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Curveball Anders

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Everything posted by Curveball Anders

  1. Just to add to the good tutorial I can add that there's a related concept often known as 'hybrid asparagus' Where you use SRB's but with LF tanks on top. The idea is to have the 'drop tanks' run out of fuel just before the SRB's It normally takes a bit of twiddling with the power of the boosters but can be highly cost efficient as a standard launcher.
  2. But you can. Add the decouplers in pairs and set the fuel priority to drain the tanks in your chosen order. So you can setup basically any form of asparagus without any fuel lines.
  3. Not just for adjusting your optimal pe, there's also that bloody Ike that can thrash the most perfect scenario ...
  4. As several has suggested, you don't. Much simpler to do it without gravity assists. However, if you for some, possibly insane, reason want to dig into to that madness I'd recommend using KSP TOT Provided by our in-house madman genius @Arrowstar
  5. Keep in mind that optimal pe for nice aero brake also depends on your ap. (Or rather your initial orbital energy state.) Starting with an ap just outside the atmosphere or screaming in with an ap outside the soi is two very different cases.
  6. Ditto. Esp since I like standard launchers and normally use MJ to handle the ascent to orbit. Which gives a scary high possibility of smacking into to spent stages or other debris. My closest encounter wasn't 5km, it was more like < 50m ...
  7. Especially on small crafts with OP controls. Try to dial down the power of RCS and/or reaction wheels.
  8. The launcher and updater is broken since ages back. Just download the latest version from the shop, install it and use the KSP.exe (or whatever it's called in windows or mac).
  9. find or rsync, I'm fully Linux since years back
  10. Right, I'll add the .cfg files to my script.
  11. Yes, and if you ponder space than cut the pre-installed. Depends a bit on your personal view of quantity vs quality Everything except the saves can be easily downloaded and restored I backup my saves as part of my startup script. And note that the save files are all text, so they are highly compressible.
  12. When 1.10 "Some Assembly Required" dropped I just had to create a new save. "Intrepid Kerbal Exploration Agency"
  13. CKAN But I just remembered, it requires certain science blocks. Can't remember exactly which ones but they are shown in the science tree.
  14. Works for me, both on 1.11 and 1.11.1 The only confusing thing is that both EVA Transfer and EVA Struts are in the Utility tab,
  15. Atmospheric flight. I have spent, and still spend, too many hours in somewhat realistic flight sims so the flight model in KSP feels so strange and broken that I simply can't adapt to it. So I make sure I get out of any atmosphere as fast as possible
  16. Just to clear it up a little: The nyan cat is a totally harmless joke / easter egg in Module Manager that causes the cat to show up on certain dates. MiniAVC is severely broken since a couple of versions back but still included in some mods. And it's creator/maintainer is inactive so linuxgurugamer created ZeroMiniAVC to inactivate all calls to the broken code.
  17. Of course I am. Awaiting the presser from Perseverance I assume that @Drew Kerman is as well, or trying to find new bugs in KSP_TOT
  18. MiniAVC ... Remove them and/or install ZeroMiniAVC Might want to get rid of the old Modulemanager as well, one is enough.
  19. Nothing strange in that log. Could you upload the KSP.log too, it might contain some hints. But in general it really sounds like there's something odd with your drivers or install. It simply shouldn't be that slow,
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