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Curveball Anders

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Everything posted by Curveball Anders

  1. Welcome to orbit. May it be followed by many more
  2. No Linux support. I'm not going to dualboot and I'm not sure if I can bother with Wine/Proton.
  3. "Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable" JSON (and HTML, and others) are subsets of XML. They are XML with predefined schemes. To say that XML is useless is to say that j.random alphabet is useless because it lacks context awareness and can be used to construct incomprehensible data. But I agree, data saved by KSP2 should be in XML with a published scheme.
  4. Possibly do it proper XML, otherwise I agree.
  5. Actually it's not in your inventory, a science report of if is. Just like when you take a surface sample.
  6. filesharing (gdrive/pastebin/whatever) pasted logs are pain for people on slow links or devices.
  7. win7 will be out security updates befrore KSP2 launches- so make that a win10 dualboot
  8. Now consider the amount of users who would actuality build a home cockpit vs normal users. Any answer is no (redacted) way,
  9. But it's hard to remove useless hard coded excrements that's added to comply with game play you don't asked for.
  10. But you can't remove stock game play. Well actually you can, but it's far deeper than removing parts...
  11. Remember that mods have one strength over stock. You can chose to add them. Se Lex.Firefox of adding crud to stock, and mods to remove idiotic stock features.
  12. There's been a lot talking about the "monetization" . Ok I bought early but even if I've paid 30USD on KSP and 15USD each on the DLC, and now possibly 60 USD on KSP2 (and possibly more on possible DLCs). It's a complete urination in leeward's direction compared to the fun I've had so far, and the fun I expect from KSP2. That money equals to a couple of evening at the pub, it's equal to a local 30d travelpass. If you're a teenager without income, explain the value to your parents, everyone else, evaluate you expenses in fun per money.
  13. Until they fall off yes. I know this by personal experience
  14. I did ship two newbie Kerbonauts on some kind of a trip. I needed a new Rover on Minmus and tried a new (and cruel) way of sending it. Rover, Skycrane, translunar (transminmus) injection and a lifter. But this time the poor sci/eng kerbals was dropped in the external seats on the rover, already at launch... (They did have the protection during the ascent). So they spent about 7 days sitting in their rover on their way to Minmus, and then some horrifying minutes of landing. The landing site was chosen because I had a contract to check the local temperature at some specific sites on Minmus. When coming in for landing I realise that it's a 20 degree slope (yes I use MJ and KER), so I activate the brakes on the rover, then thinking again I deactivate the brakes. I manage to land, separate the skycrane and send it back to orbit as spare fuel and manage to keep the rover from falling over. However, the rover is rolling at an increasing speed down a crater, backwards, in the dark. There are of course lights on the rover, both broad and pin (I'm not that stupid), but they are aimed forward, and I'm currently rolling backwards down a crater... If I hit the brakes the rover will flip, if I try to change direction, the rover will flip. After 3 sessions up and down the crater I manage to get the rover stable (and yes, I had RCS and upward thrusters). Now find the target and move towards is, without getting boored nor sending the rover tumbling.. After a couple of km the rover went tumbling, poor engineer fell out of her seat. It took her Comrade 5 minutes to regain control of the rover, and then she had walk (munwalk/minmuswalk) 350m to regain her seat. I they haven't even begun to do science
  15. Remeber that they don't expire easily, so a "lost" Kerbal can be rescued some years later.
  16. I've never used a MP mod and I have absolutely no intention of ever using MP, stock or mod.
  17. Stock KSP without any mods barely survives om 4GB RAM. Another issue is that you're stating 3.8GB, are you running a 32b OS?
  18. And this time they're coding with consoles in mind from day one. Not hacking it on to a (somewhat) completed game.
  19. My 11 yo Thinkpad T400 has 8GB RAM, the only thing that bogs it down is graphics.
  20. Exactly. The fact that they're talking about consoles is that console support is much harder to fix post design so it has to be included from scratch. Which doesn't mean that KSP2 will actually be launched for console at first light, there's the little issue of certification for each platform (and region in some cases).
  21. I think there will be plenty of essential mods where you can hide that power Edit: Unless it's actually included in the core game too ...
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