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Curveball Anders

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Everything posted by Curveball Anders

  1. Navigate to the KSP directory, open a terminal window and execute "LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86_64" That should produce some output and hopefully logfiles. Oh, and don't paste logfiles, upload to any external site (gdrive, pastebin ...) and link them. Not everyone has fiber nor browses the forums on a desktop.
  2. If log logs you might start it from a CLI and see if you get any errors.
  3. I wonder if there might be a memory issue. Can you do a "vmstat -s" and check that there's enough memory free (or swap) to start the process?
  4. Welcome to the forums and thank you for posting the answer to your own question. Because that's a big part of why this forum is so good. "There's no wrong questions, the only wrong is withheld answers"
  5. And no big issues with light pollution
  6. and remember that caps-lock activates fine tune controls
  7. Because sometimes I find that the design decisions made by the most honorable crew at Squad doesn't align fully with my own. I have no issues with design constraints, but I'll also avoid annoyance in a game.
  8. "Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing." Ballistic return from 75x75 to literally walking distance from the Kerbonaut Complex
  9. I've added MM-scrips to set "hibernate on warp" as default on probe cores and to set "roll off" as default on AV8s. But that's about it.
  10. I've been in the situation trying to make that decision several times. My conclusion every time has been that it's been worth if, and only if, there's certain known longevity issues (ie upcoming hw/os/toolchain changes) or there's a known set of planned expansions that require serious changes in the current software. I've never found it defendable for "wouldn't it be nice if" (aka WIBNIF) reasons.
  11. I assume that Soyuz is equipped with a Cyrillic keyboard, but it should work with muscle memory
  12. Kerbal Alarm Clock ... I use it all the time to do other stuff while waiting for longer missions to reach important points.
  13. I'd say check your (graphic) settings and compare between the installs. I've got an old potato laptop (Intel graphics ...) that I use when traveling. It "handles" KSP but very barely, at least I can test things on it. And I just tested 1.6 on it and it behaves more or less identical to 1.5.1 and 1.4.5. ps. My standard FPS killer with a fresh install is "show ground crew". ds.
  14. I do both 1 and 2. But I do of course create a new install (or two actually, one that stays fully stock) and copy over the relevant save(s).
  15. Most OS have different power settings for battery and plugged in, regardless of battery level. Check the settings and don't forget to check the settings for multiple GPUs when on a laptop.
  16. The possibility that Squad will create a patch to compensate for a mod is nil. The possibility that MM will be updated if relevant bugs are reported in the MM thread (with logs) is 100%.
  17. Also remember that each lab can be loaded with identical reports, and that their value increases with 'distance' between the lab the the biome from where the report is.
  18. 8GB is enough for most mods, except the shiny ones. Just remember to restart every 3-4 hours.
  19. A. It's free money. B. It's free money and free crew. C. Check the expiration date, normally you have many years to advance your skill tree (and skill) to fulfill the contract.
  20. TY DMagic Sensei. (I actually downloaded and peeked in the code, but didn't find the obvious bit (I'm a total n00b in C#), I might hack it myself, for practice )
  21. I have found, understood and used the config to allowed for longer EVA pipes/struts. But is there any way to increase the "activation" distance? As in how close the EVA:er has to be to the endpoints?
  22. There's one issue that I know of. Starting on non-US/UK locales can mess things up, a minimal script: #!/bin/sh LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86_64 Works for me. (Actually my actual script contains some other stuff like backups but that's superfluous).
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