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Curveball Anders

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Everything posted by Curveball Anders

  1. Please note that "report" doesn't mean as bad as it sounds. It's just a tool to alert our most beloved overlords moderators to take a look at a post for them to evaluate
  2. pic of that ship? First, drop the external fuel ducts, they are useless. Second, what kind of boosters? SRB are out (unless you go for my fancy hybrid setup).
  3. Btw, found this thread, where we speak more about asparaguses-ish
  4. You need to enable 'advanced tweakables' in the settings, then both cross feeds and fuel prios should show up in the properities pane.
  5. Asparagus is still a good thing, but you don't need external fuel pipes any more. Fuel cross feed in decouplers and fuel priorities does the job.
  6. That's almost how I play. I rarely fast forward for more than some hours.
  7. It will result in some wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff ...
  8. Another hit me as I looked at log. It looks like you running thru steam. Try navigating to the install directory, open a terminal window and start the KSP.x86_64 executable directly. As in just "./KSP.x86_64" Even if it doesn't work there's a good chance that you'll get some hints when it fails.
  9. I run KSP on Ubuntu 20.04 with no issues. With latest Nvidia Xdrivers 460.73.01 With cmdline "LC_ALL=C DRI_PRIME=1 ./KSP_1.11.2/KSP.x86_64"
  10. Well the rules are simple, post something interesting
  11. Erh no. KSP is a singlethread CPU hog, with RAM and GPU memory bandwidth as second issue. The problem in this case is that Laptops suck when it comes to this kind of upgrades. The only thing you can do is getting an SSD if you don't have one already. I recommend saving up some cash (or even scrounge some bins, you'd be amazed what people throw away) and start to build a stationary.
  12. No. I use it for most of my landings and I don't use spaceplanes. So most likely some issues with settings.
  13. I actually have Civ3 and Civ4 installed (using Wine) and they are still a fun way to spend some evenings.
  14. Oh crud I'm going to waste way too much time plotting data and optimizing my lifters now. Seriously, a really useful addon.
  15. Just wanted to say thank you again. KML_Mono saved me from hand hacking my main savefile from a botched docking glitch.
  16. The fantasmagoric KML might be a solution to try. It not only allows a more reasonable way to edit save files, it can also auto-repair broken ones. Just remember to take a backup of any files you fiddle with.
  17. I create and keep a list of upcoming windows and then play with other stuff (and prepare) until a window opens. Then it's time for a bunch of launches (or returns). I rarely fast forward more than 1/2 - 1 day. And yes, I (ab)use KAC a lot ... ( I think my record was 39 entries ...)
  18. OpenGL and full driver support from the major chip makers has changed that considerably. Many (game) developers chose to support a wider range of platforms instead of just Windows/XBox for purely financial reasons.
  19. KSP (like many other Unity based games) is Linux native, no need for wine.
  20. EvE Online, which does torture hardware quite a bit, runs fine under Wine on my aging i5 without a hitch.
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