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Curveball Anders

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Everything posted by Curveball Anders

  1. No. Every single option creates a permutation of possible bugs and complicates validation of the code. I think that anyone who's ever coded has learned to hate options.
  2. Personally I prefer that (and it's sis EVA Fuel Transfer) to the full blown KIS/KAS.
  3. Please notice that this works for UK/US keyboards or other with similar layout. The rest of us will most likely have to remap them
  4. KSP is CPU (and RAM) centric, not GPU. Which is why it works (decently) even if you have a very modest GPU.
  5. Then I personally would stay far far away from it.
  6. I've concluded that it will be a flyby. I'm currently aiming to grab as much science as possible before craft ends up in some kerbol orbit with next useful intercept in 65 years or so
  7. I pondered an asteroid mining mission (that I haven't tried before) and being a bit careful (or outright cheating) I created a copy of my current career save to "simulate" my mission. So after creating and launching a seemingly workable craft (including lots of reverts to get it right) I had a class D rock locked and a miner in orbit. The only issue was that my intercept was 66 days away, and since it was a copy of 'real' save it had several events happening in KAC until then. Well, let's use this 'simulation' to see how the future will play out. My Moho TriSat comms network will result in the carrier and first relay failing to achieve orbit, leaving 2 relays in orbit but not in any planned orbits. My Moho Science mission, launched to use the TriSat comms to retain contact with Kerbin will fail to obtain orbit and can at best hope to do and transmit as much science as possible (and when the 2 possible functional relays have access to Kerbin) during it's flyby before ending up in some quite useless Kerbol orbit. My manned (or kerballed?) EveOne mission, including a Gilly lander, will fail utterly and in the simulation was a loss of all hands. (Thanks to this 'simulation' I think I can avoid that when I reach it in "real time"). Finally my asteroid miner was found to be in an almost perfect orbit and inclination to intercept my class D target. Except that it was 180 degrees off ... Tonight I'll go back to my actual save and do some milk runs to regain some confidence...
  8. As a proud father of 4 kids I know at least one event that can increase the population. But I think it would push KSP2 into at least PG-13 ...
  9. I've got a ship on it's way to Moho, but I've messed up my fuel management. As in I have very little dV left to secure an orbit. So my question is: What the cheapest (dV) way to obtain an Ap within Moho's SOI? Tweaking the entry is cheap (I'm still 30+ days out) but should I aim for a high or low Pe? Prograde or retrograde? Or should I just grab as much science I can with the flyby and let the probe return to solar orbit....
  10. Spring 2020 isn't off the books at all. April 1 2020 to May 31 2020 still matches "Spring 2020".
  11. I've got this line in my KSP.sh script: find . -name 'MiniAVC.*' -exec rm '{}' \; But it doesn't hurt to kill it twice
  12. I will buy KSP 2 as soon as it's available on Linux. But I'll most likely play KSP 1 for a long time after that.
  13. CKAN has suddenly started to hang when reinstalling and sometimes when searching. Sometimes even get totally unresponsive. 1.27.0 on Ubuntu 18.04
  14. Additional question: Surface FX Default: On Underwater FX Default: On Highlight FX Default: On What does those three actually do?
  15. I too love rescue contracts, hired very few. But I have sinned by hacking the save and altering professions now and then.
  16. Performance mainly but at the same time I don't bother about shiny graphics. Function first, the rest doesn't really matter for me.
  17. No. I like the game as it is, I play with graphics at minimum, and I'm going to continue at that. Pretty graphics doesn't mean anything to me.
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