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Curveball Anders

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Everything posted by Curveball Anders

  1. direct from intel? https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/29465/Intel-Graphics-Windows-10-DCH-Drivers
  2. Same here. My sandbox is actually named JPL as an indication that it's for design and trials
  3. Use the key remap in settings to set the keys in question to something else. Some keyboards (including my Swedish one) has some hickups that can confuse the parser.
  4. - DLC is decent way for studios to keep alive. - The "spyware" thread is dead and gone, and if you don't believe it just block it (and if you don't know how to block it you have a much deeper issue with "spyware"). - I've not noticed any rampant memory leaks in the base game despite playing for several hours without any significant increase of memory foot print. - KSP2 seems, so far, to be using some version of Unity. - No, but the very small minority that cares about the barn simply doesn't count. - The EULA isn't worse than almost any game out there. - Still more flexible when it comes to modding than most other games. - Recent updates has dealt with the issues that has hindered the majority. So, all in all Sir, I'm sad to say, you don't have a case. .
  5. I certainly like it and concider it worth every 'fund' I spent on it.
  6. 2014-04-04 according to my payment. Tried the demo for a few days before that.
  7. KER and MJ Then EVA Struts/Pipes and IndicatorLights (the latter for docking in the dark).
  8. I'd say that I don't consider any of your data as limiting the playability of my game.
  9. I never do IVA view and no I'd never use a 3D/VR view in KSP. I just don't see any use for it.
  10. Well I for one would regard a KSP2 without any of the three as very playable. Actually more playable than with them.
  11. or Krisps? (yes it's a ye olde uk/us joke)
  12. And remember that some keys (esp [ and ]) are shifted around if you're not on a UK/US keyboard Check the key settings to set them to something similar.
  13. Sad to say, but using the head on ISS still require the use of wipes. But they don't use more than they need, and they know how many wipes they need and a smart enough not to hoard more than that The most effective way to stop the mad hoarding of loo rolls is to point and giggle at anyone who leaves a store with more than a single pack And _if_ anyone is actually running out of wipes there's two good solutions: - Ye Olde Rövspade, it's use is obvious. - The more refined Bidet There's also an also an ample supply of EULAs and Warranty papers in 30+ languages and still not readable in any,
  14. NVME is a better way of accessing an SSD and your mobo appears to have a slot for it. However. It makes sense to consider NVME if upgrading from an old HDD to SSD,, but not so much if you already have a SATA SSD, While the performance of an NVME vs SATA SSD might be up to 5x it only about disk access, not in anyway about general performance.
  15. Might be a difference in perspective but I've coding for 40+ years and has learned (the hard way) that libraries change, goes obsolete or just plain stops working
  16. Previously I managed to get a ship, with a lab and crew into orbit around Eve. Able to dip down into "low in space" and grab science until I get bored. The expedition also had a lander, aimed for Gilly. It "landed" (or barely connected) on Gilly and I even managed an Eva on the "ground", using up serious amount of Eve fuel to stay down... Now that lander, and it's crew, is re-united with Eve-One in orbit, but with an issue, they don't have fuel to get back to Kerbin. So, I designed a return craft, with just space to get my people (and their science) home, and sent it off. And despite doing deep research and many calculations, I took the same design but replaced all crew and science with spare fuel and send it the same way. It never hurts to have a jerry can...
  17. After reaching the science I need I redirect it to cash and/or rep.
  18. But you miss the beauty of XML. It is a general markup language which means that it's not locked into any software solution. Regardless of architecture, platform or language.
  19. I agree. But from a programmer perspective plain text is a pain that has to be parsed and inserted into a DB structure to be handled anyway.
  20. NVME is a pcie card with a controller and an SSD attached to it. The thing is that currently most SSDs are attached to your computer using an interface (SATAx) designed to deal with old hard drives. The end result is that the transfer rates between the SSD and memory is c:a 5x faster. But what that actually means to your overall performance is unknown. (If your computer is less than 10yo than it most likely has pcie slots).
  21. And having friends means that you have to play the same game? (I don't know anyone in my social circuit who plays KSP, even my own kids frown at it and when I try to explain I'm met with a dead stare and "ok boomer")
  22. Ignore the DB, the question was file/data format. No. Please explain further.
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