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Curveball Anders

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Everything posted by Curveball Anders

  1. I'm old. so when I listen it's like Rush or KC
  2. Almost the same here, I pull it down until just audible. I don't like listening to 'background' music, when I play music I listen to it.
  3. Ok, you have proven to be a young but adult
  4. Anyone who´s intrested in her or his privacy online should know how to monitor and limit what data is sent and to where. Bother less with what's stated in boilerplate EULAs and more with what actually done. Otherwise the entire idea is down the drains. The monitoring done in KSP is negated with 1 or 2 lines/rules in the firewall config or your local host file. In windows it's as simple as blocking KSP.exe and/or KSP_64.exe from network access. // Curveball, Senior Information Security Analyst at <redacted but large-ish Telco>
  5. The problem is that there's a lots of opinions on what's fun and balanced.
  6. And why aren't you backing up your saves on a regular basis? The script (I'm using Linux, but bat works as well) copies my important saves to a timestamped 'safe' directory every time I start KSP.
  7. While I agree that there some wierd values I don´t think there much need of an official balance patch. It´s a single player game. If you want to rebalance your own game and share your findings it's easily done with a single MM-patch.
  8. I actually did an awfully ugly science hogging stunt by using a rover with available science stuff and a science container, drove around KSC with a scientist to collect as much data I could. Then I put my science lab / station on the launchpad, drove up to and docked! (jr docking ports on both boosters and rover),uploaded all data to the lab, undocked and recovered the rover before finally launching the preloaded lab into orbit. It's was a ugly, messy and almost cheaty way, but it worked
  9. 18000-ish depending a bit design, but after several relaunches of the same lifter with various profiles I landed about there.
  10. I do it similar but I set MJ to limit MaxQ so it throttles down the main engine when crossing the sound barrier (-ish). My target is to set the booster so that the main engine never throttles back fully but a nudge pwr. On bigger launchers I'm also using hybrid booster/aspargus with tanks on top of the boosters.
  11. You can eyeball a 6 degree launch to Minmus without much bother. And then Minmus is much cheaper that Mün due to it's lower gravity.
  12. Testing the same payload with an without a fairing my results are always use a fairing. YMMV, but I've always found em effective.
  13. I've found it useful to create my directory in gamedata called 'local' or 'myown' or whatever to store any ad-hoc mm-config files. Makes it easier to find and migrate between versions.
  14. Some days ago I spent several hours launching, reverting, tweaking and relaunching the same rocket just to get it right
  15. Sounds like you're going to have new ones soon ...
  16. My slightly AR design self cries a little every time I have do dump a stage with remaining fuel
  17. Note that the so called 'hacker' culture actually started at MIT's Tech Model Railroad Club
  18. I learned a lot from using MechJeb and watching what it did.
  19. And remove a channel for forum warriors to whine? Not likely.
  20. Well to be a bit obnoxious 'delta' is the fourth letter in the Greek alphabet, often used in math/eng/sci as prefix to many different values to indicate change. But since it's common not the be able or bother with finding the actual symbol (a little triangle) it's often replaced with 'd'.
  21. It is, and it will continue until late Sunday.
  22. Myhn like. While Swedish the 'ü' for me is a German 'y'. Despite confusion amongst LCI's (linguistically challenged islanders, and their linguistic offspring) diacritics do matter
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