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Curveball Anders

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Everything posted by Curveball Anders

  1. For the hardcore planning there also Arrowstar's Trajectory Optimization Tool
  2. Same issue for me. My ratty old GTX570 can handle the load but the fans are running at full blow, making a noise similar to a fighter jet on the runway and risks toppling my computer ...
  3. When trying something new and complex I sometimes take the 'reverting' strategy full out. Often using a copy of my current career save renamed 'simulation' When I designed my first Duna return mission I started with the return capsule, debugging it to orbit, deorbited and tweaked until good. Then added the home transfer part, including the return capsule, debugging it to Duna orbit and returned to LKO. Iterating each step until good, adding the next and working all the way back to the initial launcher. It took time, but quite fun and I learned a lot during each step.
  4. I design my launchers to burn out a shade before pe hitting 70, just at the final push of circularisation. Anything that goes into orbit can either deorbit by themself, or has a docking port so a tug can do it (claw is for asteroids)
  5. Any virtual networks? VPN, Firewire or something like that? It's been known to slow down loads from disk previously.
  6. Yeah, but it's almost certain that each upgrade will nibble a little bit more memory. Annoying but true. Unless it's an old laptop that can't be upgraded with more Ram (old ramsticks are dead cheap, esp on ebay or even flea markets) then it's back to previous versions or find dark magic ways to lower ram consumption (use the 32b exe, gfx settings, etc etc).
  7. I'm amazed that you got it start without crashing. Get more ram, it's almost impossible the get KSP to run on less than 4G, except possibly for trying out new designs in VAB/SPH.
  8. Actually no, since you don't have to get the Pe down to 35. just under 70. Once under 70 your Ap will drop drastic for each pass. So you can slowly bring both Ap and Pe down in a controlled fashion to a very nice reentry, while taking some time that is.
  9. Before people go to far with the analogies I would like to point out that KSP is a bit of entertainment software. If it's buggy it's users gets miffed. It's quite extreme to compare that to software where bugs can (and do) kill people or software that causes hilarious amounts of money in damage. (Like just the other day when MS Azure AD went down for several hours locking over a million corporate users out from their docs, mails and chats). It's a game. it's not running your grannie's heart monitor, it's not controlling your bank account and it's not related to you corporate desktop.
  10. The good thing with MJ (and GTC) is that you can run the same launch over and over again, watching the data and tweaking the design or tweaking launch parameters. Doing that a number of times and you'll get a good feel for an efficient launch and can do it manually and winging a design together. And as has been repeated, efficiency is about funds/tons cargo to target orbit (and since it's a game, without being too tedious).
  11. Hmm, LFO-core with sideattached SRB with LFO tanks on top feeding the core. Designed so that the extra tanks go empty just before the boosters burn out? I have to try this ...
  12. None what so ever, since I focus on gameplay and don't bother about the visuals. I actually tweak the built in visuals down.
  13. There's something odd in the rendering of Spacecenter/KSC view (the idle one where you select the buildings) that makes my GPU load go nuts. But as soon as I go to any building or any other view the GPU load goes back to normal. Not a big issue since I don't spend much time in that view.
  14. What do you mean mirror? I've spent many hours trying to concoct a good "Ponies in Space" logo for my missions ...
  15. Placebo funny, something that appears to be funny without actually being funny, but still is, and isn't ...
  16. Tests for placebo effects are common, mainly by behavioural psychologists, social anthropologists and librarians.
  17. He's doing miracle on our most beloved mods, but he's not normally expected to do your dayjob as well.
  18. I think he's using a script, or possibly that @linuxgurugamer is a script, or rather an AI construkt.
  19. I've written about this hilarious episode of early days in KSP before, but I still giggle when I think of it. 3 stage std mun/minmus setup (Sat V-ish) but with boosters. Everything looks good at launch, pressing space bar. The boosters shoot off as some very expensive fireworks, might explain why there's still a sticky note on my monitor with the words "Check Staging". Trying to rescue the mission (bad move) I hammer space again to release the docking clamps, the vehicle hovers for 2-3 seconds before gravity wins since the TWR without the boosters is < 1. The whole stack falls down and gradually explodes, starting with the main engine and working it's way up. In the end there's just a big ball of fire on the launchpad, with debris shooting off in all directions, including straight up. To my amazement out of this fiery inferno rolls a seemingly unscathed command pod with my three brave kerbonauts. I cheer and giggle over the wonder, and then a piece of debris decides to give up it's fight with gravity and come back down. On the unscathed command pod, smashing it flat ...
  20. Not using _just_ an XBox controller, but it works perfect for flight/docking/rovers. Using my Xbox 360 controller almost every time I play,
  21. I'll restart a main career in 1.4(.x), which actually is going to be fun
  22. I usually have a robotic tug/tanker docked to my 250km station. Fully capable of topping up or rescuing any returned vessel that has managed to entry some form of Kerbin orbit. The same little tug can is also used to de-orbit empty tanks and other debris.
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