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Curveball Anders

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Everything posted by Curveball Anders

  1. My second was a drone but provided seating for two. Because my first moon-landing carried two Kerbonauts, and they got stuck when their lander fell over
  2. When playing career games I often try to follow a somewhat realistic(-ish) progress. So I start with mission in orbit, then Mun and Minmus before heading out to Duna/Ike and then to bodies further out (or in). I'm also a bit of a sad puppy so I tend get delayed in my plans by saving Kerbals in distress all the time. (In my current, and rather new, save I've got 24 active Kerbonauts, without actually hiring a single one.) All in all it leads to me taking a bit bit of play time before I leave the home system, but after a while I head out.
  3. It can also be be worth to remember that physics calculations and fps isn't that tightly coupled in KSP as in many other FPS-style games. I actually lock my fps to 30, since I don't need more and it leaves more cycles to the game.
  4. I've still got my 1.0.5 install for safety. But I haven't had any reasons to use it post 1.1, yet.
  5. I sometimes slap two Thuds to help an overloaded Skipper before Mainsail is unlocked.
  6. I've noticed that sounds often lingers on a bit when reverting to VAB. And since sound is handled by it's own thread I wonder if a de-synch there can be one source of the crashes some people suffer from. But hard to pin down without a debug build :/
  7. Indeed. The issue might be that such mods not only have to deal with the tracking (which is almost there) but also with the 3D depth issue.
  8. I think that the 'list price' is 39.99, but then it's up to the distributors to decide on actual price and campaigns (When I read the article one rep listed it at 29.99 for instance).
  9. Val broke one by touching it while walking ... I think it might get tweaked when the devs get back from modding vacation.
  10. I agree with this. VR isn't going to be a niche part forever. However the 'killer apps', the software/games that will bring it out from the niche will be written (and most of all designed) for a VR environment from day one (EvE Valkyrie for instance). Adding VR support in retrospect to increase the value of the game/software is almost guaranteed to end in tears. VR adds a completely new paradigm in abilities and, not to forget, UI design.
  11. Yep on all points. Adding VR as a late addition, esp to a program where first person view is totally optional, is an exercise in the futile.
  12. After a quick peek in the process tree (running both 64 and 32) it's clear that Unity does quite a bit of multi threading. The most obvious being music and other sounds, but also other stuff (rendering & PhysX?). But I was only noting that those seemingly random crashes, where several seems to be due to memory corruption, raises a suspicion of threads getting out of sync and messing up memory management
  13. I used to use the (very) old Saitek X-36 HOTAS setup. But it took too much space on my desk when only used for special tasks (not to mention the pain of battling the setup). Can't fly an aircraft without it, but since I don't fly aircrafts in KSP it's not an issue for me.
  14. A bit funny (for me) that they list both KSP and EvE. I play both and while they are technically 'space games', they are so far apart in everything as could be. EvE is a nefarious market/sociological experiment disguised in pretty graphics. KSP is a ongoing lecture in math and physics disguised in silly graphics.
  15. Took my new funky 1+4 Orbital Taxi Mk2 out to pick up two stranded Kerbonauts. And added two bewildered tourists to the cargo to max out the profit. They did get a bit more than just a quick orbit "This is your Captain speaking: We'll hang here for a bit while Jemma in that dead pod EVA's her behind over to us. Please remove any luggage from the other seats and don't eat all the snacks. Thank You." Edit: One of the tourists was named Camus, but he appeared quite philosophical about the situation ...
  16. This is one of very few cases where "don't quit your day job" can be used as a compliment (and prayer)
  17. Ol' Blue Eyes' and Fly me to the moon of course. (And here's the story behind it).
  18. I make a backup of the entire saves folder as part of starting KSP (yes, I'm paranoid). And if a bug in the game corrupts anything outside of that (except for logs) then something is very, very borken.
  19. With my 1.1.2 Duna Exploration science save at a stable point I decided to try my own patience and start a 1.1.2 career game. And after 4 hours playing I still haven't slapped my monitor even once, or even used bad language (but it's been close, if I ever get my hands on the little green critter that came up with those combinations of orbits and speeds it'll end badly).
  20. You can always copy your savefile to safe place (keeping backups is always a good habit).
  21. I noticed a minor glitch in one science save when I started a long (500 pts and slow antenna) transmit from an MPL and switched before it was done. It fixed itself after another transmit from another MPL (that I watched count down) so I didn't worry about it.
  22. Did it with Smart*ss Retro earlier, but your issue got me wondering so I tried it w/o. Just SAS in retro (L1 pilot) and it stayed retro most of the ride, only flipped when past the hot zone. Started with Ap at 71k, Pe at 55k. Kept it at "normal+" to bleed of speed until it started to get hot then clicked retro (the stock one this time). Burnt off < 40 units ablator. Done a bunch of those orbital tourist trips to earn money for a Mün-shot.
  23. I don't remap my kb any more after starting to use an Xbox360 controller for the fiddly manoeuvres.
  24. I'm quite that there is a vi clone in elisp.
  25. I've successfully landed more or less exactly that combo several times today, for the same reason, without any issues.
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