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Curveball Anders

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Everything posted by Curveball Anders

  1. The thing I find hardest thing in KSP is playing career and not smacking my monitor and use bad language at the criteria in most contracts. Which is why I rarely play career
  2. That aspect is actually one that I like the most with KSP (but then I like Lego too ). I'm free to decide on my scenario and my tools, and then I get to play with that.
  3. Yup, that's my guess as well. The randomness hints at some form of race condition between two or more threads.
  4. I (ab)useMPLs quite a lot regardless if I play sandbox, science or career. Especially orbital ones. My main reason is that I consider an MPL as essential for any serious station.
  5. With the last bit of the lifter burning out just shy of orbit (so it would technically de-orbit itself). Edit: I admit that I delete debris, but only if it's sub-orbital.
  6. I stand corrected, I don't calculate dV, I leave that for MJ. But I do find some form of, probably perverse, enjoyment of reaching orbit or other goals with as little dV as possible
  7. The problem with sats in KSP is that they doesn't work/count the same way as in RL. Getting a sat in a nice orbit is more or less a one-shot in KSP while in RL they continue to give good data for years and years. But in a singleplayer game with free time-warp it just doesn't work game-wise. I always use sats and probes first anyway, despite it's not being efficient at all. But I'm a silverback and I do what I think is fun
  8. Actually the most of 'us' are having fun playing the game and can't be bothered with corporate politics outside the hours we have to deal with our own corporate politics.
  9. It was my first reaction too. But then I realised my own credo "it's a game, the point is having fun". And while calculating dV is fun for some of us, it's not the only way to have fun (or so I've been told).
  10. Stop posting! You're on vacation! Or was that modder RoverDude while staff RoverDude is on vacation?
  11. I might be playing Devil's Advocate on this and state that the reason is that Squad wanted to have a varied universe with a somewhat real selection of objects. A Mercury-ish, a Venus-ish, a Mars-ish, a Gas giant with assorted moons, a strange one (hello Dres), a far one and assorted 'roids. Adding more could add on the planetary level, but it's Kerbal Space Program, not Geological nor Exo-biological. And, there's always mods. I would rather that Squad spent time fixing and tweaking game basics, handing 'funky stuff' over to modders (and continue to support those modders).
  12. Erh, no. Or rather, not if efficient is calculated in dV. The majority of that precious dV is getting from the KSC to orbit, and burning straight up isn't the most efficient way to reach orbit. The most efficient way must be get an optimal launch with an AP just outside the 70k boundary and right then catching the optimal window to the Mün. But that might not be the most efficient in terms of time, or fun
  13. Personally I have absolute zero interest in KSP multiplayer and wouldn't even look at it. But as long as it's 100% optional and not interfering with singleplayer in any way I have no issues.
  14. Excuse me Sir but that's completely unrelated to the issue at hand. KSP interacts with Unity (and some plugins I think). Unity interacts with Mono (dotnet) and some other bits and bobs. Mono and other bits and bobs interact with the core apis and drivers of the three OS:es that are supported. Without a way to reproduce a crash there's more or less no way to find out what's causing the problem and solve it by changing the broken code (or code around a bug in some other code). If someone has a way to force/create a crash then the logs can be compared with similar system to narrow down the issue(s) at hand. I was away from my rig over the weekend and only spend some hours toying with on my underpowered win7-32 4G (as in 3.5) ram laptoy, aka typewriter. I used a clone from my main rig so I kept the part count down but I didn't have a single crash. But since there are several users who suffer constant crashes on similar systems, even totally stock, there's has to be something in some systems that doesn't play nice (or aren't played nice) with KSP (and/or Unity5). The only way forward is to find that trigger, or module, or behaviour, so Squad can correct it, or code around it.
  15. I don't let it run in the background (of course). I use it at regular intervals to clean out crud and keep an eye on installed software (and plugins)
  16. Or maybe they had to be motivated before they can be recruited
  17. My only data point could be that I haven't had any crashes in any 1.1.x (except due to my own stupidity when moving files in use ...) But I could add that I'm professionally paranoid (as in infosec consultant) and my win10 is very clean from any form of crud (including stuff from MS).
  18. Controlled chaos. The moderators don't get vacations
  19. I use a set of standard lifters for almost every mission. I might tweak them a little for specific missions, but most often I design the mission specific payload, then pick the lifter from sub assemblies that fits the bill. My main reason is that I prefer spending some extra time designing, testing and tweaking a design once, and then just reuse it until I have to design a new one.
  20. Was a bit worried when I designed my latest lander since I've been reading all the horror stories about bugged/broken landing struts. But 4x LT-2 on a 17.5 ton lander had no issues landing on the mün. Even if one hilariously enough exploded when a clumsy Kerbal on EVA managed to walk into it
  21. Unrealistic yes, but maybe not due to the conservation laws. The problem with the fuel ducts is that they allow for pumping ridiculous amounts of fuel thru a wee bit of glorified garden hose.
  22. And like the universal translator it's doesn't always work the way you expected
  23. Mono is a multiplatform implementation of the .NET environment. Basicly allowing developers to use the same (pseudo) code on several different platforms. Or in simpler terms, it's the glue between Unity and whatever OS you are using. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mono_%28software%29
  24. I answered in my first post. "NTDLL.DLL exports the Windows Native API. The Native API is the interface used by user-mode components of the operating system that must run without support from Win32 or other API subsystems." It's a very vital part of the operative system. If you delete it (if its even possible) your system will be dead and you'll have to reinstall.
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