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Curveball Anders

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Everything posted by Curveball Anders

  1. When I start a new career save (which I do way to often) I use a list of transfer windows and add them to KAC so I know when it's time to start bothering with certain ships or missions. I also abuse KAC in other ways like never warping more than 1-2 days. Instead I add an alarm and then go off and tinker with other stuff, like tourism, rescue or similar missions.
  2. And some that you can pick up and bring back as science samples.
  3. You can use SRB's all the way to orbit. The main problem is that they aren't throttleable so it's hard to handle Max Q losses.
  4. Then you must be looking at the wrong place. Use search/find to see if you have more than one install, and then start the game by explicitly clicking on the exe. That way you must be at the correct place, ps. Btw, which operating system?
  5. However, a Jr Docking port fits in an engineers backpack. Saved a doomed tourist craft that was out of fuel by sending up a refueller with a crafty engineer.
  6. Note that he's regarded a genius in the field by identifying the which end of the barrel to light on fire.
  7. What I meant was that I have no interest what so ever of repeating the same manual flight operations and maneuvers over and over again.
  8. Or skipping stuff you have no interest in learning.
  9. Today I fooled around with previous saves, giggling like a little kid. My 15 years of providing my kids with computing equipment finally paid off as I inherited a GTX 780 OC II from my youngest daughter. KSP doesn't use much GPU, but the upgrade from a HD 6570 1GB board was awesome. Everything on max, and no lag or issues. Now I'll continue to re-visit all my saved crafts I have in orbit
  10. No userland software should normally be able to cause a lockup. In 99% of the cases it's either a driver issue or hardware. Or something as easy as clogged up fans and/or heatsinks (esp if there's a cat in the house ...)
  11. Same here, except that I slap LF tanks on top of the boosters (hybrid asparagus). Not really to save money but because it's such a funky setup
  12. The console edition comes some time after Squad has left the code to the console coders. And given the nagging issues with 1.11 that will will happen some time after 1..11.1.
  13. What? Your daughter has more legos than you? How odd, I've got much more than my kids (since I've been collecting far longer )
  14. KSP is good at simulating rockets and space travel, it's not very good (as in awful) when it comes to aerodynamics. I'm glad that the game allows me to reduce atmospheric flight to short fractions of time to survive. Expecting KSP to expand into proper astronomy would be to expect your phone's auto correct to transform your feeble excuses for being late to a meeting into a Shakespearian sonnet. A spade is a spade, it's usable but very bad as a hammer.
  15. I touched down and returned from every planet and moon in the stock system. But that's in sandbox, in career I've landed (and returned) from Mun, Minmus, Duna, Dres, Moho and Gilly. And orbited Eve (and obviously Kerbol).
  16. Note that a Core 2 Quad Q6600 can run the 64 bit version of the OS.
  17. It appears that the limit is mass not weight, so gravity is ignored. Edit: Sorry, I was wrong on that point.
  18. Thanks for the heads up lgg. That file not only tends to be corrupted, it also have a bad habit of being created in the directory you start from, So if you are in ~/KSP and start 1.11.0/KSP.x86_64 then the PartDatabase.cfg appears in ~/KSP not in 1.11.0 ... Personally I'd call that "bad behavior", esp since many of us have several versions of KSP in both modded and non-modded version. I've added "PartDatabase.cfg" to the list of files that get nuked in my startup script.
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