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Curveball Anders

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Everything posted by Curveball Anders

  1. One key question would be: "Who created the promo pic"? Most likely some dude(tte) at Squad right. It seems a bit obvious that the version of snack was chosen with some idea behind it. Therefore I think it's intended to be Swiss chocolate since that's the standard trope of European snack (Sorry Belgians). Cadbury as British is ruled out since they don't even regard themself as Europeans (Note that UK _is_ a major member of ESA, regardless of chocogate).
  2. Better to just copy the entire current version to a new spot and then delete and reinstall. That way you can have both versions at the same time.
  3. Erh? New planets are announced for KSP-2, not for KSP-1 1.10...
  4. the log screams of issues with KSPI, so I guess that InstellarFuelSwitch might be the culprit.
  5. I was wondering if it was Swiss or Belgian chocolate. But obviously it German nowadays. Anyway, ESA Kerbals will naturally eat European snacks
  6. I do more or less this with MJ and my own rules. I don't automate anything until I've proven to myself that I can do it manually. Then I automate all boring stuff
  7. Known as the "TTP" factor. As in "time to 'male appendix'"...
  8. I use the nosecone on top of docking port frequently, esp in the early game. Can add that you can also r-click on the docking port and add it to staging.
  9. I noticed that the status of the control module says 0 connected experiments Otherwise I don't know
  10. Throttle Controlled Avionics might be the answer. Been pondering to try for similar inventions but never got around to test it.
  11. The Claw can grapple any part, but it can be bit finicky to get it to trigger.
  12. 2, one career and one sandbox/test/development
  13. KSP only uses one core per ship, so normally you have one core doing the heavy lifting and much lighter support threads using other cores. On my previous KSP rig with an i7 (4 core + ht) I got much better performance by disabling 2 cores which allowed for a higher clockrate. My current i5 (4 core, no HT) performs much better, despite not being that much better in normal benchmarks.
  14. Done the "inner" solar system, my first Jool encounter is in 86 days. Mainly due to far too many restarts
  15. Take a copy, go back to stock, reduce graphics until you get the FPS you want. Then tweak up and add mods until you're at a level that your computer can handle.
  16. Same here, a good soundtrack is nice, but in almost every game I turn it off and play my own selection of music.
  17. Virtual Ram won't help you much Paging ram to/from disk is pure pain, even on an SSD. Stock KSP, or with very light modding, will run on 4G Ram. But you'll run into trouble with big ships. ps. Microsoft ended their support of Win7, including security updates January 14, 2020. ds.
  18. Is it a new save (post installing the DLC)?
  19. I used that (or actually dd) but with a little twist. My old hdd was much larger than the ssd so I had to shrink the / partition, create a 'stuff' partition, move stuff, re-shrink, grow, move stuff etc etc etc Finally I could copy the old / to the ssd, reboot, remove the old / and create links from my new /home to the 'stuff' drive.
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