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Curveball Anders

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Everything posted by Curveball Anders

  1. Transmit doesn't allow you to reset Goo or Jr modules. You'll need a Scientist on EVA, a Lab module or a mod for that,
  2. It will be a poor lonesome Kerbal i a command/crew module without any control. The solution is to rendezvous with the target (as close as you dare, I aim for 50m) with a craft with at least one free slot. Then switch to the target and EVA the Kerbonaut and use the her/his RCS to board the rescue craft. It's not that hard, since you don't have to dock, and the reward is a free kerbonaut, worth quite a bit compared to hire one (and some extra cash and rep). Personally I (ab)use those contracts as much as I can.
  3. The player.log is much more helpful- KSP versions 1.8.0 and above: Windows: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Player.log - This folder is usually hidden so you should enable the view hidden folders option (more information). Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'Reports'. Scroll down the list and find the one which says "Log Reports", click that. A list of files will be displayed in the top part of the window, in there will be Player.Log ( Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log ). Right-click on it and select "Reveal in Finder". Linux: The log is written to ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/Player.log
  4. MiniAVC is broken sincea bit back. Remove all MiniAVC.dll or install ZeroMiniAVC
  5. 10:23:16 Between 2019-12-10 13:22:04 and 2019-12-10 23:45:20 according to my logs
  6. Or whatever on your keyboard, but might be adjusted in settings.
  7. If KSP2 turns out to appear good (and runnning on Linux) I'll buy it, otherwise I won't. Simple as that.
  8. "Corporate Ethics" is a contradiction in terms.
  9. Given that I've played KSP, almost daily, for 6 years. My hours are probably quite high. But since I don't use Steam and I didn't add timestamps to my startup script until 1 1/2 year ago I don't have hard data. Analysing the data for those 1 1/2 years give that I spend about 2h20m per day in average... So yes, I need a life
  10. If KSP2, whenever it is released (and I'm still alive), appears to be fun and runs natively on Linux then I will buy it. Otherwise no.
  11. Not that I know of yet (been looking for a similar thing). The issue isn't unique to KSP, it's a common issue with all prop (and fan) driven aircraft, actually even with boats... As you wrote, the effective angle of attack of any blade is relative to the airspeed. So either you select an airspeed where you prop/fan will be as most effective or you'll have to tweak it depending on the situation. As far as I know there's no current way to use airspeed as an input to the KAL, or any similar.
  12. Some people is getting their knickers in a twist because they don't (or don't want to) understand standard software versioning. 1.9.2 would mean a minor fix to 1.9.1, which isn't going to happen (see 1.10) 1.10 is a content update to 1.9.x announced to released at July 1:st (or 2020-07-01 for civilised people) 2.0 is a new game, by different studio, announced to be released, well, sometime next year.
  13. Use one of the different Transfer Window Planning tools. Like AlexMoon's one (there are more both in and out of the game).
  14. Normally you open the PAW on one tank and then alt-click on the other tank to open the PAW of that one. That should give you the transfer options. Edit: Oh, and in career you need to upgrade the R&D building to get fuel transfer.
  15. A 32bit OS cannot handle more than 4G Ram, or actually more like 3.5, and only if you've tweaked your memory settings. And that's regardless of cpu architecture. And please note that Win7 lost security updates several months ago, and don't want to think about how long it was since Vista lost it. So please, don't be a Typhoid Mary and upgrade your OS, if MS want's too much money then consider Linux...
  16. I've got a similar issue, but the UI size gets back to my selected size when I pop up settings and click accept.
  17. Well I was 22 when that was released
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