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Curveball Anders

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Everything posted by Curveball Anders

  1. No idea since I consider Steam to be malware in it self More seriously I'm quite sure that all products on Steam is properly checked. Another issue is that the Demo is very very old.
  2. It's has a problem with over powered RCS. So one way to make it work more efficient is to dial down the power of the trusters.
  3. Your savefile shouldn't be overwritten since it's in it's own directory. As in "saves/<save name>/" But it's always a good idea to keep a copy of that somewhere safe. As a matter of fact the script I use to start KSP (on Linux) takes a backup of my saves (and copress them) every time I start the game.
  4. Seems that something is seriously wrong, Could you upload your logs (to somewhere external and link them) so we can take a look?
  5. Either that or a partly mangled install since not even the stock flags are there. Are you sure that you don't have more than one install?
  6. It has to be the correct format. Try opening a one that works and paste your new design over it. Making sure that you keep the size and formats. btw, you need to upload your image to some external site (like imgur) and link it form there to have it accessible in the forum. (but the fact that your link says 713x538 hints at it being the wrong size)
  7. According to the log you've got some serious issues with FAR.
  8. The stock ones are in Gamedata/SQUAD/Flags/ But the game will load any Gamedata/<whatever>/Flags/
  9. DMagic's EVA Transfer mod does what people are shouting for. Don't leave home Kerbin without it. Unless you're stuck on console of course.
  10. One might create a directory in Gamedata and name it to 'MyOwn' or something, and then a Flags directory there and save you modified flag. That way it's easy to keep your own stuff over upgrades.
  11. I wondered over this at first. But actually they still work at Mun but not as OP as earlier. You can't just give a quick pulse to take off, you have to push it a bit more.
  12. It shouldn't speed anything up, But it prevents installing incompatible mods, and makes sure mods are correctly installed. Which can speed things up, since mangled mods can slow things down.
  13. The latter part is very useful since you can pack some Pegasus I Mobility Enhancers and start each operation with attaching one at some good spot. Then you can hang on to that and do the real job. And if you want to can remove it when done and reuse it the next time.
  14. Yup, but the web version works for stock games and even for consoles
  15. I've found the Resonant Orbit Calculator to be wonderful for setting up 3x comsats in a single launch.
  16. Had the same problem, and no, moving the window to the top isn't enough even with UI at 80. However I could reach the first crew member so I could fiddle them around until the correct one was on top. I had totally forgot that I could have clicked on the hatch instead, which would have saved me some juggling with Kerbals. But if I understand OP right there was no uncovered hatch, which makes things worse. Anyway, the windows obviously need scrollbar or collapsible cargo areas,
  17. No, it will add the ground features that you can explore (Boabab trees, mun rocks and such). As stated earlier, outposts are visible in the tracking station (unless filtered out) as long as there's a deployed experiment controller.
  18. Then most likely your save file has a line with 'ROCSeed = -1' . Which means that ground features are turned off. Make a copy of your savefile (saves/'name'/persitent.sfs) for safety. Then open it with your editor of choice and replace the ROCSeed line with this one. ROCSeed = 2125255626 It will enable ground features (The actual value isn't important, but I know that one works, since it's from my main save).
  19. There are piles of them on the grassland west of KSC, seen lots when attempting to land as close to KSC as possible. Actually almost dropped a capsule on top of one. How old is the save? Is it from before the addition of ground science?
  20. Just got up. Pretending to work but actually fiddling with @DMagic's wonderful EVA Tansfer and Struts
  21. Ah, they aren't trackable, you have to find them yourself.
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