away has them! You can control all vessels that are within physics range from the LOM as long as they have an operations interface in one of their part modules. Even DSEV's fusion reactors and radiators will have this ability. It's a step up from before, that's for sure. More work to do for the next release but it's definitely getting there.
  17. Cool beans. If you've decided to take over Snacks, then by all means fork my github repro and give me a hollar so I know I won't need to keep it current anymore. And thanks for considering giving it a permanent home.
  18. Thanks for considering taking over the mod. How are you going to cause reputation hits through MM patches and configs when the kerbals run out of snacks? Also, how will you show an indicator of how much snacks the kerbals have, both without a plugin?
  19. Although the CEO of Wild Blue Industries is mortified that one of her company's plasma screens found its way into a Kerbulan warship, and is bothered by having to F9 her sales kerbs who keep mysteriously vanishing, she does admire the engineering work performed on the Despair. She's also ordered the company's inventory of fusion reactors to receive a firmware update so that safety protocols can be bypassed with explosive effect. Just in case...
  20. Get Snacks 1.1.7 here. Updated to KSP 1.1.3 @Stone Blue: I'd say keeping the mod light for now is still the way to go. Having add-on mods to add boxes and such sounds like a good idea. I think @tgruetzm considered adding a small snack container; maybe the thing to do is borrow a 3D model from the stock game such as one of the radial monopropellant tanks to hold a small amount of snacks. That would keep things light and at least have some kind of small container. Anyway, once again I encourage someone with more time to pick up development of the mod. I'm happy to keep it updated to the latest KSP, but my time is pretty limited right now to further develop it (such as adding the starvation effects), so it's low priority for me.
  21. Pathfinder 0.9.26 is now available. Get the latest here. - Recompiled for KSP 1.1.3 TAC-LS - Increased the Prairie's crop yield of Food to 125. Remember, a skilled scientist can reduce growth time by up to half, and increase crop yield up to double. - Added a carbon extractor to the Ponderosa (scrubs CarbonDioxide to produce Oxygen and Waste). Hacienda - Added the Nukeworks template. It can process Uraninite into EnrichedUranium, and reprocess DepletedUranium into EnrichedUranium. Other - Updated support for OSE Workshop. - Inflatable modules now list their inflated crew capacity in the part summary panel. - Refactored the Operations Manager windows to make it easier to select a module configuration and to control the module. - Parts now show all the templates that they have; if you haven't researched a tech node that a template requires, then it will be grayed out. - Added official support for Kerbalism. - Added resource patches to find Water on Minmus (specifically, all the flats). Bug Fixes - Fixed an issue where inflatable modules would show their inflate button in the VAB/SPH when they shouldn't be. - Added the drill switcher window to the Gold Digger.
  22. DSEV 1.1.7 is available. Get the latest here. - Updated to KSP 1.1.3 - Updated to the latest Community Resource Pack.
  23. Buffalo 0.2.16 is now available, get the latest here. - Updated to KSP 1.1.3 NOTE: The wheels are an ongoing issue. For now, avoid the Gryzzly. I'm hoping KSP 1.2 will help...
  24. I think I know why you're not seeing water on Minmus: The Community Resource Pack doesn't specify any resource distributions for it! Since that isn't touched by CRP, I can add a patch for that and it will be available in the next release of Pathfinder. The only thing I can see as an issue is where CRP defines resource definitions. Modifying CRP kind of defeats the purpose of CRP. In the case above of Minmus having water, that's something I can change. Meanwhile, I'm finishing up the infrastructure changes I need for Pathfinder. I should have an update for KSP 1.1.3 in the next day or two.
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