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Curveball Anders

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Everything posted by Curveball Anders

  1. No userland software should normally be able to cause a lockup. In 99% of the cases it's either a driver issue or hardware. Or something as easy as clogged up fans and/or heatsinks (esp if there's a cat in the house ...)
  2. Same here, except that I slap LF tanks on top of the boosters (hybrid asparagus). Not really to save money but because it's such a funky setup
  3. The console edition comes some time after Squad has left the code to the console coders. And given the nagging issues with 1.11 that will will happen some time after 1..11.1.
  4. What? Your daughter has more legos than you? How odd, I've got much more than my kids (since I've been collecting far longer )
  5. KSP is good at simulating rockets and space travel, it's not very good (as in awful) when it comes to aerodynamics. I'm glad that the game allows me to reduce atmospheric flight to short fractions of time to survive. Expecting KSP to expand into proper astronomy would be to expect your phone's auto correct to transform your feeble excuses for being late to a meeting into a Shakespearian sonnet. A spade is a spade, it's usable but very bad as a hammer.
  6. I touched down and returned from every planet and moon in the stock system. But that's in sandbox, in career I've landed (and returned) from Mun, Minmus, Duna, Dres, Moho and Gilly. And orbited Eve (and obviously Kerbol).
  7. Note that a Core 2 Quad Q6600 can run the 64 bit version of the OS.
  8. It appears that the limit is mass not weight, so gravity is ignored. Edit: Sorry, I was wrong on that point.
  9. Thanks for the heads up lgg. That file not only tends to be corrupted, it also have a bad habit of being created in the directory you start from, So if you are in ~/KSP and start 1.11.0/KSP.x86_64 then the PartDatabase.cfg appears in ~/KSP not in 1.11.0 ... Personally I'd call that "bad behavior", esp since many of us have several versions of KSP in both modded and non-modded version. I've added "PartDatabase.cfg" to the list of files that get nuked in my startup script.
  10. No stock answer but it's exactly what the EVA Fuel Transfer mod does. One of DMagic's Modlets It has saved me for several complete failures.
  11. Given the nature of this release I just had to start a new save. Named "Intrepid Kerbal Exploration Agency." Their logo is blue and yellow ... (Meatballs might be used as snacks.)
  12. 2014-04-04 according to my records, but played with the demo for some days earlier.
  13. Then I have no advice other then drop ever graphic setting down to lowest possible and tweak them up if it works.
  14. Are you sure that it's actually using the 6750 and not the (almost) GPU on the processor dice? I had exactly that behavior on a mini desktop with a similar CPU, but it went away when I managed find a low profile PCIe GPU card. And actually the same problem with a laptop with switchable graphics earlier.
  15. There's EVA Transfer among DMagic's Modlets I never let anything leave the ground without a little fuel knob and has saved countless doomed vessels by EVA refueling.
  16. Or smashing an asteroid into the ground >:)
  17. That indicates some mismatch between your gpu drivers and your hardware. Basically your OS tells your GPU to wake up, and it answers 'huh?' A quick search lead me to this advice from a good source (I've freed myself from windows for some years now).
  18. Check. Check. Ouch... While KSP is CPU heavy (and ridiculously RAM hungry) it has issue with most versions of integrated video. I assume that it's a laptop (otherwise, just get a GPU almost any will be better). What I have done when forced to play on some old lappie (vacations or travel) is to turn all graphic settings down to minimum, not just resolution. Then I tweak them up one by one until I get to a point when it's playable. The thing is the GPU bottlenecks differ between different designs. PS. I played on one quite similar to what you describe and it ran quite well, so long it didn't have to render and form of ground surface... So I had to change the camera view all the time to avoid rendering the ground, even at launch. It was fine in space but a horror driving rovers... DS.
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